I think... Classic

Class balance?

Taking the best specs for progression in Classic is not a unique situation, it occurs in Retail as well. You can take your Balance Druid, Ret Paladin etc. to your MC run and still clear content, the same way that you can take suboptimal specs into your Mythic raids. Mythic+ Dungeon progression is worse, there is 0 balancing, the same comp every time (prot warr, resto druid, rogue, rogue, monk/rogue/mage).

The PvP is atrocious with those disgusting abominations called Monks and Demon Hunters (Even Death knights to a lesser degree). Arena balance is also a joke. Resto druids have reigned supreme since TBC, even if “weak” for a patch or two, and most if not all matches go into dampening. The mobility arms race has destroyed it.

Or perhaps you meant for random BGs? No proper class balancing can occur from such a chaotic environment, there are too many factors. Actually, in Classic it’s probably better with the rock, paper, scissors mechanics.

Polymorph and fear are admittedly broken, but that’s why you will learn to pop that restorative potion.

There’s realm and community forums specifically to find exactly what you’re looking for though.

And yet I still feel retail is fragmented with little to no community and less immersion. I am looking to play the game and meet new friends out in the world, not scroll through forums trying to find someone to play with. I’m sure not everyone agrees with me or is looking for the same experience as I am. That’s ok, I’m still certain Classic will give me way more opportunities to get the experiences I’m looking for than retail currently can.


Remember how in BfA all the classes play the same?

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Classic is a very different game then BFA, as well as future expansions most likely, and the amount of pservers has shown there is going to be a long lasting audience for it.


Most people cant see the forest from the tree standing in front of them as it relates to many things in classic. Its easier to think about the immedate instead of the long term for what seems like a great many things that people complain about. Though i think there are issues that need to be addressed i am more excited to play the game than worry myself sick over issues as it seems is the case for the more passionate/fanatical people

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Much like people always say on the retail forums when you try to talk about classic in any form that isn’t poorly…
The gd forum is that way :point_right:

I quit WoW because of the BFA grinds. I went and played BDO where I would grind multiple hours a day. The amount of grinding isn’t the issue, its the type of grinding. BFA grinds are gated pieces of sh*t.

Every class had a place. People say vanilla classes are imbalanced because we’re in a world of numbers only. This is why every single class in BFA feels THE EXACT SAME. Sure, classes weren’t super balanced in vanilla when looking at damage or healing numbers, but they all served a purpose. This gave classes identity.


I’ll take that bet!

There’s no chores list in classic. You never have to log in to do your dailies or get your kills in before the timer hits 0. You can pick flowers for 3 hours on your day off or spend an afternoon killing furblogs if you feel like it. The game never stops you and says to come back and kill 20 more tomorrow.

You could also stop and enjoy stuff you finished instead of chasing the new ilvl that keeps being released. You didn’t have to constantly log in to do things you didn’t want to do for fear of falling behind if you skipped them.

The old play style inspires socializing, working together, goofing off, hanging out, helping someone, etc. That’s what made old WoW great.


Classic and BfA have totally different audiences.

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classic wow is something to do since retail is so bad.if you arnt liking retail play some classic wow.if there is a big lack on content like between 8.1.5 and 8.2 12 months play some classic wow.

That’s why Classic isn’t made for BfA players.


You are actually wrong. There is some Classic WoW videos where people are shocked to see all of their past memories come back. Just watch “I was wrong about Classic”

One tiny change and the game is now completely ruined? Nice logic.

They were garbage in terms of not every spec can do every single in the game like retail can. That is hardcore BfA logic.

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Thankfully for the 300,000 petitioners, Mark Kern, several others including Blizzard completely disagrees with you. If Blizzard did not strongly believe that Classic “won’t satisfy anyone” as you put it, then there would be no reason for Blizzard to release Classic in the first place.

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OP, how did you reach your current age and not come to the realization that people are not all alike? Tastes differ. Motivations differ.

You may not like Classic at all, how does that even suggest that others will not really love it?


Quite frankly, the vast majority do view classic with rose tinted glasses and I’m talking about those who fail to acknowledge that classic will lose more than 50% of its player base after 6 months give or take. Anyone who doesn’t see this will end up as butt hurt as angryvideogamenerd on youtube.

So much this. I didn’t mind grinding when it didn’t feel so forced. Plus, if you did need a break from a particular grind, you could take one. Do as much or as little as you like, at any given time. Big difference.


It will satisfy a niche audience, but it isn’t going to change the face of MMORPG gaming like a lot of people claim it will.

Look at these forums, everyone flips their desks and toss their computers out into the busy streets of new york city from the skyscraper rooftops.

Class imbalance in vanilla made the majority of classes worthless or unplayed, why? Because no one wants to feel useless, you can claim buffs and conjured food and water is being useful (you arent wrong but you arent right either), but in the grand scheme of things, wow is a game based around conflict and combat, if classes fail at doing this they are worthless in that regard.

Sure: Every spec couldn’t do everything in the game. But each spec had it’s own purpose.