I think it's time to make multi boxing against the rules

I mostly farm and do not purchase items. So not sure what your question to me is about.

I agree but I’d rather play the game which it’s basically auction simulator anymore, making gold always has it’s place, heck mid prog on the fish boss in palace I sniped like 5k herbs on our break in the last minute before pull, wasn’t fast enough and missed my prepot but at least I got those 25 stacks of herbs :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean, it’s not immoral.

Most people don’t want to do that. And those that do, can still make a killing off of buying the multiboxers stock, then flipping the crafted items on the AH. What you’re saying is basically: “I want everyone else, specifically those who play the game fairly I might add, to suffer so my game time feels more meaningful”

I never said anything of the kind.

2 full teams for the win :wink:

I don’t care at all to be honest. Multiboxing gets extremely tedious after awhile. I’ll still have all of the gold and mounts I have acquired from doing it. It’s not like they’re going to go back and take it all away.

Honestly, I think the opposite should happen. I believe, that if EVERY player should… at the MINIMUM, play 2 characters at once, it might offset the notion that multiboxing is cheating/unfair. Just as you wouldn’t take your car to a toilet store to fix it, your opinion on multiboxing is invalid, and quiet frankly bloated. due to you never having even Multiboxed in your lives.


These threads should auto lock after a week of no posts…

Best thing I’ve heard all day.

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heh…yeah…that wont get you nice long vacation at all lol

As we speak there is a multiboxer taking over my server in Stormwind :'D

While I understand the arguments against multi-boxing what I don’t see is anything resembling facts and data. I see a lot of opinions (a few of which are actually rather comical to be honest) but no actual hardcore reasons.

The only people who have actual data on some of the accusations are at Blizzard. Until they take a different stance using the information only they have it’s all just speculation.

(full disclosure: I have two accounts and occasionally one helps the other because squishy toons get stuck but I have never gathered in tandem or PVP’d in tandem).


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16 years and it’s still not going anywhere.

If you dont like that they make more gold then do what they do. Nothing is stopping you.