I think I have "Difficulty Blindness."

To a Chaotic Neutral Satanic moral-relativist like me? Absolutely. We’re on the same page about helping those in need, but we prefer to be on different sides of the law. What you consider evil might just be how someone else goes about living their life. I see no compelling reason to deem you righteous and them wicked.

I don’t like judges, I don’t respect law enforcement, I don’t support law makers, I don’t recognize any authority whatsoever, and I advocate for everyone to live their own truth, even if that truth is “I’m undead and I need to eat people to continue existing.”

If you come after me and mine, we’re going to fight, but I’m not going to exterminate you for hunting food and then call myself a hero.

a man wants to stab a baby.

is that good or evil? not in a greater spiritual sense or some metaphysical “good vs evil” thing.

if you saw a man chasing a child with a knife would you shrug and say “he’s just living his life”?

Sorry, not trying to start an argument, feel free to not respond to this, I don’t want to derail your thread.

Not really lmao. They’re all very easy. Momentum/essence break is definitely harder to play than fury. Also, why would you count utility abilities??

OP reminded of a song in his quest to justify that entrance:

Every class in this game is actually very easy. The average amount of buttons in each class’s rotation is quite low, and the vast majority of specs are now builder/spender based.

I believe what you’ve discovered is the fact that the average skill level of the playerbase is quite low. This explains why so many people complained back in WoD when the silver proving grounds requirement was added to be able to queue for heroics, despite proving grounds being easy and scaling to your gear level. They simply lacked the skill level to be able to clear it, which is why Blizzard caved, and that is why you often have so many hard carries in dungeon finder and LFR. This also explains why so many players who played during Legion were somehow incapable of clearing mage tower despite even the relinquished gear available from tokens at the end almost trivializing it completely.

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Using utility is part of a classes difficulty ceiling.

You wouldn’t say someone who never kicks or uses defensives has mastered the class, would you?

In fact, I would. I disabled amber alerts on my phone, too. Some people would say that makes me a bad person, but I say I’m just someone who minds his own business. My thing is, I don’t know the situation. What if that guy’s a time traveler and the baby is destined to commit mass genocide? I don’t know anything about anything. I’m just a dude walking by. So, no. I wouldn’t do anything more than shrug it off. I doubt I’d even mention it to anyone. I don’t speak to police, so there’s no one to report it to.

And I wouldn’t judge the man either, because again, I don’t know his story.

Maybe the baby is innocent and the man is mentally ill, in which case, he still isn’t evil.

But then, I don’t believe in evil, so it would be hard to cite an example of something I would universally condemn as immoral. There are caveats to everything, and nothing happens without a motive of some sort. I’d have to have all the information before I acted, and even then, I doubt I would think it my place to intervene in the fates of other people.

I don’t put rotation mastery and utility in the same group.

When talking about class difficulty, a players ability to hit Darkness or Barkskin is not what people think of.

Every class is so “hard” to get the rotation that you can macro all of them and mostly go even better than those “doing it by hand”.

We need people to write /s when they’re being sarcastic, because I don’t know when it’s happening.

He’s trolling. Also, what content do you do?

I hit that altahol pretty hard. Got a whole bunch of alts that I level. At 50+, I do world quests, dailies, fishing, archaeology, run legacy dungeons and raids, pet battle, collect mounts, transmogs, and battle pets, do professions, chase certain types of achievements, camp rares, role-play, and build my garrisons/manufacture and sell hexweave bags.

If you want a challenge, play a healer.

You have to deal with the stupidity of other players, nothing harder than that.

No joke but Arcane can do 99% of content in this game with just Arcane Blast.

Does it get any less challenging than DH? Because as you can see, that’s what I am.

There is even an addon for you to not need to do anything but “be there and avoid standing on crap”.

I actually identify with what you’re saying. As to you closing question: I find demo lock in it’s current state in shadowlands somewhat hard to wrap my brain around, for maximum dps. But, it’s still fun and I figure it out a bit when I play it for a while. But I’d say the hardest classes I’ve played are probably demo lock and the way I built frost dk for pve. Again, I figured it out, I think to the best it could’ve been but I remember struggling with those for a while. Despite that I like you play everything and don’t find most of it hard. Although, I tend to avoid challenge modes. Aside from the challenge of doing my best as an undergeared character in random BGs.

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Demon hunters are mind numbingly easy to play. Takes literally zero skill.

Yes really.

Easy to play maybe. Easy to play properly no.

Because at high end utility is a major component.

no one is so blind as those who won’t see

some classes and specs are ‘easier’ than others, there is no two ways about it. you just aren’t paying attention if you think they are all the same.

this is rather doubtful - you are on wyrmrest accord

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