I think I have "Difficulty Blindness."

You’re basing this off of playing every class at its lowest level. The only thing you’re really proving is that every class is capable of being played by just about anyone. Complexity comes in trying to optimize your play, and dealing with complex situations with your toolkit.

This isn’t a dig at you. You’re just making a pretty blanket statement without all the information.


Depends on the class and the content. Like doing arenas on a slow caster… not fun vs melee comps that whirl around you. I find doing stuff like torgast harder on locks since they don’t have an interupt for example. Pulling multi-elites on some affixes is hard without the silence/long stun cds and fear pulling enemy packs to you.

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I’ve never been a kiting mage. I just use my bubble and nova/blink if needed. Otherwise it’s just smash and cleave really not a fan of blizzard mobbing


That I have spent some time playing each class and am familiar with their abilities in the context that I will be using them.

What else would it mean?


I’m not really making any blanket statements, just sharing my experience and asking questions.

What statement do you feel that I made aside from sharing my own anecdotal viewpoint?

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As most games, knowing what to do is just a matter of paying attention and having common sense. That is what “intuitive design”, a discipline of game development, among other areas, teach.

You dont really need all this gloating. Anyone can do relatively well in this game just by doing it with a little of care. Those who dont are just not paying enough attention.

There are no “mystery skills” or “painfully learned by experience” anything to World of Warcraft.

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Those two quoted statements together make it sound like you’re presenting yourself as an authority.

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I don’t see it. You even quoted my qualifier, “To me.” This marks my statement as anecdote. As for being well-versed in the playstyle and vibe of each class, I’ve spent 17 years playing these classes. I can’t help but be well-versed in their vibe and playstyle. How is that gloating? If you aren’t well-versed in a class’s playstyle and vibe, that means you haven’t actually played that class.

My point is, I’ve played all the classes. I was presenting my background before stating my point of view. I followed that up by opening a discourse with questions. I never said anything implying I was an authority, and the fact that you perceived it otherwise is bizarre. Seems passive-aggressive as well, but I’m at a loss for why you would feel that way about me.

I don’t even know who you are.

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Woah shocking leveling and questing in this game is designed to make you think you know what you’re doing.

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Okay, but you’re not. You’re not playing with any sort of intricacy. You’re not playing with any kind of challenge.

I can quest on every class with one button. That doesn’t mean I’m playing them well or have even the slightest clue how they work.

But I’m not playing this game, we’re done. Bye.

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Maybe I have smoked too much tonight, but I’m having trouble understanding what you’re trying to say. Could you rephrase this for me, if it’s not too much trouble?

I suppose this is semantics then.

In my use of language, “well-versed” and “familiar” are synonyms.

Purely from a healing perspective, I’m finding Shamans more challenging to play (in M+ dungeons), than the other healers. There’s so much you have to keep track of: keeping Earth Shield up on the tank, using Healing Steam totem on cooldown, keeping Flame Shock up on enemies. And then there’s the utility - like Capacitor Totem, Earthbind if the tank wants to kite (e.g., Necrotic week), interrupts, dispels, Hex. And if that weren’t enough challenge, the cast times of many of the spells are sooooo loooong. I always feel like there is never enough time to execute all of the actions I want to, so it becomes a matter of deciding which actions to deprioritize.


I mean, yeah. You could literally do all of those things using a single ability with all your gear broken and still succeed.

You start to notice the difficulty of a class by how much easier it is to play in difficult content in comparison to others.


Of course you can.


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Then, this thread has served its purpose. I will continue to experience all classes as roughly the same difficulty level because, if the consensus is any indicator, disparities do not appear until one engages in content beyond the scope of what I am willing to do.

This isn’t an oddity, but an experience common to all players - information I did not initially have.

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Name any class that needs more than one ability for questing.

Dunno why we’re pretending it’s hard.


Every single one.


I feel attacked.

being a champion of good, helping those in need, defending the defenseless, upholding the law, healing the sick, and not compromising to evil is distasteful?



I really do not care enough to bother with this. Just realize the irony of saying this from a mage.

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