I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

Whelp… unless they’re planning on fundamentally changing how some of the spells work… I’m not really sure how you could think that “fine tuning” will get all of them within 5% across all forms of throughput… ST, AoE, Cleave, Spread cleave…

Some spells are specifically ST… while others are specifically AoE… while others almost have zero use in PvE…

They haven’t been able to do that with the 36 specs they currently have… Now you want them to do it with those 36 specs AND covenant abilities AND soulbinds?

If so I’ve got some really nice ocean side property in South Dakota to sell you.

If these numbers are to be believed then covenant choice wont matter except at the very extreme end of content

I think you should be able to swap once every day… swap resets at 0600am server time each day. Easy as that.

In order to swap, you have to go to that covenant’s shrine or whatever and click to swap.

You think 20% is something that will only affect the top 0.1%? As in Limit and Method (sorry… Echo)?

Ok… Well now I know who I’m talking to.

The extreme end of content doesn’t only include World Firsters you know that right?

Lol, so what would you define as “extreme end of content” then.

Why a day? Why time gate it at all? What purpose would that serve?

Mythic Raids, +20 keystones and higher, and the equivalent of that in Torghast Floors and Maw walking

Another one who thinks that you only have to have a good build for Mythic raids and high M+ keys, but for anything less we can just smash our head into the keyboard and everything will be fine.

Ah yes OP, because the choice of being able to do all pve and pvp content doesn’t matter yet. Hell, even being able to switch specs doesn’t matter. Look, I understand you might only play dps. But some of us enjoy healing, tanking and playing dps. As well as being able to switch our stuff for the content we do.

The only people who hate “min maxers” are those who lack the proficiency to play a simple game at a decent level. They are usually people who have tried min maxing and still grey parsed so they rage about min maxers. People who don’t care to min max just don’t do it they don’t cry about min maxers.


Ya… That’s not the “extreme end of content.” Early mythic bosses had something like 10-15% of the population engaging with them in the past tiers.

The “extreme” end of content would be vanilla Naxx… Wall of Fame… and +30’s (right now at least)… Walk around Boralus and you’ll see plenty of players that do +20’s.

And finally… there’s a reason websites like Icy veins and raidbots have taken off. And it isn’t because only CE day raiders go there.

You’re just arguing to argue at this point… Particularly if you’re saying something as ridiculous as… a 20% difference won’t matter much.

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Now try queuing for anything, you wont find that many +20ers in the queue.

Also I did not say that to 20% I said it to the 10-20% range you proposed

Ok? That proves… nothing? That doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of players that play in that area. Not to mention the fact that even those still going for KSM also care about their performance. I routinely give out advice in the mage forums to help beginner and mid-tier mages. So does Keestus (one of Blood Legions mages). Why? Because more than the top 1% of players care about such. No one wants the reason why they wiped not be down to their play… but because they chose the incorrect build for their spec…

Stop arguing to argue. 20% is included in 10-20%. If you’re fine with 10-20%, then you’re fine with it being UP TO 20%. Thus… you’re fine if the difference is 20%.

Honestly dude… I’m muting you. Your reasons behind this discussion are clearly not aimed at being productive. You just want to keep arguing. Let me guess, you’re going to “no you” me next.


Really? You’re muting me? I thought we were having civil discussion. Guess not.

You have yet to define where the 20% is affecting, and also these are numbers before tuning.

No you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. You claim you support freely swapping yet you’re an absolute contrarian about it. I’m not sure you even have a stance. Just argument.


More assumptions. I very clearly told you my stance, argument and discussion is one way to learn more about a topic, although I have done nothing to warrant a mute from people who do not like to be challenged on their ideas and views.

You don’t see people pugging Mythic raids all that much, doesn’t mean people aren’t doing the content.

A lot of people who do 20’s tend to have their own communities, through guilds, friends and friends of friends, since the general quality of player is higher than fishing through LFG.

Both are a lot. A simple example is that losing a single DPS at the start of a fight is often a wipe during progression, even if they’d only average 7-8% of the groups damage.

WoW is a game where you’ve got numerical advantages built on numerical advantages, and taking out a couple of those can have a huge impact on your power.

Edit: For an individual level of “how much 10-20% is” in DPS, 10% would be me running absolutely zero talents in my second row of talents, since Internal Combustion makes up 9.7% of my damage (on average). Or it would be unequipping two of my Azerite Essences, since Purification Protocol and Lethal Strikes make up about 10.6% of my DPS.

There is no argument for covenant locking that’s the problem. You’ve challenged nothing I’ve said in any meaningful way. At this point I’m done with you too. Feel free to reply to this post all you want, I’m not muting, I just won’t respond to the nonsense.

Plenty of arguments can be made for covenant locking, one of them is story, but they already screwed that up, another one is for the purpose of stopping min maxers which mind you, EVERYONE was on board with this.

You can still freely swap even if the covenants are “locked”.