I take your pettiness and raise you 1, Blizzard

and to continue business , it’s generally not a great idea to piss off large portions of your user base.


That’s a you problem. Set a reminder on your phone.


You say “large portions of your user base,” do you have any data or statistics to show that people purchasing 1 month of game time on the blizzard shop constitutes a “large portion” of their player base?

Because I’m pretty sure, Blizzard said in the actual post that they did a review of these purchases and after that review, decided to make the decision to consolidate game time purchases to 1 option.

No, and I never implied that as the statistic.

But there is a large vocal one here.

it’s up to them whether or not that group of people are upset enough to cancel over or not.

I didn’t say “large” with any qualifier. I would consider a few hundred or thousand to be “large”. maybe it’s not large enough for you. but hey, that’s a you thing,

I figured that if I was going to flap my opinion around all over the forums I would get on the character I’ve been recently active on so that I don’t seem like I’m hiding behind my opinions. You should try it sometime.

the competing studios love it i bet :wink:

hopefully new MMOs coming soon will capitalize on wow’s mistakes.

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How far will you people use this excuse? It’s used for nearly every unethical business practice there is. Nobody denies the goal of a business is to make money, but they do not have to be underhanded with it. The goal of an athlete is to win, but there is a difference between winning legit and winning via cheating (not that the scummy business practices are “cheating”, but my point should be clear).

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FF14 to the moon

Doesn’t FF14 have LFD and boosts, and all that kind of stuff?

agreed. is there any reason to do this? I heard its to stop bots but I dont see how

What you see on these forums is an tiny, minute amount of their customer base.

I’ve worked for several companies that have forums and user boards, and I can assure you, not even .001% of the customer bases for each company posted on their user boards.

Most people don’t care about this change, and if they did find out about the change would just see it as a change to the pricing policy and move on… especially since there is still the option to GASP sub for 1 month and then cancel if you really want to, to end any further money from being put on your card.

surely more read it passively?

0.001% doesnt seem like something worth wasting money/paying employees for.

Anyone who tells me they’re “too smart” to ever do something stupid and forgetful like this is automatically suspicious in my eyes.

We’re all human. Everyone makes mistakes. It’d be silly to think that people in the interests of making money would ignore this simple fact.


Its not unethical to change a trivial part of their pricing policy, and still provide options to get 1 month of game time.

You people are so blinded by illogical hate for a company doing something to smooth out their revenue stream that you produce faux outrage over something… well trivial.

You underestimate how vigilant people can be when money is involved.

Except, what you still are doing is boiling people’s anecdotal experiences, to some accounting ledger.

The very, VERY issue that is pissing people off.

I only said a Large group. This forum is still by all purposes a large group. I didn’t qualify how much of that player group was of the overall. I didn’t say majority, or plurality. I didn’t give a percentage.

But you jumped on my comment to defend the business practice. Effectively calling the people hurt by this change nothing but a number to you. Irrelevant. Which is how they’re feeling by blizzards change.

A business DOES have to consider this when making a change. Nobody is saying otherwise. But by proceeding with the change, and defending the change, it’s blizzard saying “We don’t care about you, just give us your money”

why is that hard to grasp? its called empathy for our neighbours


Which is why gambling is such an unsuccessful business, right?

… Oh.

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Did I say everyone?

There are a myriad of reasons companies choose to change their policies. I can tell you internal issues regarding pricing and accounting for pricing can be a difficult thing, and maybe one of the reasons for the policy change was to make the accounting side easier, with maybe less steps for their accounting close process each month. IDK im just throwing that out as a possible reason. But its a reason you guys don’t think of, or care about.

Sometimes companies need to simplify processes. Sometimes they need to smooth out revenues, and guide their customer base into a more streamlined payment process. Sure, you are going to piss off a few people, because for a multi billion dollar company that is global in its influence, there are bound to be a few bad apples that get upset at any little change a company makes. I can assure you, they did it for a reason or several reasons, and I’m all for companies becoming more efficient.

Also to those who think “Acti-Blizz” is some big bad evil company… they have over 10k employees. Think about it. They provide the livelihood for 10k people. There are bigger companies that provide the livelihood for millions more people. They provide a service that people enjoy and thus purchase. If they were doing something astronomically wrong, you don’t think people would stop buying their service?

Large compared to what? The number of people who aren’t complaining?