I think it's time to make multi boxing against the rules

Yeah i still have a “main” server and while it is to increase my profit pools by a factor of 10 I also enjoy the added markets for carries/bmah etc. I can afford to shop around for the best price. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I had I think 5 mill on another realm but now I’m down to 1 mill on that single realm atm, been buying crates and tcg stuff or mog heh, been so unlucky. Got tired of waiting for the zulian tiger to show up so thought I’d just buy the boxes instead. Even with 5 mill I probably would’ve got it as everyone over there is broke lol.

there were 2 tigers up yesterday - both “D” realms (one was dentarg i think?) one was at 2.1 mil the other 3.3 mil and climbing. D: I’m after it as well but its a far off goal.

I’m sure there are people that have 10mill on their toons in guilds they’ve been gm of a week ready to xfer for that day. Who’s ever transfer goes through first wins :stuck_out_tongue: I could see it.

I’ve put so much into tokens so far, If I was to liquidate everything I think I’d have like 20 years of sub, around 10 just from my gold lol. Wonder if the games going to last that long.

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Because your post is spam?

There have been many threads every week throughout the expansion whining about it.

It really isn’t. It’s a handful of players starting the same copypasta threads on their alts and their alt troll accounts.

I keep reading how they are stealing your zinanthid, and there’s loads of zinanthid on busy servers at this point in the expansion.

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I feel like the changes with skinning, herbing, mining, etc. … it has opened up a door for taking advantage of excessive farming that was not possible in previous expansions. Yes, dungeon farming has always been a thing (I’ve multiboxed! Did 3 mages - was fun!) but now that raw materials are being scooped up in abundance… it makes you wonder if this is going past that line of exploit.

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well a moderator actually cleared my thread that it wasn’t spam, though after being cleared of wrong doing it was quickly spammed with reports for “trolling” now.
I believe I am having a legitimate discussion for why multi-boxing should be removed. I also believe that the thread will be cleared of the false “Trolling” charges as well.

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It can be a fun thing to see a 40m multiboxer and try to fight them

But it has gotten out of hand recently for the wrong reasons

It’s just easier to farm mats and get a leg up by maintaining multiple accounts and playing them all at once

I’m in favor of a 5 box limit, and feel there should be some restriction on how materials can be collected from the same ip

How has it got out of hand? I see a lot of griping but nothing that is the multiboxers fault. As I’ve said a few times - limiting resource farming will do the opposite of what you think.

This is SUCH a ridiculous comment. Do you realize how small the population of multiboxers is compared to the average player? Do you understand how stats work or do you just like being incredibly hyperbolic because you’re upset? Anyone complaining about multiboxing needs to take a step back and go actually turn the news on to see what a real problem looks like. People getting murdered by police on the daily, a pandemic that is being ignored by our own government, and multiboxing is what you choose to get upset about and waste your time typing out your angry feelings? Multiboxing isn’t hurting anyone. I don’t multibox. Never have, never will. To think that it’s a problem that’s worthy of equating to cheating is about as egregious as comparing one white dude not doing a näzi salute to a girl standing up while the rest of her team kneels. If you guys are this upset about multiboxers, get off the game and go take a walk. You’re playing way too much.

I think people grow agitated of seeing the same type of post over and over.

However, if you’re not glued to the forums, you may have missed that this has been discussed a lot lately.

Multiboxer threads are where I come to read funny comments and see people talk about multiboxing that have done exactly 0 research into how it works so they have no idea what they are talking about lol.

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I started multiboxxing this month and all I’ve done is level :weary: It’s not so bad in Warmode as a boxxer because at certain levels if someone sees you they’ll kill you instantly so the follow limitation doesn’t matter :rofl:

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Did you enjoy Anchor Weed being 120g/unit at the beginning of the expansion? Most people don’t enjoy spending 30+ hours farming their consumables every week.

When I saw Monelite Ore was 40g per I decided I wasn’t going to do any profession stuff lol.

There’s been a multiboxer on my server that’s been buying all my stirrups to farm more ore that produces the same stirrups he buys. mean price is now down to 4g and some change. Multiboxers really do help fix some of the out of control resource costs they did this expansion.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the AH more than anything else in wow, everyone is different.

Past time. WAY past time.

8 would be my limit, I wouldn’t want to manage 2 bnets lol.