I think this could be the end of WOW

Nothing is really competing with WoW at the moment. Maybe New World is sort of close. Wow is still kind of a unicorn in MMPORPGs .

You could be right.

Maybe they change it from ‘World of Warcraft’ to just ‘Warcraft’ and not the old ‘Warcraft’ but a simply new ‘Warcraft’ that is XBox friendly.

No games are being added to the market with this transaction. If WoW continues to make money it will likely stick around for quite some time yet.

ESO is more crowded because you can play without a sub. If WoW were playable in a more or less full way without a sub like ESO is, you’d see WoW fill up, too. On the other hand, if ESO required a sub to be played, you’d see it empty out as well.

FFXIV, on the other hand, is killing WoW atm, that’s true, with the same business model.

ESO is old and combat is meh. WoW is old and combat is meh. It’s time for wow2 action combat pull zenimax and wow team together and make ultimate wow2 mmo

So… a thought…

One poster cited that WoW has made over $10b since its inception. Which is extemely impressive… but also not even 20% of the final sale price of the entire company.

Are we 100% sure WoW is a priority of this purchase at all with it’s high overhead?

I’m NOT saying it isn’t or shouldn’t be… I’m just asking the question.

This is definately one of ESO’s big plusses. Problem is that doing that for WoW is a bit more difficult since ESO’s scaling of player-to-game is done differently. And also, the instance designs of the two games are different, since WoW’s dungeons started way back in, what, 2004? So having capped players running Ragefire Chasm or Stockades wouldn’t be much of a challenge even if the bosses were matched to them. The instances are just so much more simply laid and short.

But it would, on the whole, open up the game world a lot more.

I think you reaching too far. Needs relax and let what happens happen. Don’t like It then quit?

They need to actually compete monetarily in some fashion to be a competitor for a corporation.

Yea sure ill listen to you, im sure MS bought blizz just for CoD and some other bs games

It’s too early to tell but I don’t think WoW as we know it today would be on console. There is a thing called Xbox game pass PC.

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really? i know zero people who still play new world after all the hype around it, and that includes people who “quit wow and will only be playing NW from now on”

I hope they put XP boost materials in the shop. Be fun to level really fast for people that like to level

Bethesda started out like WoW, on full sub. Then when they decided to make it playable on console, they had a problem as Sony had its own sub and they knew players would seriously balk at paying two subs, so the sub was removed. They reintroduced the sub but on a voluntary basis and made it more attractive by giving a lot of extra benefits (the most valuable of which is the bottomless materials storage system). So yes, you can play it for free after buying the base game but you lose all the extra DLCs and the storage system and all the other stuff, so the free game is a lot more limited. Its rather like an extended version of WoW’s trial.

If it were done the same in WoW then no dungeons or raids beyond, say, Vanilla, would be available and that just wouldn’t work.

Anyone who plays ESO in any serious way does so via ESO Plus.

I mean, i would play it lol. And i am sure alot of others would also. Idk if it would be worth it, but in the end, 10 billion dollars. Microsoft wants in on that i am sure. Possibly come up with ideas on how to make more, idk.

Elon musk is shooting cars and people Into space, China just built an artificial sun, and you’re saying wow would be hard to port to console.

Just because its hard in your mind, doesn’t mean it would be hard for people smarter than you lol

Seems like a weak b8 attempt to me

Are these examples of one company trying to run multiple MMORPGs? That’s not what’s happening here, Microsoft isn’t running ESO or WoW.

Nah go on MMO-Champ and Reddit, people really think this will be the end of wow :laughing:

Here’s a thought… what if the current WoW team infrastructure is suffering from bloat overall… and a team with a…say… half of current budget tasked with achieving more is on the table.

I know that sounds counter intuitive but I’ve seen this before personally (professionally). Over-layered systems inside of a company and all that.

I wonder if trimming things may actually advance the product.