I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

Pulling the ripcord gives them an excuse not to balance. What they need to do is get rid of these covenant abilities so I can play my character the way I want and others can too.

Thereā€™s still no reason to support this as it is. Still not sure why you support it.

So you hate minmaxers because they are swimming in spreadsheets but you are fine with having to plan for weeks and months ahead just to have some fun with a different spec for a couple days?

I am not supporting it, Iā€™m accepting it until the changes come.

Dunno why you assume much about me, Iā€™m a complete stranger to you.

So do you think covenants should be freely swappable with no time gate?

Welp, I dont hate min maxers, so yeet

If you are just accepting it, why are you going so much out of your way to defend it so much?

Youā€™re really not easy to have a conversation with I can tell you that.

Because itā€™s not going to change in Beta and we all have to clamp our nips and deal with it while still making 50000 complaint threads on the forums

Sure, its consistent with how WoW has been since Vanilla. Blizzard is trying to innovate and it didnā€™t work

Then you support free swapping covenants. Why does it seem like the opposite?

Thatā€™s not a reason to defend itā€¦ Youā€™re just being contrarianā€¦


So thats why fotm and the worst classes in the game donā€™t get changes for entire expansions maybe even more?

I could say that races and racials are permanent and thus meaningful, while covenants are going away after two years and in the end it wonā€™t matter at all.

The more accurate comparison would be: covenants === loyalist/not loyalist

Eh majority of my posts were finding out the importance of covenants choice and how big the gaps in power were between them, seems like that after fine tuning the gaps wont be much bigger than 5% differenceā€¦ X to doubt, this is Blizzard, who doesnā€™t balance nothing

Donā€™t know what dimension you come from that you think thatā€™s even plausible.

Eh, Iā€™ve heard 10-20% from theorycrafters between the various specs.

As I said before in other threads, if these are truly like racials (as the OP stated) this wonā€™t be a problem. If these are essencesā€¦ then weā€™re in for a world of pain.

You really would be clueless if you think this.

I mean If you read my full post you would know I wouldnā€™t think that anyway in the end
You and the elf

Then just walk away. You seem to want to do nothing but argue with the people that want to be able to freely swap.