I took a break after being phase 1 bis and returned to this…

I work from home and since last week I have only been able to get into 1 raid (gdkp which the RL ninja’d the loot) and 1 daily heroic dungeon. My gear score is about 4200. I can’t even get into a VoA. I immediately get declined the moment I mention 4200 gs. Even with phase 1 bis, people are still gate keeping the content. Everything has to be 4600+ minimum which is totally unacceptable.

Thank you for finally adding RDF. Gear score requirements were getting absolutely insane.


Maybe different on your server but I got a warrior to 80 earlier this week and have already gotten into some beta heroics with lower gs than what you have. I’ve just been queuing up for the dailies, or everything, and someone eventually invites me. Just don’t list your gs.

Will be easier in a few weeks though once we get rdf.

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do some pvp and trick people with the higher GS from the stuff you can buy with honor


You are welcome to make your own groups, but it’s not other players responsibility to help you gear up. Do a WG or two and buy a few pieces of PVP gear (more than good enough for dungeons) or Do some dailies and buy a boe, they are quite affordable now.


Mmm. Well. This is not something you’d wanna hear, but forming own groups is the best way to go.

I’ve geared up multiple toons to 5-5.3. And those are alts.
I get some BOEs and full PvP and off to H++

Being able to tank or heal helps a lot. You don’t even need some crazy gear.

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My mage hit 80 last week. Did 7 betas in total, couple onys and 1 togc normal. Already at 4.8k gs. Just make some friends bro.


He ninja’d the loot instead of the gold? Weird choice.



So you skipped 2 tiers of progress and want to skip over the needed gears to safely get you through current content? Not uncommon but also not impossible to gear up and get into groups.

Step one… Wow token… use RLM to ensure gold that can then be used to buy BoE gear.

Step two… Prepare to ask for a carry. Even if you’re good and pull your weight and can hit the numbers. Just humble yourself and ask for a carry.

Step three… join a guild that is in dire need of more bodies to continue. There are plenty of guilds that go through people and need new blood.

Following these three steps and you will get there…

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Yet somehow, this game just has to have you group with other people to do the content. Tell me, if I have to group with other people to do that content, how are they not responsible to help gear me up at the same time? Same question in reverse to.

I had the same issue when coming back in phase 2, but I actually had to level. It is definitely a server to server and player to player difference just like it was back in OG Wrath(honestly the most #nochanges part of classic). However, just have to stick through it. Let yourself sit in group finder, eventually someone will pick you up. With the joyous journeys and rdf/ICC coming there has been a boom in alts and lower gs groups are becoming more common.

That’s on the game design. I think you should be able to gear up solo, but just because the game isn’t designed that way doesn’t mean random players owe other players any sort of help.

Generally I’d like to see a community that helps each other out more and the only reason I commented is because he said it was unacceptable, which is a ridiculous statement in my mind.

I’m right there in agreement the community should help each other out more, but I also agree it’s unacceptable that people wont invite someone who may be a little behind on the gearing process in content designed for people a little behind on the gearing process. And, sure, they may not “owe” other players any sort of help, but they are saying other players “owe” them that carry, or that help in that dungeon. So, for my time in helping you complete that dungeon, I sure as hell want some upgrade loot at least.

If it helps, I used a calculator and found that anyone who’s in full 225 epic gear, which is the highest gear that Beta dungeons drop(phase 3 as of posting), is only 4,681 gearscore.

And you will still get gated as soon as you get out of RDF content.
And since you haven’t learned how to make your own group or join a guild the same problem will happen later down the road.

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The problem with gear arrives when my alt is 4,642 gs 225 ilvl and hasn’t done a single heroic or raid. I do have 232 ilvl boots/belt crafted and full pvp gear with only 6hrs played at 80. Is this optimal for PVE and doing dungeons no, but that’s the system and why people put up the gate. (Also I’m not contesting your 4681 gs with 225, I’m assuming it’s because of different slots with the weighting. Just found it funny that my alt is literally sitting in that exact ilvl gear avg)

Luckily with RDF this problem will cease to exist with dungeon content, which I think is a good & bad thing, but more good because it removes the gate that isn’t needed.

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It is slot weights that make that difference. A 232(402gs) main hand will give more score than a 232(127gs) wand for example. Which is doubly funny since a 232 trinket will only get you a measly 226 gearscore, but net hundreds of dps over a weapon of same power.

Expecting 4.5k for beta is entirely reasonable. I wish the game required this to use the cube. Failing that, it would be nice if the sign up sheet told us people’s rating in advance instead of forcing us to find out for ourselves. I hate having fresh 80 scrubs sign up for betas hoping to get carried. It’s not other people’s job to carry/gear your outdated character or new scrub. If you can’t get any groups for the old content then go farm honor and buy welfare purples to pad up the rating. Despite having resilience, that gear is good enough to get the job done.

Btw, RDF will not protect you from getting filtered. Every group will check GS at the start and votekick out scrubs. If people from your own realm don’t want to carry you, what makes you think people from OTHER realms are going to do it? Think about that for a moment.

People that have already farmed the content are 5k+. 4.5 was passed LAST phase where the expectation was 4k for alpha.

See the last response.


“If you haven’t already done the content, we’re most certainly not going to take you through the content. Why would I take you into ToC25 if you don’t have at least 245 Ilvl?”

4.5k is already being in mostly beta gear…how is it reasonable to expect people to already have the gear from the content they’re trying to run in order to get gear?

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Because why would they want to help others?

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And then of course they’ll turn right around and go on about how RDF will kill the community and won’t solve any issues with queue times and how they’re able to run dungeons just fine so it must be a problem on your end