I take your pettiness and raise you 1, Blizzard

I prefer to pay for my subscriptions 1 month as a time as I go because I got sick of falling victim to the ever-growing and invasive subscription model.

15 a month was fine.

30 every 2 months is different.

Guess I’m all out of options lol

EDIT - yes you can buy 1 month with wow tokens but lets step back for a second and acknowledge that WoW tokens cost an extra 5 dollars over the 1 month sub time (at least in the USA using USD.)

They are still forcing players to either pay in gold which still results in an extra 5 dollars tacked on top of the 15 dollar sub fee, or you can skirt the rules and cancel your subscription.

Regardless, this is not a good change and Blizzard should feel ashamed of themselves for speaking to their loyal fanbase as though they’re stupid hamsters that would look at this and think “well since they said so I guess its a good change that we all agreed upon!”




Is it really petty when you’re giving them more money though?

Activate sub > Recieved 30 days > Instantly cancel sub

Been doing this for years, cheaper than buying game time


The point being Blizzard will no longer get money from me because I’m lazy and preferred to pay for this game using only 1 WoW token at a time. It takes about as long as Blizzards content releases for me when it comes to buying 2 WoW tokens at once.

Its a bad move on blizzards part.

I wont pay that much at one time for two accounts, and I’m not willing to sub until Blizzard actually gives me a good reason to.

Not only that I have friends who due to their particular situations cannot do a sub and could only afford the 30 day game time. They will no longer be able to play wow.

This was a bad move. Blizzard needs to reverse course.

What was even the point of changing the payment model to force people to buy for two months instead of one?


If only Blizzard had put this much work into the game.


I mean, you probably couldn’t even make a dungeon name with how little effort it takes to do this

i must’ve missed something. what happened?

Making people pay for longer amounts of game time at once is to offset the losses they’re gonna see during the content drought between now and 9.1 god knows how many months from now. I mean, gotta do something, Bobby’s mansions and yachts aren’t gonna buy themselves.


WoW Tokens are not affected.

I’m going to be real with you. I’ve heard many different things about this so I don’t know what to believe.

But in all honesty I’m just trying to be funny in my approach to Blizzards greed. At the end of the day, they kept poking and prodding until they hit a nerve and no matter which form of payment I have to use this is the last nail in a coffin thats nothing but nails.


so you know, right, that this change doesn’t affect wow tokens.

because I’m not sure you do.

Do what I do

Sub one month. Cancel. And put in your cancellation message why you’re doing it.

it won’t matter to the greedy accountants running Acti-Blizz, but I get that moment of satisfaction every month

It’s a stupid change for sure! As for hearing many different things, the only source that matters is the blue post: WoW tokens are unaffected.

Yes I just came back from re-reading it. I guess they lost me on the part where they tried to act like this was something the community wanted.

I’ve calmed down. My sentiment remains though lol.

Cheers :slight_smile:


Remember how people quit en masse, very very quickly after SL launched? Yeah. They are going to offset their sub losses by getting one extra sub month from you after you find out their games are crap.


You mentioned you paid with tokens so I just wanted to make sure you knew your method of payment would not be changing.

I agree this is a dumb change, and it is obvious this is a change to try and artificially increase subscription numbers.


One month subscription. Bills, then cancelled. Repeat every 30 days.

You pay for game time on a monthly basis, no recurring charges, no $5 upcharge for token.



Its the only thing I can think of that makes sense.

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