I think... Classic

The grinds in Classic feel rewarding and purposeful. The grinds in BFA don’t. That’s the difference.

Classic is just a better designed game in virtually all aspects.


That is where they went wrong, listening to the ppl that disnt want to have to carry this or that in their bags because it took up too many slots. Listening to people who wanted to level thier alts and the professions they chose in a few days instead of a few weeks. Listening to the people that whined because a certain class that had a good debuff for others took my gear, even though they were acually just as big a part of the entire raid as anyone. Winners will work hard and whiners will get thier way, but who feels better in the end. You wanna know the dumbest thing that ever happened to wow pve, the highest dps always got rewarded with the gear. Beacause they were already better geared and had the stats to do more dps. If the there is one thing about origional wow that should be held sacred, it is not how unbalanced that classes were, it is how teams worked together to complete new and interesting things, so they could move on to new and interesting things, together, not broken classes or addons. Hard work and research pays off a good asset in a guild in wow, not damage meters on a single raid or what one person can do for everyone else. But what i can do to help out and to contribute to the role play of others. Because that is what it is really about the, excitement, the newness, the refreshing knowledge that all of us have to submit to constraints of bag space, other role players help, luck, hard work, sure in the heck wouldnt be for the democracy and evenness of the game and making sure that noone feels left out or like they could improve with a little more work. Not entitled brats with no sense of regard for maybe passing on some gear they need because they actually had a bunch of fun role playing with a bunch of other role players. Just a thought


I’m gonna.

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What’s stopping you? Go out and play the game, run around with someone you’re doing the same quests with, group up, meet people in dungeons.

I’m not saying this to be mean, but if you can’t make friends in BfA, you’re not gonna make friends in classic.

If you really don’t see the difference between how BfA plays and how Classic has the potential to be, there is little point in me trying to explain it to you.


I’ve made a few friends by just being flagged for PvP and we kill horde and bs while we’re doing it.

It’s not BfA that’s the problem. If you can’t make friends in this expansion, you have to look in the mirror and ask yourself why. There’s players all over the place. If you can’t put a group together to go PvP, add them as friends, and invite them again later, how do you expect to do literally the same exact thing in Classic?

You are making a bunch of wild assumptions about a person who simply finds the social aspect of the old WoW more engaging than BfA. I am not the one with the problem here.

I don’t PvP much, so that isn’t a draw. Several times over the years I have used forums, etc to find guilds with mixed results.

I have found that the best, most fun I’ve had in WoW was not when I specifically sought guilds or friends out, but rather when I made friends and found guilds and guildmates by actually playing the game. People I met while doing quests, dungeons or PUG raids. Those are experiences I look back on with fondness and nostalgia.
My experiences with WoW since cata have simply not been anywhere near as fun and engaging from a social aspect, and I miss that. It is what made the game more than just a loot treadmill. If I wanted that, I’d play Diablo. I look forward to the potential that Classic has to be the fun, engaging social game that I remember. Maybe it won’t be that and you can’t go back, but BfA is an empty, soulless shell of the game I remember and look forward with optimism to the adventures I may have out in the world of Azeroth.

Not sure why you felt the need to have me explain to you what I found most enjoyable about playing WoW, but there you go. FWIW.

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But these are all things you can still do in BfA. You’re not the only one questing. There’s 4 other people in that dungeon group. Mythic dungeons require a premade group. There’s CONSTANTLY PUG raids. All of this is still in the game.

Thanks for giving me a bunch of tips on how I can play WoW. I will play as long as I am having fun and won’t play if it is not fun for me. Please feel free to do the same.

I don’t care if classic only has 5 active players. I’ll still log in and play alone if i have to. Im older, low amounts of time to play and not into the fast paced flashy games anymore. Im good fam.

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Grinds with little to no reward are the problem in retail. There is no sense of progression or real achievement in a lot of what they make you grind. They at least added a little bit in 8.2 but it still feels stale.

Classic has an in-game community that builds off of and depends on each other in more ways that retail. Because of this, in my opinion, it fosters more positive interactions between players which makes a game more enjoyable.

It is certainly slower paced than retail but has a much greater sense of progression at every stage of the game vs the “rush to max level to enjoy the content” vibe of retail.

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Except that classic is full of grinds with little to no reward. And BfA does have a community that builds and depends on each other. Your choice to not use it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.

So many of you are going to be extremely disappointed with Classic when you realize how many of your problems with retail are because of your own decisions.

No one said I didn’t use it. I am a CE raider so I obviously depend on my guild community to achieve that goal.

If I didn’t play on the top edge of mythic content, pvp, or high end M+ there is honestly no need of real community. I can’t think of the last time I’ve said more than a few words in LFR, LFG, or even pug groups. I try to initiate positive conversations but usually get no response or even negative responses. Sure I play with other players during things but there is no meaningful interactions that happen like what happens more often in classic.

I had 10x more positive interactions with other random players in a couple days during the classic beta than I have in the last 4 years of retail.


Classic is not meant for BfA players. So you entire post is moot.

This is like asking a cat owner what their favorite type of dog is. Its irrelevant since they love cats, not dogs. Let the dog owners decide which pup they’ll adopt from the orphanarium.

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You seem to be one of those people that like to complain about something that still exists but end up looking in the wrong places all while getting frustrated to the point feeling the need of kicking someone. My tip is, put effort in to engage don’t expect everyone to come to you, that isn’t how social standards work.

I’m sorry, what now?

You can’t grind anything in BfA because you’ll get time gated.

Vanilla has both sides of the community more so than bfa, the class imbalance is a core factor in hostility and toxicity even more so considering it will outpace and outgrow the positives vanillas community has. This was the case then and it will be the case again.

Edit: Example, guild leader forces you to reroll to a priest instead of your fury warrior that you spent the last month in a half leveling to 60 because they need a holy priest as the healer count lacks in the raid team. You argue that a warrior would be better and you can play your warrior better than you can a healer because you’ve never healed a day in your life, but you’re still forced to do it.

I think NES/SNES won’t satisfy anyone. At least in large numbers. Going by all the complaints I see about New platforming games, there’s no way they’ll enjoy NES Classic.

It’s not going to please the hardcore nostalgic people, because you will never have your past experience re-created for you without a time machine.

It’s also not going to please actual Mario players because it’s nothing like Mario, there’s going to be HDMI 1080p visuals and who knows what else along the way that warps the dream entirely.

I’m still gonna play NES Classic for sure and try it out because I loved Mario in Super Mario 3. But I’m still extremely skeptical in general.

Also, remember how bad Jumps where in Mario 3? And how many ways to get to world 8 using warp whistles but everyone tried to go through every world LOL.

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Which is weird because I’m actually one of those people who play games to have fun and if I stop having fun, I simply go do something else that I find more enjoyable. I have no idea why some people are triggered by that and want to tell me how I should be playing, or what I should enjoy and how I’m wrong for what I like to do. Make sweeping personal judgements if that’s your thing though. /shrug

Have fun, peace.

I’m not judging you but you are complaining about something that is a decision you make, you want people to talk and interact with you but you refuse to make that effort because you want them to engage you instead, I as a tank make an effort in any and all rdf pugs to engage with others.
I’d like those in my pugs to have fun while enjoying the rather serious setbacks in mythics or other difficulties, while a big part of it is to ensure the group survives the dungeon instead of just rage quitting 20 minutes later or after one wipe. It again helps others enjoy their time for the brief 20 to 40 minutes in the dungeon.