I think it's time to make multi boxing against the rules

I know multiboxing is currently allowed in WoW.
But over the years I’ve only seen it have a net negative impact for the game as a whole.

Multiboxing messes with the natural economy of servers.
multiboxing promotes a greifing play style
multiboxing discourages player interaction from others

Unless I’m missing something and someone could maybe explain to me a good thing multiboxing brings to the game I just really don’t understand why it’s allowed. I know it’s not botting, but it honestly feels just one step away from it and I only see it causing problems for everyone else playing the game, it feels wrong for a single person to have such a large impact on a bunch of other people.


Skip to 4:30 time stamp.

In short, multiboxers, your days are numbered. It’s only a matter of time before blizz finally does something about the scourge.


Watching Asmon’s stream?

yeah, I think what blizz did with the AH was a step in the right direction and should be applied to multiboxing as well

I’m not, is he talking about multiboxing?


As long as they continue to pay Blizzard and make the sub numbers look good, they’ll stay forever. Blizzard doesn’t actually care, sadly.


I’m tired of people defending the play style. It may not be cheating (yet), but it’s grinding, immoral, creates difficult competition for casual players, gives the AH income to a select few, and I could go on.

I’m tired of going into world PvP and finding a multiboxer of seven or eight wreck the battlefield. If they’re grinding reagents and staying in their lane, I can swallow it. But please stop abusing the system for your own trolling.


Remember, Blizzard only cares about money, not video game integrity and stability.

I’m pretty sure you should’ve known that during this failure of an expansion called BFA.


I don’t multibox but if people want to spend that much money to have their own personal army that’s their prerogative. Blizzard hasn’t had an issue with it before and still doesn’t now. I don’t see that changing, but it’s hard to say with Blizzard.


What do you even mean by grinding?

And immoral is a joke.

As for the AH? The people who control the AH are the ones who never leave. They don’t have time to go multiboxing.

You’re either very unlucky or you’re wildly exaggerating things.

Activision-Blizzard makes billions of dollars a year. Stop acting like multiboxing is any sort of significant contribution. They could ban it tomorrow, just like they do people who actually cheat, and Bobby Kotick wouldn’t bat an eye.


It actually is bucko. Lying gets you nowhere, they literally only allow this sort of griefing because they make money from it.

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It’s entirely possible to defend multiboxing without being a multiboxer yourself. But you wouldn’t know that. You’re not here to argue in good faith. You’re jut another member of the peanut gallery that shows up in these threads to hate on multiboxers because they don’t play the game the way you think it should be played.

Point to where I lied. Specifically and with examples that prove me wrong. Not just anecdotes and hearsay.

And it’s never been about the money. That’s just a lame conspiracy theory that people came up with to avoid the real reason. They allow multiboxing because they see it as a valid, but unsupported, way to play the game. That’s it. That’s all it’s ever been.


why was my post marked as spam?
I don’t see any other topic on general talking about multiboxing, and multiboxing is a big topic in WoW right now.
I’m all for people disagreeing with me and engaging in a conversation, but why mark it as spam?

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And I see you’ve abandoned all pretense of arguing in good faith. Glad to know i have another person I can safely ignore.


He’s definitely a boxer, haha.

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I don’t argue with fools.

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Nope. I have a single account, but thanks for playing. You’re just another person who can’t handle the truth so you have to bully people for daring to disagree with your feelings.


I’m not bullying anyone. I’m not the one who claimed that what you said was a joke, or called you a sheep, or said you came from the “peanut gallery”.


You have yet to respond to anything I’ve said. You just keep accusing me of being a multiboxer. So, excuse me for not taking you seriously.


You don’t have to take me seriously. We obviously disagree and you’re looking for a fight. I said my peace on why I hate multiboxers, and, shrug, I don’t need to continue to restate it. You can move on.

You said a bunch of vague stuff that mostly applies to people with single accounts as much as it does with multiboxers.