I’ve leveled every class to at least level 50. In Legion, I had every class capped. I am, therefore, well-versed in the playstyle and vibe of each and every class.
People like to say that DH is mindlessly easy while classes like Warrior and Shaman are harder. I don’t notice this. To me, all classes are the exact same difficulty. I don’t notice that I perform better or worse on any class. I dislike leveling Paladin because I find their theme distasteful. I dislike leveling mage because I don’t enjoy kiting. But I perform just as well on those classes.
I also find that when people complain that content is too hard, I avoid doing it completely, but then when I try it, it turns out that I found the content easy.
I feel like I’m missing whatever sensibility we use to determine how challenging a thing is. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
In your opinion, what classes are easiest?
What classes are most challenging?
Why do you feel this way?
I think every class has a pretty basic rotation. They are all easy in my opinion. The difference between players is mostly how you use your cd’s, when, and how to position to maximize uptime etc. Especially on single target, rotations are usually pretty easy without much variation. There is more room for mistakes on multiple targets depending on your class like shadow priests for example are significantly more effort to play in a m+ than a DH is. Thought if playing momentum, I would say playing a DH effectively is harder than almost if not all classes.
I think about it like effort rather than difficulty. This mage is insanely low effort, I spam blizzard on 2 targets or more, use frozen orb, and spam ice lance for the most part. I can’t imagine it being any easier, yet I still see people who don’t do it correctly. I can say with confidence my frost mage has to be one of the easiest classes in the game, but I still don’t think other stuff is necessarily difficult.
Classes with a mix of ranged and melee.
Because instead of one playstyle, it requires combining two playstyles.
And because I play all my characters at whim, meaning I switch back and forth among them according to my mood, I really have to change my mindset for those ones.
Now I am not saying this is a bad thing as more challenging can equal more fun for me when I am in the mood for it.
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Which classes would you say qualify? I’m drawing a blank trying to think of anyone that fights both at ranged and melee, unless you mean changing up after you change specs?
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enhance and chain lightning running around in keys in and out alot i basically never sit still much anyway to boring.
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Frost Death Knight
Enhancement Shaman
Retribution Paladin
Also my Feral Druid could fall into this category because I will occasionally switch from cat form to human form in order to lure my prey to me with a ranged spell. But as it is only occasionally, the challenge is much lower for me.
Demon hunters are mind numbingly easy
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Elemental shaman raid build due to the amount of moving parts it has, along with having to predict movement accurately due to it being a class and spec that cannot miss any GCD’s while fighting if possible.
Like for instance you have to icefury right before you have to move so that while moving your still spending your GCD’s and maintaining pressure on the boss due to the long cast times of elemental. Along with knowing how to weave and work with master of the elements properly to ensure your spending the amp on the proper abilites at the point in time your at.
Elemental raid shaman is more than likely the most complex spec in game to learn and play due to how it works and interacts.
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Its stagger mechanic and brews requires add-ons to be effective . The scaling system also make Brewmaster tanks the worst while leveling up
Interesting! I find brewmaster takes less effort to level as than Windwalker, but I think the difference is that I’m solo questing and not tanking. Maybe the notion of certain classes being “difficult” is primarily based on dungeon/group performance?
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i agree with you overall. i think decent players can pick up and play any spec at the 50% level pretty easily. doing it at the 95% level is a different story. (obviously some can do that too!)
Here goes a wall of text but bare with me. I think Arms Warrior is the easiest class in the game. Over power and mortal strike with your main cool downs lol. Oh yeah condemn. Momentum essence break dh I am finding is more challenging than I was expecting. Im really liking it and I am probably going to start learning how to tank for the first time with vengeance. Hunters are pretty easy. Not as easy as Arms Warrior though lol. Monks are easy cause I leveled a WW as one of my first characters so maybe I’m not the best judge on that. WW burst is out of this world fun and I always end up going back to my monk fun fun dungeon runs. Feral is awesome but other Druid specs suck and druids suck and I hate them. I actually don’t like ranged classes at all outside of hunter. For the rogue specs I’m going to say outlaw took longer to get used too than subtley. Subtley can be very punishing if you make a mistake and outlaw i felt was way more consistent. Assassination rogue is not entertaining to me for some reason. Those are the classes I have experience with. I am on 9/10 heroic and 1/10 mythic on my Subtley Rogue so not an impressive feat but that’s my opinion for what it’s worth on the classes I’ve leveled. Shadowlands is also my first expansion and the other mmo’s I have experience with are Black Desert Online and FFXIV leveling.
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I agree with this. All classes are pretty easy to play.
I agree, but I find Paladin and Mage take a long, long time to level compared to everything else. I don’t think they necessarily do. Most people say those classes are particularly easy, but I hate Paladins thematically, and I don’t kite as any class including mage. So I attribute my perception of how long it takes to those factors.
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All classes feel as easy to play to me as the next (except healers) yet I feel there are definitely more “punishing” classes when you mess up for sure. There are also classes that feel much much easier to quest as too.
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‘‘Most’’ specs are pretty easy but if you want to play them optimally, some of them do have a skill ceiling. I guess you just are amazing? (lol)
Content varies for everyone.
It’s not a new concept, you don’t have any difficulty with content some others may find difficult… I understand that concept so I’ve never felt the need to ask anyone.
Also, not sure what content you play, a visual on how you play and so on so it’s hard to judge. Usually people very sure of themselves on not seeing things as difficult are lying to themselves 90% of the times but don’t actually realize it.
At the least, arcane mage does due to all the time outs for snacks
It really depends…
Even between pve and pvp each class and their specs have to be used differently. Some may be a bit more difficult to utilize in pvp than pve and some more complex to utilize in pve than pvp. Like, take arcane spec for mages for examples. Some would scoff at how easy they are able to utilize it in pve, but in pvp it would be a whole different story where that pve rotation for kyrians for example won’t be so simple to execute against experienced players in pvp or even being able to cast anything.
To me, since I don’t pvp as I used to, it’s hard for me to try and get used to pvp anywhere on any class that I play (demon hunter, death knight, mage, paladin, warrior). But, in pve I’ll have a good time figuring stuff out and what to do.
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They actually aren’t. Some classes have much simpler rotations in comparison to other classes.
You have to take into account that you’re doing “just as well” in a solo environment.
The game changes in group content.
Demon hunter
BM hunter are probably the two easiest.
Shadow priest and affliction lock are pretty intense rotations to play properly.
Kyrian arcane is simple and hard at the same time. Like the difficulty comes from knowing when and where to use your CDs during fights because if you mess up your damage window your damage tanks.
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Arcane is probably the easiest to level because you one/two shot everything with 4 stack blasts.