I think... Classic

You’re not wrong about that. Being powerful in damage and healing is certainly more desirable than bringing +3% crit to the raid but doing nothing else. Still, there are some people who prefer helping the team in that regard and I fully support those people

You literally have to grind rep to unlock the storyline. Lore, and PvP are the only things I play WoW for nowadays with occasional raiding. You have to grind a necklace’s levels to keep your item level somewhat competitive and grind a reputation to exalted to even experience the story line of the game.


There’s nothing wrong with supporting but if a class like mage or paladin are capable of being decent or better dps, they should be capable of doing it on top of supporting the group.

Think of it like this, there are 3 tank classes in vanilla, warrior, paladin and druid, out of all of them warrior is the only tank anyone wants, all 3 classes should all be equally capable of tanking at a raid level. This is where the community and immersion breaks, you’re playing in a world where the class you are playing determines your value.

Mind you I’m all for classes being more support capable than others but I’m not for a world where everyone within it turn into hardcore elitists.

Edit: The only major change I would want to see to classic beyond the guild bank system is every class and spec brought up to raid viability. After this classic+ content like raids and missing content that was planned originally.

Because in Classic, your grinds aren’t gated to tiny increments per day. Huge difference.


I’d just like to say that if this is what you’re worried about, then don’t. There will be hardcore elitists who will only take the best composition. There will also be players who want to push, but don’t care to be the top and will take in other people that really want to join that might not be the best class/spec. There will also be people who just don’t care and will take you no matter what.

If you are worried about not being able to raid as a sub-optimal spec, then don’t be. You might not push world first, but you can still raid with completely competent players and clear content at a reasonable pace.


This is why I’m making a guild dedicated to and for casuals with a master loot system designed to remove ninja looters and give everyone a fair chance at the loot they need. I personally don’t care for the best composition considering I’ll be leading a guild and raid nights as an enhancement shaman.


I’m already pleased.

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I fully respect that. This is an MMORPG, play the game how you see fit.

Assuming i can get my computer repaired by then though. Anyways something you’re more than welcome to join when i get it going.

I appreciate it, but I’ve already found a guild. I’m planning on being part of the elitist jerks that min-max everything :grinning:

I dont have any strong attachment to the details of Vanilla gameplay. If its close. Goid enough for me.

Its going to be my playground. I will be happy.

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Based on the forums, Blizzard is a steaming pile of failure.

Based on revenue, Blizzard has slipped a bit, but is still a powerhouse.

I think your assessment is separate from reality.

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Honestly you’re probably more right than people think.

Classic is literally the opposite of grindy, when you want a piece of gear you don’t have to run mythic+ 50 times to get an ultra-mega-titanforge-3-socket piece with your primary stats on it. You know exactly where gear drops and what bosses to kill to get it, and once you get it you’re done.

If you’re a guild that wants to get thunderfury for your main tank, you don’t have to grind dungeons all day hoping it will drop. You run MC once a week until the bindings drop and then just do it.

People like you make me frustrated because you obviously just started playing the game the last couple of years or something.

Class balance is never what made WoW… Maybe paladins were not intended to do as much DPS as warriors, I think if blizzard wanted them to then they would’ve done it.
…Maybe priests were not supposed to be able to do as much DPS as a mage/rogue considering they’re arguably the best all-around healers in the game.

Every class is good at something and no classes are good at everything. Why should every class have an interrupt, self healing, offensive cool downs, defensive cool downs, and mobility? It’s just dumb.

Hyper-balance is bad for WoW

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To OP: While I understand there is a fair share of pessimists that are always “skeptical” and “critical” it just doesn’t add anything for discussion here. If your opinion is it wont be that good for you and your enjoyment of a game, then that is fine. Instead you are projecting your view as if it is some mass opinion.

What is the value in creating a thread to just cast doubt and negativity on something that is an entertainment area? People on these forums are wanting to be excited and discuss their plans for the play ahead, not read your crap about doom and gloom.


You are wrong the complaints about BFA are justified to it’s less than 2 mil Sub base. It was a incomplete game at launch and it is a shell of what WoW used to be. In comparison WoD was infinitely better than BFA and we must keep in mind WoD was no gem of an expansion.

With that said WoD brought back 10+ million subs. You see the WoW fans didn’t go anywhere and 10+ million WoW subs are still out there waiting. If WoD can fetch 10+ million subs on the sole purpose that WoW fans just want something half way decent to play then what will Classic provide?

Classic WoW is the best WoW game released in the last 10 years. WoW fans are excited about it and it will deliver on all fronts what a WoW game should feel like. It will easily get over 10+ million Subs and dwarf the dead Retail WoW that isn’t even WoW.

So I strongly disagree. Millions of players have been waiting for Classic and they will be extremely satisfied when it launches. Classic is the future of WoW, not Retail.


Which is it, anyone or large numbers of people?

10/10 post.

I’m literally playing vanilla right now on lights hope waiting on classics release


why do you guys reply to these useless dumb threads? Stop bumping it back up.

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