I take your pettiness and raise you 1, Blizzard

I did this when I was 13 and my dad made me promise he wouldn’t get random charges. No thanks.

Or you could do what most normal people do when they do the subscription model - just let it ride until you decide you don’t want to subscribe anymore.


its the same price…

It is only the same price if you are going to buy 2 months worth of time. If you are only intending on playing for month then you are paying double. This is a scam to sucker people who are on the fence about playing or don’t have much time to play to spend more money then they would normally do. Also some people are on a budget and spending 15 a month is more manageable then spending 30 upfront. Stop defending Blizzard.


14.99 for 30 by itself = 14.99 for 30 days if you set up the subscription. what are you talking about?

It seems to me that you can still maintain a 30 day subscription for $14.99
This only affects the additional game time purchase from the blizz store? Such as game time gifts or individual purchase…?

It’s not not confusing that’s for sure…?

edit: leave it to blizz to piss of their playerbase over literally nothing

It’s not the same price everywhere, I guess I should have specified that

It’s been cheaper to get a sub than buy game time for years in Canada

137k for a wow token is cheaper than buying a wow token from the shop

It’s also cheaper than paying $15 for 1 month

My point is you are being forced into subscription charge that you could forget about. Don’t act like you have never subscribed to something and then 1 month and 1 day later you checked your bank account and went “shoot I forgot to cancel that”. Is an un needed change that is only here to confuse and suck in more money.


makes sense

dude im here talking AGAINST the issue. i didnt want the change.

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Wait so this isnt a way to cover up all the lost subs for a really really poorly designed expac? But just another profit scheme?

I picked the wrong week to drop my sega dreamcast off at goodwill.

This isn’t nothing. This is a way to force the hand of a vast number of players into forking over more cash up front in case they decide to quit.

This came right after insiders saying there are big problems with 9.1 and from a business standpoint entirely its about that time of the year to start dressing things up for the quarterly.

I have enough gold to pay for years worth of WoW time. The subscription fees are not an issue for me financially.

This is all entirely besides the point and were not pissed over nothing.

  1. One month subs are still a thing.
  2. Blizz is a bloated greedy money grabber
  3. L2read
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Why don’t we just leave it at #2 and agree with the entire point of this post and that Blizzard is greedy.


I see zero reason outside of marketing reasons for this change, I don’t know how this isn’t a cash grab. It’s like the 6-month sub when a new content comes out so they got 6 months out of you even if the content sucks and you don’t want to stay.


Blizzard greed aside…grown adults really do this?

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The point is they double their income on that option.
All. About.The.Money.

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Its a business, not a charity.

Businesses are businesses because they make money. They pay a staff. They provide a good or service.


Its stupid.

And I even admittingly have. life is busy. I’m a grown up with a million things on my mind and plate. Sometimes I FORGET THINGS

it happens. To the best and worst of us. and chances are, it’ll happen to you at a point in your life too.