I think it's the developers that are burned out

I know some you are just astounded by the new expansion, but I think there is going to be a good chunk of player base that is going to fade fast in SL.

This is the first time in all my years playing Wow that it was absolute slog to level to cap. The story, the poorly written quests, the generic themes of the zones and the overall theme of the expansion made it tough to level.

Everything in the game now from mechanics, systems, art and story feels like it has just been copied from other genres with in gaming. I see elements of mobile gaming, action RPGs, other MMOs, battle royal games. None of the new content feels unique or original anymore or even fits that with in a MMO.

I know WoW was never a huge leader in innovation and always borrowed some ideas, but you can tell the older expansion packs were created by talented and passionate geeks. I think they had a better grasp of what made MMOs fun.

The last few expansion packs just feel like the current team has lost their passion for the game. I feel like the team doesn’t really even know what they want this game to be. It feels like there are 100 bakers trying to bake 1 cake and they all have different ideas on how to make it.

I personally think the current state of the game from my perspective is due to just bored developers. Some of the team have been working on WoW for over 10 years. I mean if that doesn’t create burn out, I don’t know what would. Who wants to work on the same game for 10+ years? After that time you are bound to be burned out and lacking the passion you once had.


If you’re bored, take a break. I did for Legion and BfA, came back for Shadowlands and am having a blast. There’s nothing complex about it


I’m having a pretty good time. I was fairly jaded in the beginning due to the maw and bastion being a complete snooze fest but hit maldraxxis and things improved drastically.

I’m really enjoying the cov system too the abilities are cool


I’m not bored of WoW though. I feel like this is just an excuse people make in an effort to gaslight people into thinking their dislikes of the current game are incorrect.


I agree with you. Taking a break is probably worthwhile from a sanity perspective, but it’s sad that people need to so early on. You skipped 2 system-heavy expansions, so this new one would seem quite fun and different. A lot of people who are burning out now are suffering from residual burnout from the end of BFA. I think many people were hoping SL was going to be completely different, only to find it is more of the same, and then promptly feel burnt out again.


Blizzard dug their heals in and spent 90% of the dev time balancing and rebalancing a terrible terrible system that the playerbase simply didnt want. The developers (specifically Ion and his ilk) wanted this system, typical blizz player feedback was not listened to, they dug themselves in too deep and got stuck in a terrible design.

Ion has to go, he is just too arrogant a game director to think he can design in a vacuum.

If they are feeling burnt out its probably from rework doing the same systems over and over again and ultimately being extremely lacklustre subpar systems.


Maybe those other games copied from WoW. Maybe WoW copied from them – but it’s new to WoW. Why shouldn’t they use it? Did they ever say they would only use content no other game uses?

It’s unrealistic for you to expect humans to FOREVER provide you with new, unique, never-before-seen content. That’s ridiculous. That’s something out of the Arabian nights or a fantasy. That’s magic, not the real world.

Besides, “feels” unique is personal. One person: you. What about players who have never played mobile games, action RPGs, other MMOs or battle royal games (that is, MOST of us)? To us these are all new and unique.


If you dislike the game in its current iteration then you are not having fun with it. Ergo, you are bored of it. If you aren’t enjoying yourself, why are you forcing yourself to play it?


I don’t expect them though. In their effort to innovate or bring new systems, they soured the game for me. All they had to do is release new zones, quests, dungeons, BGs and raids with an occasional new class or race. What they did instead, was trying to shoehorn a whole bunch of systems and ideas from other games into WoW, they basically have turned the game into something different from the original vision the game had.

The developers are bored to tears and their work is showing that.


Who wants to PLAY the same game for 10+ years? Any person gets jaded. Maybe it’s the player who has changed, not the game. How can any normal person be just as excited about their 5th expansion as their 1st one, given that they are all the same game?

So I reject any comparison of SL with Vanilla or TBC. They aren’t being looked at by the same player. But if OP thinks that SL is very different from BFA, that comparison might be reasonable.


Did you play BfA Alliance side, by any chance?


Your so right it doesn’t hurt to take a break, I took a break from Dota 2 about a year, Started playing it recently and its a great game.

I love the IP and I’m voicing my opinion on how the original player base that made this game popular has been very under served the last 4 expansions.


I’m part of that original playerbase and I’m quite pleased by Shadowlands. These are opinions you are having, sir


Ive definitely changed since 2004. I didnt play for a while after WOTLK, but my life is different, my job is different. Long ago I was a hardcore raider, now Im casual. The things that would have upset me about the game back then arent really a big deal anymore. Im older, hopefully wiser, and the reasons why I play now are different in some ways than why I would have played the game long ago. Overall I like Shadowlands and think it was better than BFA the second it came out.

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Ok don’t take a break continue paying the sub :sweat_smile:

Odd, it’s the most fun I have had in years.

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This is all your opinion, maybe you are right though but I didn’t touch Shadowland yet, but I know whatever they made will be fine the art team of WoW always make a good job, its the writting that is pretty bad, WOD was rushed and 70% of its content was cut it was trash, BFA was a extremely huge disappointment they literally did nothing with the HUGE sword stuck in Azeroth like come on… Only Legion story in general was fine since WOD.

In the end its all about people mindset, if you go into a new expansion saying it will be garbage, then it will be garbage for you no matter what, if people are still playing Classic right now and enjoying the zones and even more people cannot wait for TBC classic servers, Shadowland zones will be fine for most people.


I think its ran by developers who only care about raiding and making everything else revolve around it to the cost of everything else.


Maybe it is just bad? I love the mental gymnastics people go through on these forums to try to defend a bad product.