If you mean ESO these games are not even remotely the same. I play both of them and enjoy them both. They are different styles. Both are potential cash cows why not have 2?
I believe this too!
The story of BFA was FANTASTIC !! I loved it. I levelup 6 characters during BFA and enjoyed doing and re-doing the story (alliance side). Stop saying bul… BFA was great, shadowland is cool too (even thought my personal preferences go to local stories other cosmic stories).
By the way, the pvp of legion was fantastic too, it hurts me whenever ppl sp… on it.
hm. I think since they bought Blizzard then they’ll try to profit from their games.
All of them if they can.
Idk, I guess we’ll see how this works out.
Zenimax owns ESO to be accurate. ESO and BGS elder scrolls are separate entities at the corp level. Fallout 76 was BGS’ first actual MMO.
Also not competing with ESO. 76 gets its money from cash shop. and has a different fan base.
and that is a buy the expac model like a normal game. Subs are optional. Want to grind slower…you just buy the expac and call her done.
Bro I can HEAR that gif…
…and I love it.
as long as wow is profitable nothing is changing. this is just industry consolidation. eventually will we just have 2 companies making our games and they will cost 3 times their current prices. this is how late stage capitalism works
Alliance did have really good stories in BfA. The zones were beautiful for both factions, too.
Horde had some good stories but I think alliance won out in that regard.
BfA wasn’t horrible, it was weird. When they added corruptions and that new system, it just came off weird to me.
Agreed. I also think the sub price will go up, too.
They didn’t pay 68B to destroy one of the biggest franchisees they aquired.
Microsoft bought Zenimax last year, and they run one of WoW’s largest competitors Elder Scrolls Online.
I don’t see a big conflict happening there, they cater to a slightly different audience having totally different combat styles and being part of two different beloved franchises.
WoW is extremely salvageable, the bones are still strong. Shadowlands could have been a great expansion with normalized PvP stats. The writing aside, PvP is what caused the whole dumpster fire. Most people aren’t staring at the quest text, it is just fluff. Most people just want to be able to queue for their instances and be able to contribute to that instance and get some fun loot from that instance. It is not that hard to achieve, and I think a lot of the other minor to moderate problems wouldn’t have achieved such a fever pitch if PvP worked this expansion.
WoW will eat ESO any day - like they have for the past decade.
World of Warcraft is not going anywhere.
No company is going to shoot themselves in the foot by killing off a major money maker. Try thinking before you post.
And if not a sequel then perhaps a complete reboot of what we have now. After all Final Fantasy did it and apparently very successfully. Who knows what the future might bring.
ESO isn’t a competitor, really. It exists and it’s another MMORPG, but it doesn’t compete. Most of the MMORPGs don’t really compete with each other.
And it’s still a Zenimax game, just as this will still be a Blizzard game.
LMao ESO is even more dead than WoW
MS is a huge monopoly on gaming, apparently. I don’t have much faith in monopolies.
It started off nice.
To get into grrr faction hate mode the horde opener scenario is real nice
I had a new alt do this. No skips…been a bit so I said lets do this as I had the time.
and there I was ticking off Jaina and having the streets of SW turn red from the blood of dead guards. then we start a fire…again. Fun times really.
then minutes later I am killing trolls. And more trolls. and then some more trolls. then off to nazmir for you guessed it…more trolls.
Cementing the alliance with the trolls I get. Could have let us kill more alliance though. In theory I burned a tree to start a fight. Well…give me the damned fight.
Or kill horde for alliance. Allian e most of the new BFA doesn’t really kill horde. they in fact kill everything else but horde really.
Don’t really agree. For me it is very hard to pick between them. They do compete in some sense, much more strongly for some depending on your outlook on what an MMO should be. ESO and WoW are the two most similar MMOs of the top 20, even though they do have major differences. The core difference is combat stats cap out in ESO permanently after CL1200 or so, and you can achieve this through solo questing, albeit you can still pay for BRP carries to do it faster, but there is no progression wall at all.
WoW 2 - eventually.