I think... Classic

Yeah this would be fun. And this is why I wish there were realms instead of layering. Layering ruins that immersion.

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The issue in your opinion is you’re assuming we are trying to relive the raids and how hard it was back then because we were bad.

Do you think none of us understand classic won’t be hard? You think we are that dumb as to think we can replicate our vanilla experience again?

What you’re not understanding is we are trying to replicate the community of an MMO, which WOW has gone away from. Imagine being in an MMO where you know people, where you need to communicate and group. Imagine making friends in a world that’s as Savage as vanilla was, imagine the open world pvp Blizzard still can’t replicate on Live.

Now to the gear, imagine playing 3 months of BOD on live to have a catch up mechanic make your gear you worked so hard on mean nothing, or farming AP levels for hours and then watch your alts use the catch up and only be a bit behind. Vanilla gear made a difference. Imagine being happy because you found a green or even a blue quality item.

Sorry for the rant, but that’s what classic is. A true MMO, unlike BFA.


Grinding isn’t the problem, Grinding is a core aspect of MMORPGs. Grinding and then being told to wait then once the wait was over it is just more grinding to be told to wait again is the problem.
I killed Akoa in BC for 1point of rep per kill for the stupid mana ray mounts. I’d rather do that than Pathfinder every damn expansion. I collected stupid amounts of cloth to get other races mounts, i’d also rather do that again than pathfinder.

It is something with in my control of how fast I get the reward I’m after. I wanted flying when I hit 120. I could not do that. I had to get Pathfinder 1. Then, they added more rep to get and another quest chain to get. Then after a year pathfinder two came out.

More grinding of reps that should have no connection to my flying beasts ability to fly. That grinding pisses players off and anything worth a damn in WoD-BFA version of wow is done in such a way.

All the specs were playable just as they are now. Unless you’re talking about high end mix/max levels of play, then this hasn’t changed. There are and will always be trash specs. It is just the nature of having so many specs. Blizz will never be able to balance them all.


Enhancement Shaman and Balance Druid. :no_mouth:

What an import and valuable thread you made here.


How the heck is this “mandatory”? O.o


Nobody likes a sarcastic prig.

Some might!

No but seriously, what’s the point of this thread?

People who get “hyped” are pretty silly, but people who get “unhyped” and downright depressive about the game before it’s even out, like you, are arguable even more so.


The point is I’m just speaking my thoughts out loud and curious to what others think about them.

I want to like Classic, and of course, I cannot know until I actually play it beyond the one beta day I played. But I have serious doubts.

I’ve seen some people say layering won’t be “that bad” but I really don’t see how. I’d like to be convinced otherwise.

I think they’re silly, and pulled out of thin air.

I never saw the point in making completely random predictions as to what other people ‘will or won’t like’.


I hate layering with a passion, but then, it was promised to be only there in phase 1, and ALL THE YEARS AFTERWARDS IT WILL BE GONE.

So… Not exactly a big deal to get dramatic over?

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No dude, not even close.

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Plenty of people will like it, but they aren’t giving us Classic. They’re giving us Classic+ with new features that everyone loves.

You fail to consider the motivation behind the grind in BfA, and the grind in Classic. There is no sense of accomplishment in BfA, just the need to move on to the next grind for [reasons]. As opposed to sitting atop a mailbox in your favorite Classic main city showing off before charging on for the next hard-fought-for reward.

It’s not so much the “experience” per se, but the FEELING of adventure, accomplishment, success … the near total immersion in what you’re doing (a bomb could have gone off outside my window when I was fightin’ them danged ol’ murlocks in Redridge, and I wouldn’t have known it). The anticipation of the next challenge, not a fear of it or a ho-hum-let’s-do-it-all-again feeling.

There’s a MAJOR difference in motivation in the two versions. In Classic you do x,y,z because you WANT TO (even if it’s the only sequence available, you WANT TO do it), not because you’re being COMPELLED to do it whether you want to or not. At it’s worse, Classic/Vanilla gave us the illusion of choice; Crapaclysm and beyond, at it’s best, removed the illusion and showed us there is no choice.


I can’t say I know what will or will not happen - can’t see the future.

But I remember having a conversation with someone around these parts who kept saying Classic Is For Everyone!.

