I think it's the developers that are burned out

More people will probably leave due to just being bored rather than the expansion being trash which is honestly much better.

Look at FF14 that game was designed for players to take long breaks but they always come back.

boredom: the state of being bored

bored: not having fun

you keep saying you aren’t having fun. why do you continue to do something you aren’t having fun with?

Torghast is starting to feel like a D3 rift. I’m getting ESO vibes from Revendreth. There’s even mobs casting “harrowing” and all the vampire related quests.

Honestly, there’s a point where coming up with new untapped content/experience is thin. The genre itself can only stretch so far until you just jump into the bizarre.

Devs and players are evolving. At least we live in a world where we have more choices than ever for games to play. Could be held hostage based on societal pressures and mores.

I still level alts in the older expansions as well as RP with people almost every day on MG (not the skeevy stuff) I’m still having fun with WoW, just not the new expansion or the last 3 for that matter. I didn’t really have a problem with WoD all that much.

Your attempts to convince people that they are bored is falling flat here. Again, you are trying to deflect criticism by saying people are just bored.


I haven’t deflected any criticism. Not once have I said your opinions are wrong. But they are that: opinions. I’m personally having fun with the expansion, and you are not. These are simple facts

If you can’t accept this then I’m afraid WoW might be an unhealthy addiction for you

Thank you for sharing the video. It is always great to get another peek into WoWs inner working and, while I did not find anything in the video to support your contention that burnout is a problem, he made it very clear there is a lack of vision and direction which is my pet theory and now I have something to point at in support of it :grin: .

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Shifting blame else where. People can’t honestly keep playing and expect to always have the same level of entertainment. These companies shift to what they see as current and where they think the trend is going. Take a break, less insulting others and more time doing things you enjoy.


You are projecting here again. You are now saying I have an unhealthy addiction, another attempt to dismiss my opinion as just the rantings of some deranged WoW addicted player that needs a break.

I don’t understand why you feel the need to be in this thread in the first place? What is your purpose in posting the same response over and over again?

Go and enjoy the game if you don’t want to see criticism.


They are bored? Awww that sucks. I don’t know anyone else who doesn’t have constant enjoyment in their job.

It’s almost like they should at least be paid a salary to compensate for the lack of excitement.

TBH I just don’t care about the expac. It has some interesting themes and stuff and some amazing quests, specially on Andelweald, but I’m just not feeling it.

Covenants were a good idea and then they added systems over systems to them. They removed azerite/ap only to add anima which just takes up bag space.

Learning so many systems, knowing the maw and its stupid way of working will always be there. Knowing the story just doesn’t hold.

There’s just no motivation /shrug.


They should have just made another game then, instead of turning WoW into World of Diablo.


Yup, oddly disconnected with how things are set up, too ‘rehashed’ and not enough of a solid interesting foundation to utilize the cool zones they did.

Prolly just me.

Well they got rid of all of those. Now it’s mostly grind endless mobs that give 1-2% out of 100% each and 5% elites.

There are a couple, I mean very few cool ones like that. Oddly enough they did a good job with Nazjatar WQ but outside of that it’s mostly just really extra grindier versions of the old WOD pre-WQ quests that were better off just skipping altogether. Some of the little Double Sword quests in Tanaan were just ridiiiiiiculously long. Whelp. Thems is back.

In Naz, loved the gem ones, the ley lines ones, the mass kill everyone ones where you use a murderous creature with insane abilities. The single boss ones, and even the Heart of ExtraActionSlot1 were tolerable. I wish they would do 100% purely fun stuff like that, quick and different, for EVERY WQ. Completely ditch any combat related stuff outside of WTF SMASH with giants and stuff like that. Then maybe I could muster the wherewithall to trudge through the torture that is grinding miniscule morsels of reputation and anima through them currently, again, after doing it in BFA, and Legion, and WOD.

Ugh. I just need something different. I’m literally just not even doing WQ anymore. Sucks I won’t be getting reputation but maybe once pathfinder unlocks I’ll care a bit more. Maybe not. I just get literally sick to my stomach thinking about doing them. I would much rather go play an alt, or clear old raids for transmogs. Or clear old raid for transmogs on an alt.


Just like they fade in every single expansion ever. Nothing new.

This might be the quickest level to max expansion in all the history of WoW.

Good, the zones were awful! The faster the better!

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You ever get one of those quests or boss mechanics that you know was made by a snarky coder to be a jerk and not create something for fun?

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If you can’t handle someone coming in to discuss your topic then don’t post it on a public forum. And now because someone doesn’t agree with you you’re turning into a belligerent child. Have a good day

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trying to figure out at which point blizzard ever released anything that wasn’t already done by another developer. pretty sure that moment has never happened. the only thing blizzard ever had was polish. they were good at that, they seem to have forgotten that over the years though.


 it’s the player base that’s burnt out. We get bored and complain if they keep things the same and we get upset and complain if they change things. The player base doesn’t know what it wants.

Blizzard should ignore the player base and just keep working.