I think I have "Difficulty Blindness."

Shadow, Sub, All lock specs, and maybe frost DK (not even kidding, I’ve always struggled with Breath).

These specs have a lot to manage in order to get the most out of them. More so than others in my experience.

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Seems like every class has potential to use a simple rotation…and then potential for more complex ones. DH can certainly be the most mindless class in either roll…or you can start using some of the more advanced builds.

The issue, imo, is that the more advanced builds/specs don’t always reward the effort. So in BfA, you could do a simple Trail of Ruin build and top meters. Now, you have to go with a zippy momentum based build to top meters… but it’s not actually as significant of a difference in many scenarios as it should be. A lot of extra planning for hit or miss results.

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I think some are harder than others. But it has varied for me significantly, some are perceived harder but I found easier. Some aren’t the hardest but I found hard.

Hard to me;

  • WW Monk in terms of optimal play (I find it much harder to make use of the lust window in raids/dungeons and I find it hard to maintain the core playstyle.

  • Feral druid; core gameplay is fine but I cannot make the most of it and Owlweave as well as some friends can pull it off. Especially with HoTW feels like this is a missed opportunity for me.

  • Both shaman dps: failed to master the requirements at a really high level.


  • Boomkin; DoT and optimise burst window. At the core regardless of Venthyr/Night Fae this is basically a 2-3 minute window burst class. Starfall on 2+ targets.

  • Shadow priest;
    Class is well optimised for all types of content it participates in. Raid/ST easy choose misery; aoe past 3 targets choose searing nightmare. Class makes it easy to apply DoTs too.

  • Demon Hunter and BM hunter; honestly not much to say to explain why I find these easy. BM only requires a multi shot to turn on cleave and has optimisations in terms of distributing barbed shot. Momentum DH is very strong at the moment so might swap for a bit.

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I would love to hear what you think DH has that’s actually “advanced”

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I agree nowadays, it’s awesome! To be most effective, just take arcane barrage off your toolbar until level 40 lol

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I would say momentum/essence break is a lot more difficult to play properly than a demonic build or one utilizing first blood/trail of ruin…but it’s a video game, not rocket science. Easier and harder don’t have to be to the extremes.

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Its still probably the easiest melee in the game to play though.

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Idk. I actually think fury warrior or ret pally are simpler. But it’s definitely not the hardest, that’s for sure.

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The 4 specs I don’t like playing, either because they have a ridiculously complex rotation or extremely punishing if you make one mistake are:

Non-Demon Blades Havoc
Breath of Sindragosa Frost
Icefury Elemental

I also have issues playing Beast Mastery.

Like, I CAN, but I have to focus so hard on making sure I don’t drop the Barbed Shot stacks off my pet that I get hit by mechanics.

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Me warrior me smash keyboard and eat crayons.


unholy /10char

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Curious about this. Do you just mean death coil? Because my DK is unholy and I only ever fight at melee.

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You would be wrong. A properly played ret is kind of rare. Keep in mind this is players using their utility abilities outside of their damage ones.

Same with warrior.

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It’s rare if you only play in bottom tier content.


Every person experiences the game differently. What is hard content for some is easy for others. Classes that are difficult or easy for some will be the opposite for others. As long as you are doing well on the characters you play and you enjoy yourself in game, then you are doing better than the majority of people who play the game. Also, never take others’ critique on the difficulty or ease of content. Always judge for yourself.

You keep on being you. Sounds like you have it all together. /cheers


I dont play in bottom tier content. however most of the rets I have played with only do damage and ignore their utility toons

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You leveled them (in a past xpac) But did you play them? what did you do at max level? what’re you basing your knowledge off of?

The example you used is a good one, because DH is far and beyond the easiest class in the game to learn to play, you could do it… blindfolded

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I think this thread is a lot of people talking past each other. I feel like we need to reframe the question in terms of skill floors and ceilings. Which class has the lowest skill floor? which class has the highest skill ceiling? (etc)

I recently dusted off my demon hunter and I found that it took me a few bosses in a dungeon before I realized I was using a build that didn’t make any sense. I switched out a few of my talents on all of a sudden it became brain dead simple. I didn’t bother with momentum though, and I can see how needing to use fel rush all of the time could complicate matters quite a bit.

icy Veins (the website) has an “Easy Mode” page for every spec in the game, I feel like if you follow that it is going to be pretty easy. The question is whether or not using that easy mode makes you competitive (or optimal!), or if you should really just use it for questing and LFR and if you want to actually do any kind of complicated content, you’re hamstringing yourself.

So which specs have a super low skill floor? which specs can you put (say) 4 buttons on your action bar and still be competitive for your item level? I think Havoc is certainly on that list, and from what I understand, Fury and Frost (both Mage and DK) are too.


And what that is supposed to mean ?
Anyone can do that in a week without much effort.

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Dailies. world quests, and solo legacy dungeon/raid runs. I don’t do group content at all, so I can only base things off of solo activities.