I think it's the developers that are burned out

My single subscription won’t matter one way or another. They seem to have an audience for what they have been shoveling out. I guess I really underestimate people’s tolerance for subpar entertainment. I mean the new Star Wars were god awful and they made billions off them.


“Someone likes something I don’t so obviously their taste in entertainment is garbage”

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Oh be gone already, you made your point. You are just trolling now lol.

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Completely agree with you. I’ve been playing since the end of BC. This has been the worst opening of an expansion that I have experienced to date. I do not feel a connection to anything. The story is not exciting at all. The zones are okay but again, nothing super exciting. The Maw setup is cumbersome. I am feeling about this expansion the way I would normally feel about two years in to one. It’s not likely that things will change or improve because you’ll always have people that will buy anything that is offered to them, no matter how bad it is.

At this point, I’m just gearing up so that I can go back and better solo more recent past expansion content (i.e. dungeons and raids). That is assuming that Blizzard fixed the problem that was making older raids harder to solo at level 60. I haven’t seen any news on that so I’m unsure.


Shadowlands is their most popular expansion in a decade so far.

Been playing since BC so it’s w/e man. Either you like it or you don’t. I don’t know why you would support an expansion if you’re not enjoying it. I didn’t enjoy Legion or BFA and just RPed. But I also didn’t subscribe long to either of those expansion.

Having a different opinion than you and thinking your aggressive statements and backhanded comments are inappropriate is not trolling

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I have a hunch that David Kim will be replacing Ion in the future, just not sure on what time line that will be 1-3 years maybe?

They cant just dump him cold.


begone shoo shoo. By the way, I looked at your post history and if anyone is aggressive and annoying it’s you.

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I play only one character, and to a high level. This expansion has required very little time from me so far. I like this expansion much more than bfa so far, because I have time to do other hobbies besides Warcraft and still maintain a high level character.

I mean in almost every way this expansion is better than bfa, and still people say the entire expansion is trash.

Well do what I do. Play only one character and play other games. This will give you perspective I think.

No I’m not going to leave. Your topic is on a public forum and I am free to join in the discussion as I like. If that upsets you then stop posting publicly

Also pretty pathetic to be looking at peoples’ post history to find ammo against them

Ardenweald is probably one of the best looking zones I’ve ever seen in the game. It’s absolutely stunning. It’s a fantasy MMORPG, the themes are always going to be based on that very fact alone. The zones are absolutely fantastic, as are many of the quests. I disagree with your opinions BIG time.

The Exodus has been happening in the most recent of years, afaik. Meaning during the development of Shadowlands expansion, and possibly even some of last expansion’s content.

“WoD is the last expansion”
“Legion is the last expansion”
“BFA ISNT the last expansion.”
“Shadowlands has to be the last expansion.”

This is all I’ve been reading since WOD came out, and I refused to play in WOD and Legion. SL is refreshing compared to BFA…

Remember BFA brought us: laser matrix, pearl farming on 10 alts, neck leveling, cloak leveling, overtuned gear, undertuned gear, oopsie doosie game breaking bugs, a billion world quests you HAD TO DO, Islands, professions that required 3 star ratings to craft items to get procs, over pruned classes, no difficulty in heroic anything (no one did normals… there was no point)…

I mean. If you think SL is bad, did the past 2 years just fade out of memory?

Burned out devs:
Hey lets hire someone who will just use the pastel paint palette.
Make everything looks smooth and soft and easy on the eyes so objects blend mroe with the foreground and background so those
with color issues easily get lost in the game and minimap becomes a crutch! LOL!!! wouldn’t that be a hoot!


Escape --> Interface --> Display --> Outline Mode DISABLED.

Makes quest items and farming nodes sparkle again.

Go play an amazing game like Hades and go outside for a few weeks. Your burned come back when you’re refreshed.

I love Hades, play it all the time lol. My distaste for this expansion has nothing to do with burn out. The pro SL people need to come up with a better line for deflecting criticism.


Problem is ,nowadays, it is difficult to make your own ideas. Everything has been done at some point by another. However the devs have lost their creativity and passion. Order Hall, Artifact Power, WQs, Azerite, Anima, Covenant Halls, all the same. Grind for Covenant Halls and WQs is actually worse in SL.

I sometimes think why I still come back and it is because WoW is so old I play it just to play it.

You are totally right about the gaslighting thing. Been seeing it for awhile now.