And it’s not. It shouldn’t be. Nothing is for everyone. If you attempt to make something for everyone, then you’re not doing a good job. Classic should have a point and a purpose. The point was to recreate Vanilla as authentically as possible. That’s what Blizzard said when they announced it. They said they heard the people asking for Vanilla and are going to do it.

That right there is the group of people they’re supposed to be targeting. People who want to play Vanilla again; that was the reason they realized that making it would be worthwhile. So now by changing things here and there and trying to appease to people who want a modified Vanilla experience, they’re losing focus on the intended demographic.

Classic is supposed to be Vanilla recreated. It’s supposed to be for people who want to experience Vanilla again, or for the first time. Obviously compromises are going to have to be made - because it’s quite literally impossible to recreate Vanilla as it was. But their goal should be to try to do it as best they can. It seems, though, that they’re not doing that - and are making changes to try to suck more and more people into the game, and it doing so are losing the people the they targeting in the first place.

Long story short… You cannot please everyone - and you shouldn’t try to.

Classic is supposed to be, and should be, for those wanting to experience Vanilla in as official a way as possible. It’s not going to be for everyone. But everyone is free to try it and decide if it’s for them, or not.

Blizzard needs to focus on what their original intent was, and stick to that.


Going to have to agree with you. I loved the original because it was a great START point but as an end point it is lacking for me and I am sure I am not alone. It didn’t take long playing on a private server to remember all that wasn’t so great.

I really hope they are using all this experience gained to come up with the NEXT great MMORPG.

They were trying that with Titan, and then quit early on. Chances are, it’s not as easy as you think it is to come up with something better than what WoW had with Vanilla WoW. Titan was scrapped and elements of the game were turned into Overwatch. Titan was leaked in like 2007, and wasn’t canceled until 2014. So they had talked about and or developed a new MMO for 7 years give or take a year and threw it away for Overwatch. If it was that hard, or easy depending on how you look at it, then making the next great MMORPG is a daunting a difficult task. For reference, look at all the MMOs released since Vanilla that have crashed after a year or two and never recovered.

Actually, I shouldnt say early on. They were pretty invested in it when they canceled.

I don’t think you see the picture.

BFA is a horse on a treadmill with a carrot on a stick.

  1. You can never be maxed ilvl (TF/WF) and let’s say all your gear TF with sockets for mythic level gear. Gues what your gear still scales in a PvP encounter.
  2. Every two months your progression is reset. Well new upgrades to your neck, new gear from WQ are better than mythic raid gear, and so fourth.

Vanilla is a horse being lead to carrots if the horse wants them.

  1. You can have max ilvl gear.
  2. Your gear never resets, you can step away 6 months and still be a bad mtf.

It may seem vanilla was not casual but it was. People played because they enjoyed it
and will again in a clone of it.

I will but I will try to take it in small doses because I know it can be addictive.


Yeah well… that’s like… your opinion man.

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Never understood why grinding is considered a bad thing.

I mean I’m grinding away on p99 EQ as an iksar monk in a trio right now… getting a whopping 1% of a level every 17 kills.

Nothing WoW has ever done was all that grindy by comparison.

For me it comes down the fact that I’m playing a video game - and if they could disguise the monotony a little bit, I’d just appreciate it more.

I grind every day in life. Get up - go to a job I don’t enjoy… Spend 8 hours thinking about getting home to do stuff I do like… Repeat every single freaking day.

Now when I play a game to unwind (I actually don’t play video games anymore, really. But I’m thinking of maybe trying WoW Classic to see how it does), I don’t want to stare at a screen just grinding more and more. I want an escape.

Life is repetitive by nature - but that can at least be masked somewhat… Questing is a mask for that repetitive grind. Instead of just mindlessly killing mobs for an hour or two, giving me quests that make me explore, try different parts of the game out, and just give me a bit of variety makes a big, big difference and doesn’t make it feel like such a grind. It breaks things up and makes it feel like I’m doing more - even if all I’m doing is getting quests to kill things; at least it’s sending me around to different areas and adding a little to the experience in various ways.

But just having to stand around in an area and kill everything over and over and over again isn’t interesting or fun to me.

That’s why I hate grinding.