I told you guys the AV bans were for botting

One of the people who got banned finally admitted to botting to prevent their character from going AFK while watching Netflix in this thread.

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So it was for botting and NOT general AFK.

Good to know, and working as intended.


But… But… But macros aren’t botting!

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This person basically used an auto clicker to prevent their character from going AFK. Remember all the threads about people using auto clickers several months ago when all the big servers had log in queues? Same thing happened in AV.


We do not actually know one way or the other.

We have no blue post saying hey this is why we did it.
Could be for one or both reasons, could even be for something else
that we dont even know the person did.

I would simply take it as they seem to be smacking people who are misbehaving, and just play BG’s how they are supposed to be played, and then you have 0 worries.

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Some people didnt use Bots and got banned, It was ALSo for hard afking in AV.

But there are still afkers everywhere tough, so in 1 week will it have really change ?

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If you are truly AFK and not using an auto clicker, you would automatically be removed from AV before the game ended. Honor sponging and being AFK are two different things. This person in question also admitted they never left the starting cave. Quite a bit different from all the complaints about people standing around the GY while fighting is going on.

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some people do it botless
they just poke their cast heal on self key every so often while watching movies etc.

While such a person is technically not entirely AFKeyboard
They are definitely not present in the BG, blizz might be targeting those as well, as they just make an awful BG experience for anyone who is just trying to actively play.

They may have also been watching for a while silently, as is their nature.

Maybe they got 1% of the botters, because there are an insane amount.

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They might not be helping, but they are neither AFK nor botting. I’m still skeptical those players are getting banned.

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Eh nothing at all really can remove your skepticism.
Even if they did, they would not actually announce it specifically.
And out of the banned, only a few will be stupid enough to actually make forum posts refuting it, they will just get pissed off and disappear

I mean, this person didn’t even consider using an auto clicker to prevent AFK a form of botting. Of course Blizzard won’t announce this specifically, we have to read between the lines.

I remember, years ago, listening to a guy talk about an elaborate system for AFKing battlegrounds he had devised, using an oscillating room fan, with a broom handle duct taped to the rotating end, that would mash his keyboard every 10 seconds or so. Very low tech and very funny. This was like 10 years ago. OG AFK botting.


Poor Poor keyboard :crying_cat_face:

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That’s cute a topic about me XD!

Just to clarify the ban was for having multiple afk reports not for botting. So don’t afk even if you’re moving the character yourself.

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You were saying?

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Just repeating what the GM told me on my appeal. You don’t have to believe it.

Of course you had multiple AFK reports. Staying in the cave makes you an easy target for those. When your account was investigated, they also saw the mouse script you were running.

Multiple AFK reports aren’t enough for an 8 day suspension. Lots of people were reported AFK by the AV premades before Blizzard broke them. Some people did receive temporary bans that were overturned when appealed. Some groups still try to report anyone not part of the death ball AFK. No, that mouse script is what brought the hammer down on you.


Someone on my realm admitted to getting banned and stated they never botted but they “AFKed like everyone does”. They also stated that’s fine, they just won’t play AV anymore in some passive-aggressive way as if that is a threat. The horde side won’t miss you. They are a nice person so I wouldn’t say that to them but I’ll say it here.

I’m currently rank 11.5, I was going to stop at 11 but I’m going for 1 more. I’ve AFKed 0 times on purpose. I always participate. I HAVE fallen asleep as I have gotten almost no sleep during this grind and the game has just afked me out because I don’t run any script or cheat. It’s annoying how many cheat when I and other people like me are doing it right.


This is exactly my point. The only way to truly AFK in AV and not get booted is by running a script in game. Blizzard can detect this and does ban accounts for it as it is a form of botting.

Honor soaking is different from being AFK in the starting cave or base or wherever. It requires you to stay with the group, meaning you have to move around the map. They might not be helping with objectives, but they aren’t truly AFK either.

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