I think there should be a group size slider for all content

I want to raid with 3 of my friends… :slight_smile:


All power to you!


4 man raiding can be a thing with the idea, yes.

It isn’t what I would consider a raid, but I would like to see more changes for flexible sized groups or even soloing.

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Technically, you could solo raid with a few ai bots doing the other required roles.

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You’d like the gear-hunting chambers in Torghast, then.

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Oh, yeah, I agree with you. I loved the Mage Tower and I liked Horrific Visions for a while (just do the minimum 5 mask clear each week now feels brain dead).

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For the current “make your own group” selection it would be fine. It would not for dungeon finder or LFR given your proposition defeats their entire purpose - just make your own regular group instead. Timewalking dungeons can probably go both ways - random finder and make your own group. Dungeons would still probably have to have a cap of 5 players otherwise you start to get into junior raiding.

What I’d imagine for the systems made for queuable content going forward is you queue for the content and the group follows afterward.

Like for example:

I’m bored on a Saturday night. I feel like doing Heroic Atal’Dazar on my own, but may need help with Vol’kal later. I’d use something akin to the “Make Public” system Diablo 3 has, and the queue would find where I was and fill people in there just to help out. They then can stay as long as they want.


I just want to have a massive blitz on Atal’Dazar Heroic that same Saturday Night. I just want a legion of people slamming onto bosses like in the old days. I’d make the group public and wait for 40 people, and have a good time there.

The harder difficulties would function as Torghast currently does.

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I agree with this, actually.

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I like the concept of Research/Anima powers, I wish they could experiment with more systems like that.

I disagree here considering this an MMO. Some things need to have forced grouping like dungeons and raiding.

Big disagree here. WoW is meant to be a social experience. Under no circumstance should someone be able to set a slider to 1, and go into the hardest content in the game and just try to solo it. That seems way out there.

Exactly what should never happen.

Those forum posters are wrong. As someone who doesn’t mythic raid, I most certainly do not think the game should be tailored to me and made so I can just go in and solo something like mythic end-game content. Not to mention that balancing this nonsensical mess you’re suggesting be made for a minority of players would be absolutely impossible to balance.

Terrible idea all around.


Somehow, I feel that is causing stagnation. Like forced grouping has had its heyday back in the days of EQ1, but Wildstar tried that idea and failed miserably.

It’s way out there because the game needs new ideas to go forward. The likes of Mionelol would have a field day here, while you and I may struggle. I may work better with a pair or with a smaller group than, say, Method, who may do better with larger groups.

Some variety is needed to spice up the competitive scene as well as bolster the amount of content for causals.

This is vague.

How do I know it’s a minority? I’m actually advocating for a larger playerbase to have an easier time entering the content to begin with as any size. Queueing has its current place and don’t mind it. As the idea is actually using the Torghast engine for most other content aside from Torghast.

How do you know it’s a larger player base?

Simply put - Torghast is being designed from the ground up with seamless scaling in mind. It does not mean all content should conform to that mentality, and no way in hell should current raiding - by definition a form of group content in every game (which has raiding in the first place) on the planet - suddenly become a solo experience. That would be terrible.


I’ve said it before, dungeon scaling from 1-5 would be awesome.

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That’s where I was inspired from.

The amount of effort is similar to the Cataclysm revamp. But the payoff is worth it, IMO.

EQ had forced grouping to do anyting.

WoW does not.

Huge difference.

We already have variety.

We have Content tailored for Solo play. We have Content tailored for group play. We have Content tailored for raid play.

You are removing variety with your option, as you are making all content simplified for solo play.

I disagree. As this would probably be a major push for me to quit WoW as I’d see this as a horrible design decision that does nothing positive for the game from a design standpoint.


The amount of threads against “make your own group” from multiple posters say otherwise. I’m not against it entirely, but see where it needs improvement.

You say I am removing. I’m actually not. Dungeons can be raided, and Raids can be done with smaller groups. It’s not strictly solo play.

That’s a horrendously cynical way of looking at the idea. I’m not saying the idea MUST be implemented. But it would help the game for people like me, IMO.

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Just because a person doesn’t want to make their own group doesn’t mean that in WoW you are forced to group to do anything.

Yes you are. You are removing. You are removing content tuned for 20 people. You are removing content tuned for 5 people.

All content has to be tuned for 1 person, mechanically. Then you just take the boring route of increasing health/damage as it scales up.

And it would hurt the game for people like me.

I can’t quite put my finger on the word that describes the sentiment. Visions do prove that to be true, but not Dungeons, Islands, Warfronts, PVP or Raids.

I don’t necessarily know that. Only Blizzard does if they had a plan for this idea going forward. I could be wrong, you could be wrong. Who knows? But for now, it’s just idle chitchat.

Again, how do I know it would hurt the game? It may sound bad on paper to you, but it could be terribly implemented in stone for me. It varies.