I think this could be the end of WOW

A complete reboot with the exact same gameplay/abilities/etc. would be marvelous!!! New graphisms, fresh stories, etc. Yes!! But, didn’t they say there will be a timeskip in 10.0 ?

Just keep the gameplay. It took so much time to learn the current one, I don’t want to redo that job lol

When the Greymoor expansion hit in 2020 ESO picked up another 1.5 million new players. “Dead” is a bit extreme. Whenever I’ve played it the cities and towns have been busy and there have been plenty of people out in what is a very extensive world.

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I dont think I read that anywhere. No way of really knowing right now what will happen, there are too many rumours and ‘leaks’. All we can be sure of is (1) we are leaving Shadowlands and (2) we are going somewhere else. Beyond that, who can say?

As long as a game makes money, a company with good business sense would keep it going. WoW makes Blizzard a lot of money. This could change if enough people stop playing it and the micro-transactions they’ve used to make up for the decline in subs stop doing their job. But that wouldn’t be for quite awhile.


I remember killing a lot of trolls in BfA too and I’m horde. Go figure.

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They would have just bought call of duty if they didn’t plan on working on all the games.

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its kind of a shame, not that i have ever been against wow but rift had its quirks and could have been good but trion had some hint of success and instantly decided to quadruple down and make a bunch of new games with all the money instead of focusing up on solidifying the platform that was making them money to begin with. Right died everything else died and they sold up and have vanished

Uldir sucked.

remember remember the ghuun fight and the orbs…

Before everyone get all excited about Microsoft Possibly buying out Activision Blizzard… it’s the largest cash transaction in human history. it’s got to go through a poopton of regulation and watchdogging before a single dollar changes hands …the whole deal is still in the 'Maybe" stage …
Many companies run 'competing ’ brands and items unbeknownst to the public.
unless and until the last dollar is deposited and the Involved parties sign on the line… don’t be holding your breath.

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You are.




That’s like someone acquiring Coca-Cola and shutting it down in favour of Ralph’s Cola Flavoured Beverage.

WoW is an MMO juggernaut, the prestige of the Warcraft name alone dominates ESO

WoW is pop culture, who outside of MMO fans/Gamers ever heard of ESO? Everyone, gamers and non games atleast know the name: World of Warcraft.

People might know Skyrim, do they know ESO? I find it highly unlikely. The two MMOs are not even in the same league


I’m like that with Old Republic. But I also know that financially they don’t compete at all.

WOW aint gonna die anytime soon :slight_smile:

I think it could work. This is the same company that owns a lot of FPS and now owns CoD with Halo. They can’t get rid of CoD even though it sucks now, the player base is still huge in that game. Same with Halo, Infinite was a huge success. Both, ESO and WoW are big yes and if there’s two different teams working on it separately, which is true, we could see WoW becoming bigger than before. If it’s on Xbox at least. However, if it stays exclusively to PC, then things will remain the same

Other MMOs don’t need to make 1:1 dollars to be a competitor. WoW is a big game, but we’ve gone from 12 mil to 1 mil, in a market where the number of available customers had gone up right around 5x in that time. I think people see what they want to see in Twitch views, Steam MAUs, and financials. So many people here claiming ESO is a tiny dead game non-threat, but it is extremely untrue. Playing ESO is a shocking experience compared to WoW, the low instance queue times, the huge amount of active players in all zones, the number of massive active guilds, how easy it is to build raid PUGs. WoW is huge on paper, but ESO is huge in spirit. You ever see someone in Mechagon in this day and age? The equivalent zone in ESO has 3 layers packed 24/7. People play that game and play it hard, it is a cultural difference. They’re soaking up a lot of WoW refugees just like FFXIV because it feels vibrant.


Always good to have official figures like this… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: If that figure was correct WoW would have the same player numbers as ESO.


good times. we haven’t a good “end of wow” thread since new world launched. i forget how that one turned out.

From the feel of the games, I personally think ESO has quite a lot more active players that WoW. You never have to sit around in half hour queues in ESO, ever, for anything, and they have every instance they ever released available for queue. I think too much of WoW is bots sitting at the auction house and bots spamming website links lol

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Square Enix, makers of Final Fantasy XIV, currently slaughtering WoW, also run Final Fantasy XI, and still release content for it. That’s an even harder sell than having two MMOs about completely different subject matters, and run by essentially different companies.

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