I think it's the developers that are burned out

This sums up the truth 100% . what we see now is less passionate employees being directed by over worked managers to produce content on a scheduled timeframe. Lost and gone are the days where excitement and creativity was present in the game design meetings …you can actually feel it in the game now sad really


Maybe they are.

Maybe you are burnt out and projecting.

Maybe working for a company that does not adequately compensate you for your work is soul-crushing so employees only bother to do the bare minimum.

Maybe having someone who is a numbers guy and a lawyer in charge doesn’t spark creativity. May even actively squash creativity because it is unimportant as anything more than cosmetics prettying up their numbers in their world view.

Maybe the playerbase has changed and their main care is about having the biggest numbers so creativity is no longer a priority.

I could do this all day. But at the end of it, it is all air and fairy dust because without facts pinpointing whether the issue and/or issues lies with you or the playerbase as whole or the employees or the leadership or the company, there can be no solution.

Its a mixed bag for me so far. I find the leveling definitely better in SL compared to BFA. For me BFA was the real slog.

I enjoyed all 4 zones in SL, where as Drustvar was the only zone I enjoyed for horde and alliance in BFA.

Having said that, I am done with the time gated grinds. Its the same old nonsense and I won’t be partaking in it seriously at all. I used to have all expansion to catch up as a filthy casual, now I have patches. So why bother? I will just wait for the catch-up mechanics Blizzard will be forced to do each patch and do that instead.

I am not logging in daily or even weekly to repeat content I have already done for a 1% increase a pop. I have better things to do with my time. Blizzard can create content and not borrowed power daily tripe if they want me to stay subbed for more than a month each patch.


The big zones are more expensive to produce now. Chris Kaleiki talk about this with Keven Jordan on a stream. I’m sure dungeons fall under this too. Chris said the team’s budget for landscape is a lot tighter now due the updated graphics.

WOD was made by the current team.

Detailed responses fall on deaf ears here. This is why I don’t bother going into real detail, because posters like you just try to gaslight people into thinking they’re just burned out. I still love WoW, but the current game has strayed so much from the original vision of the game, it barely plays like the early expansions.

The current development team made WOD as well. WOD was kind of the start of it all.

This is a recent developer that just left, been with the company 13 years.


Honestly I enjoyed my first toon back in Vanilla more than I do things right now. I leveled all the way to 60 almost exclusively by killing things and did not know what dungeons were all about.

Now I have leveled my main to 60 (fast) along what I took to be a mediocre storyline. It seems this Renown stuff is the meat and potatoes of the game now but aside from learning how to get lvl 1, it seems I am not going further until something on all the web sites clicks (my issue, but it is a killer one game wise). It does seem I can do something to catch up at some rate by doing dungeons, raids and PvP but nothing in the part of the game where we interact with others.

I have never been like this before, but it looks like SL might like the end of an expansion: level everything to max level to be ready for the next expansion. Next, go and farm any mogs or achievements from earlier expansions.

Any pointers that could get the gears going on this expansion before it becomes the equivalent of the last 60-90 days of one where you just find something to kill time?

wut? I actually enjoyed running thru the zone.
I made the mistake of thinking I wanted to skip it all with an alt, now Im regretting not just taking the path thru the content again.
FAR better than BFA slogging it, thats for certain.

is that the guy who left in kinda a tantrum tossing way because he seems to think raiding should be for the elite again, lol?
if so, good riddance.

Wow WAY off the mark…most of WoW’s original team is gone…it’s not burn out…it’s one developer per department trying to do the job of what would usually be the duties of 10 developers…


He didn’t say anything of the sort. Watch the video.

Um, your wrong lol. A lot of the developers that work on WoW have been with the company a long time. A lot of the Vanilla developers are gone, I will give you that.

Watch the video again, the developer who left stated that the departments (or in the very least his department) were understaffed and running bare bones…it’s not burn out…it’s exhaustion…a lot of places expect a small team to do the work of an exponentially larger staff. The time gating, minimal content, and lack of originality all are symptoms of expecting the few to do the work of the many…and it doesn’t work.

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I’m not bored. I am craving content relevant to ME. I want to play. There is simply not enough to do that is interesting or fun at the moment, and when you do find something to do in game, they timegate it. Can’t always be the Pollyanna…


If I had to chose to keep just one sentence from all of the text that we poured on these forums since the SL launch, Th is would be it:


I think that blizzards wow team is composed of LOTS of people who detest the core game that is wow, and all the mechanics stystems and features all point to wanting some other form of game type to evolve out of the simple, elegant, fun recipe that made wow as popular as it once was when it was a traditional mmorpg.

Whens the last time they really focused on side questing across the world, then focused on endgame instances, with known easy to understand gear where it was clear what you needed to get?

What WOLK was the last time that recipe was the focal point of WOWs xpac?

Anyway i think ponytail bro being in charge was the nail in the coffin for wow, as he clearly never respected the original recipe that made the game as successful as it once was…every attempt to reinvent the wheel leads to lower and lower player numbers.


This interview pretty much sums things up very well. Kevin Jordan is one of the Vanilla developers.


Then you aren’t having fun with the game. Ergo, you are bored with it. So. Take. A. Break. It’s not a difficult concept. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play it. Only you are forcing yourself to play it

You are confusing criticism with boredom . The people complaining are not bored. Why is this such a difficult thing for you to get? You keep spewing the same sentence over and over again. I think you might need to take a break from these forums, or perhaps since you are posting here so much, maybe you are the one that is truly bored of the game?


This, and its not necessarily using boredom as the right word. Its more confusion as to what the game is, where its going, and what its players want.

Weve gone so far away from the core game that wow use to be, and what made it so popular and fun that i think people forget what a mmorpg was and why we even play it.

Is wow to be a minigame hub where i can log in play flappy bird and match three between fetch and kill quests and then do may dailies…or is this an RPG where i level up gear up and do endgame content for gear?


I think a lot of the changes that eroded away the MMO part of the game came from the team implementing too many systems from Diablo. I get why they did it, Diablo operates on seasons and is a great game to drop in and out of. You can progress with small play session bursts as well.

The problem is, a lot of those systems don’t work that great with a grouped based game like WoW. For instance, I personally think M+ is one of the most toxic systems they have ever introduced into the game.


Its more the move to a live service mentality vs creating a coherent game world and game systems to compliment it.

Diablo style loot in wow would be fun, but its never the fun mechanics they take, its the mechanics that draw out time played most.


And then wear that gear and use abilities as we see fit, like an RPG…in MMORPG, which is what WoW is advertised as or at least was…