I think... Classic

Why not play a different genre of game though? MMO’s have always been grind sims.
Maybe play shooters?

Personally I like grinding because I find it a relaxing way to do something non-stressful.

Every game is a grind. Even shooters.

I prefer Fantasy style games - and I really loved Warcraft and World of Warcraft. I just prefer the grind to be masked by things that make me feel like I’m at least doing a variety of things; which questing does somewhat effectively most of the time.

But, like I said, I really don’t play video games anymore - but I’m considering trying Classic to get a little of that Vanilla experience, again. We’ll see.

The difference between BfA grinds and Classic grinds is that you can grind anything in Classic for as long as you want, while in BfA you finish grinding in 20 minutes and then it tells you to come back tomorrow…

The definition of time gates, it stops you from playing, trying to stretch out your subscription, it sucks and I hate it. I just wanna do something like Bloodsail Rep for as long as I want on my own schedule, I don’t want to be limited in what I can do in a day like the newer expansions have been doing.


I only played BfA for like 30 mins before giving up and refunding it… I’ve never heard of this time gate. How does it work? It tells you to leave an area after 20 minutes and come back later and forces you to another area, or what?

I guess the honeymoon period for 8.2 is over if we are getting retail players bored and trolling our forum again.

What you think really has no bearing on anything. This post isn’t going to make them not release the game, so posting this really is pretty pointless because I’m not sure what your point is in making the post other than to try to get others to hop on board hating on Classic. How about we let classic release and see how people like it rather than giving completely speculative opinions based on no facts?

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Classic: Essentially no time-gating and no scaling. Everything you do has meaning, and you choose when and how you do it, for the most part; and even though rewards such as gear are hard-fought, you feel like it was worth it when you’re done, because you can go out and mass-destroy mobs or other players or generally feel like you’re the deal. The structure of the game encourages a healthier, more constructive community atmosphere. The experience is centered around doing things that are fun–raiding, pvp, collections, economy, guild/social life, etc.–rather than doing things that make you play longer merely for the sake of playing longer (and bumping up your time-played metric for the stockholders).

This is night-and-day different from what BfA has to offer. There are things I like about BfA… graphics and music are fantastic, for instance. Lots of quality-of-life stuff that, while I don’t want to see it in Classic, does make for a smoother gameplay experience. For the most part, though, the daily experience of BfA is almost enough to drive me away from retail altogether. I feel like I HAVE to log in every day, long enough to get my daily rep for flying, while simultaneously feeling constantly behind everyone else. Nothing like trying to make it to rares in Nazjatar and Mechagon when you’re still grounded and most everybody else has their wings. It’s long dead by the time you navigate the terrain and mobs to get there. If I didn’t have stealth, it would be a hopeless venture. Now, could I have farmed rep like the rest of them and gotten flying earlier? Sure. At the cost of following the “schedule” Blizz puts you on to get it. I hate time-gating for this very reason. I have a busy life, and I prefer to decide when and how I grind in WoW.

If all that doesn’t matter to you, then yes, Classic might not feel like a huge relief, the way it will for me. Yes, I’m a vanilla vet, and yes, I’ll enjoy the nostalgia. But that’s not the real reason I can’t wait for Classic. Personally, it’s the combination of all the factors I just covered that will make Classic fun for me.


The game was, HARD, took time, was a challenge, everyone had to do something to prepare for raids. Midway through TBC, ppl whining, if likea challenge, you will will like wow classic, its not about reliving old days. Its about the challenge!!!

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Tbh I think layering is going to drive away a lot of players who played vanilla or classic but don’t remember it well. It will also drive away a lot of new players because they will look at it as a lesser version of bfa with worse models etc but still the same sharding layering.

The sharding layering is what kept a lot of us playing and going when you would see the same people running around and dinging levels throughout the week…

I also think classic will last, but nothing like what I originally thought. It’s going to have some strong community’s and will be a great fall back when retail is empty of content.

The main difference between the Classic grind and the BfA grind is: the Classic grind is fun.

In BfA, the treadmill is exposed, the content is poor quality.

In Classic, you feel like a part of the world. the treadmill is there, but you don’t see it anywhere as easily


You’re mostly right. Really, the only people who are going to last long-term are the people who truly enjoy Classic’s CONTENT. I loved BRD, LBRS, UBRS, BWL, AQ, (all at the difficulty of end-game content) and the old honor system. So for me, there’s an entire game to have fun with.

People coming back for the talent trees are going to get bored at 60 with the reality of set it and forget it. People coming back for the community are going to be disappointed when they realize the community was never what they remember it being. The ones coming back because you have to communicate are going to get very bored when they realize that it’s a choice between grouping and playing the game, and that that’s pretty much all the communication required. Even sheep targets, by the end of classic, it was just common knowledge on my server that moon meant sheep. And that if you’re not on during prime-time, getting a group together is going to be extremely difficult.

But you’re right, if the actual gameplay of BfA is boring to you, Classic is probably going to be worse.

I don’t think a lot of people remember the grind of farming FR gear, or timbermaw rep to get to winterspring without a million corpse runs, which you need to get to onyxia, or having to do dungeons to get to your profession trainer, or the countless BGs to get your rank up…

Fixed this for you, friend!

I’ll take grinding my rep through a series of quests over having to mindlessly kill thousands of mobs for hours any day.

Well I disagree, being in the Beta test, it was everything I remembered and loved. The people who want everything easy and handed to them are the ones I want to get away from. So, it is perfect.


Lucky for us both, then, that there will soon be a flavor of WoW that caters to both of us :slight_smile:

What is with all these comments like this on these forums? Are you seriously going to act like there isn’t a single thing about Classic that you prefer the more modern way of doing? Nothing? Nowhere in the game?

This is 100% a true statement for me.


If you find a decent guild with people you enjoy playing with, the social aspect adds so much to the wow experience. I ran certain content ad nauseam in the past, but because I was running it with a fun group of people, it was fun. Not because doing the same content over and over is fun, but the people made it fun.

One time in TBC, my group was doing H Shattered Halls for the umpteenth time and our dps decided to have fun by constantly pulling extra packs and “testing” our paladin tank, making him run around keeping mobs off the healer (me). I think that dungeon run was simply one long pull. We all had a good laugh.

Then, at the last boss, our paladin tank pulled the boss and immediately Divine Interventioned me, and I got to watch our deeps get owned to the sounds of hilarity on vent. Well played sir, well played.

This is the type of social play that I miss in retail wow, and I am hoping to find a fun group of people to run stuff in Classic. I miss that pallie tank though. Come back, Vek!


But that’s not isolated to classic. You can literally go find a guild to do all of this right now.

With how fragmented the wow realm populations are, it is SO much more difficult to find those guilds. Many of the guilds are tailored to Mythic raiding, which is not what i’m interested in at this point.

Most the people I enjoyed playing with in the past were people I randomly did a dungeon with, had fun, ended up being invited to guild or invited for more runs and the social aspect developed from there, organically. I haven’t had a random dungeon run where anyone said anything to anyone for years. So yeah, I’m definitely looking for the opportunities that a Classic community can offer.