I think it's the developers that are burned out

I’m fine with it, but you keep regurgitating the same response over and over lol. You are not bringing anything meaningful to the conversation and when I called you out, you started to attack my character, saying I have an unhealthy addiction. You don’t know anything about me in RL.

You are allowed to disagree all you want, but I think you are one that can’t take anyone having rebuttals to what you are saying. You keep saying it’s burn out and we are telling you that it’s not.

I see players like you on the forums all the time. They think they have this obligation to defend the game. I wonder sometimes if you are participating in these threads in an effort to convince yourself that game is still fun. People that are enjoying the expansion are PLAYING IT, not wasting time on the forums.

Also, if you are at work or away from the game, you could spend your time on other threads that are positive, but yet, here you are gravitating towards the negative threads. Perhaps down deep, you also are having issues with the game, you just haven’t realized yet?


It feels generic and so many decisions feel like they were made with /played metrics and micro-transactions in mind. Players shouldn’t see the sausage getting made but it’s so blatant now it’s impossible to not notice.


The entire point was that we have a right to voice that. Taking a break is not going to fix the problem. I could leave and come back and the issue is still not resolved. Ergo, your point is moot…


Well said, I feel like this person isn’t getting it!

They probably are. There is a pandemic for one. Two, they are implementing a ton of new code (Chromie time, Level Squish, etc.) So, maybe give them a little extra time to figure it all out. I’m actually surprised it wasn’t delayed even longer given all the stuff going on.

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I’m sorry you feel that way but from my point of view…

This expansion is magnitudes better than BfA. The systems are tedious and time gated and I dislike that bit but I have been enjoying everything else going on.

I don’t mind the maw.

I love Torghast but would like to see some more rewards from it. If I invest 30 minutes in there I’d like a little something for it … maybe a transmog reward? (Edit: silly autocorrect)

I am thoroughly enjoying the covenants. I have a struggle every time I bring an alt to oribos. I have been taking the more typical covenant choices (dictated by style of class and how they relate - Druid for Night Fae as an example, DK for Necrolord too).

There are plenty of things to do. In general I like that professions aren’t some rep-gated slog fest. I NEVER want to see that again.

There are things that are a little unfun too. Like not having a flight whistle. Like WQ rewards being… unrewarding. Like the maw intro I’ve done 10 times through. Like enchanting and engineering professions (they’re super slog fests).

I’m super critical about Blizzard but I’m still finding a little untarnished lining on these dark clouds of GD despair.

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What you dislike is very well what someone else likes. The thing about likes and dislikes is that they are different for each person and preference is neither right nor wrong.

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Ion and his cronies of yesmen are one of the worst things that has ever happened to this franchise.


Viscidious immune to all but frost damage after 16 years?

I’ve got 'em on ignore, had another thread where they just went off on me for silly reasons. Best not to give them time if they act the way they do.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Some professions still have rep but ya glad they did away with majority of it. Still have gripes with how they make you craft things alot tha tjust gets dumped on the ah for insanely low prices compared to the crafting cost.

I greatly agree with the torghast needing some reward system that isn’t just soul ash, since that doesn’t feel tangible and rewarding.

What have you liked the most though?
I’m finding it hard to find my ‘groove’ still let alone finding a spec I can call a main. (Have had trouble finding a main since I started in Legion). Too picky so lots have little things that annoy me of certain specs.

You’re right, you absolutely do have the right to voice your opinion in the hopes of change

But continuing to pay your sub if you aren’t enjoying the game is a foolish waste of money

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I tried to stick to Beast Master on my hunter but the output and the speed felt too slow for me. I “mained” survival in BfA. (I don’t really main - I have tons of alts). Now that I’ve gone back to survival I’m super happy.

My blood elf hunter joined Night Fae. I’m loving how they’re going and all the flavor around the story. I also loved Alliance toons until BfA… and Blizzard did them dirty. I played a Night Elf for the first half in solidarity of the tree. So this lets me connect back to the alliance too.

Aside from story I’m regularly doing Torghast with my two other family members. We’re also rolling dungeons for some upgrades and we do callings pretty regularly. Since we each have two 60s we usually find something to do together and some stuff solo. Anima grind has been necessary and slightly yuck but since we started doing the trading favors it has made it much easier.

We’re a bit behind on soul ash but I’m not in a rush. We haven’t even found good memories yet but we’re not on the dungeon grind like the key pushers are grinding.

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It’s possible, most MMO’s seem to die off after a good 5-10 years; I wouldn’t be surprised if WoW was reaching that point here.

As far as innovation and such goes, if it weren’t for WoW we likely wouldn’t have as many alternatives as we do today; they set the bar in terms of quality, features, and general expectations.

King of tabbed combat gameplay IMHO even if we don’t like the power systems the core combat loop is incredibly good, even today.

Its not even the same team as BFA tho.

Yeah I’ve had a person I know in WoW tell me not to worry or compare myself to others, to just find some class/spec I like and focus on that. I can’t do the alts thing apart from going through the covenants storyline. I’d love to finally find something I’m happy to stick with so it’s cool to see people like you that can find something they enjoy.

Also envious of that family bit you mention. Must be super chill. I can’t stand doing the LFD/or pugging with random strangers that just blow their lid after any little thing. Not to mention people leaving now if they don’t get their recipe for legendary.

Ardenweald sure is awesome looking though, anyways, enjoy the rest of the journey! :slight_smile:

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This game has problems, same with the devs (you flat out ignored and lied to monks during alpha and beta) but a lot of the issues are more at the corporate level when speaking only about this company. Personally I use to blame the devs for a lot of things but since legion, I think they are more like middle men who have been made into scape goats to a certain degree.

It is. Dude who did stormsong valley, did Bastion. Same ol’ music and art people. And the other areas were given to various members.

The whole team a, team b is just silly non sense.


Again, people are voicing their complaints about THIS expansion. I’m still enjoying parts of the game, plus I play Classic too, still need a sub for that.

It’s not though. At all.

Blizzard doesn’t care that you’re not having a great time if you’re still subbed.

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