Do a short look into r12-14 players and see if they’ve been afking/scripting/botting/etc. around 2am-9am (for the past 6 weeks) and derank them + take away their epics then ban them for 8 days. GM/HWL gear should be earned 100%. So many cheaters are running around with this gear laughing at every1 and thinking they got away with it.
Blizz, games die due to cheaters… in 2004-2009 Blizz would not let things like this fly which was one of the reasons for WoWs success. Every1 wants to play on even grounds. This is how life works.
I’d agree that high rank PvPers who cheated to get there should have their rewards removed. They should also be perma banned if they were botting. Or at least a 6 month suspension for botting. Problem is I’m not sure there’s always a reliable way to know for sure if the investigation is done after the fact.
It isn’t Blizzard’s job to enforce all the rules of the game and catch anyone who breaks one. You simply cannot do that for $15/mo. No company can.
Mostly that is because “artificial intelligence” does not exist. Cheaters are smarter than computers. So all of this would have to be done by humans, paid human salaries and benefits and training costs and hiring costs, etc.
If you want a game where the company spends all their time catching cheaters, look for one. Be prepared to pay $500/mo for your subscription.
I’m going to go ahead and strongly disagree with you there.
It’s not that it isn’t possible to do given the available funds. It’s that they don’t want to invest in doing so because they don’t find it to be as profitable as the alternative.
Basically it comes down to greed overriding game quality.
I am guessing you are one of those R12+ people who AFKed a majority of your honor…because no one except the cheaters would make any comment defending cheating.
You could easily pull logs and see who was logged in/playing for more than 18 hours a day for the last 3 months. Heck, this is so simple I could write the query to do it with just a little knowledge of their database structure.
I got banned last night I’m definitely guilty of afking AV but reset honor is abit too much. The honor i got from afking was not even 5% of my total honor from the week. This ban was pretty huge and will set me back 2-3 weeks from my goal.
As warrior in a highly competitive realm I struggled to get into wsg premades since everyone follows some private server hero meta that says only one warrior is allowed per team, and we all know that there are 5-6 warriors for any other class ranking right now. To farm 500k honor/w I was playing 15h a day and only afking when I was exhausted of losing AV after AV for pathetic hph trying to solo kill people as a warrior.
The 1 week bans they have been pushing out are more of a punishment then you would think. It won’t take away epics from those that got them but people who didn’t get rank 14 are set back well over a month of progress. People at rank 12-13 are going to lose a massive amount of rank because decay is so steep at higher ranks. I saw at least 2 people on my server who straight up quit the game over getting a 1 week ban.
Good. I’m glad you got caught and I hope it hurts like hell. You sponged off others and justified it somehow. It’s OK to cheat just a little? It’s OK to steal just a bit when you’re tired? Wrong. You’re a cheater and that’s it. Suck it up and learn from it.
All blizzard needs to do is parse players with no healing or damage but who received honor. Let the AI spit out the worst offenders then GM jumps in to visually confirm the bot. Easy ban.