I take it back. Don't pull the ripcord

I was holding back on expressing this because of how many people will be against it but we gotta be real. Covenants abilities are a great strength to your choice in who you choose.

You picked a certain race with racial abilities. THIS is no different than picking your race at the start. A small portion of the community min maxes their races to the current raid or expansion.

To summarize my thoughts before I get lost in explanation…

Racial abilities are no different then the indifference between covenant choise.

If you disagree just please take a big deep breath before you respond to this post and just think about it for a few minutes. Be honest with yourself.


Well said!


Racial abilities are all within about 1-2% of one-another.

These Covenant abilities will never, in a million years, be within even 10% of one-another. Some of them are straight-up beyond 20% better than the classes’ worst.


Ok go reroll your toon and as you level only choose two of the many abilities you are granted, leave the rest off of your bars. You can pick all the talents up, though. Just never change spec, kkthx.

Now that is a bit more similar.


Bruh, covenants are way more important and have a greater impact than racial abilities. Sorry, my Tauren warstomp has nothing on what these are offering, and is no where near as big of a choice.


Very subjective due to a handful of the utility racials in certain circumstances.


what racial has anywhere near as much impact as covenant abilities? It so small it doesnt matter what race/class combo you really pick anymore.


What an awful comparison.

Racials are meaningless unless you’re a Horde min-maxer. Or an Alliance arena try hard.

Covenant abilities are a core part of your class you’ll be using regularly throughout the entire expansion.


Not subjective at all. The difference between the worst and best race for a certain spec is much smaller than the difference between the worst and best covenant ability.


It’s a little different than racials considering my racials don’t let me multi-shot Captain America my shield once per minute.

Especially in PvE, the differences in racials becomes a lot smaller.


Same could be said for covenant abilities. :woman_shrugging:

It’s always fun to see people backtrack with unless or but.


There’s a huge difference between racial abilities and covenants. Don’t be disingenuous.

For some classes or specs there is one right answer and the rest of the abilities are awful. We’re talking some covenants being 20-30% better than the others.

That’s nothing like a racial, which is always within a few percent of one-another.

Not to mention, all of the covenants are friends so locking folks in is stupid narratively as well.


It literally isn’t subjective.

So many hundreds of people have tested this stuff on the Beta it’s insane, and the impact the good abilities have vs. the bad abilities cannot be ignored whatsoever.

Unless a Covenant utility ability is literally offering something as broken as the Rocket Jump on a fight designed as equally-poorly as Mythic Kil’jaeden (which we don’t have), the utility abilities will have virtually zero influence over what Covenant is best. The Venthyr skips aren’t going to happen because of how Prideful and overall dungeon design work, by the way.


Weird. You should usually be using your racials too.


Just drop covenants entirely outside of just storyline stuff imho. It’s not a good system, should just be a cosmetic choice, not something tied to any amount of power.

That and it’s four narrowly focused cosmetic choices that really aren’t that interestin’


Except they’re not.

Covenant Abilities are a core part of your class, that will change your rotation and performance drastically.

I use Shadowmeld to AFK in Warmode. Lol


Theyre not racial abilities, theyre talents. Everyone can see that these are just talents, stop being silly. THESE SHOULD JUST BE TALENTS YOU CAN SWAP. GIVE US ANOTHER ROW WITH 4 CHOICES


Yeah, I tell you what. I love being handicapped by 10% throughput. That’s just going to make my life so much more easier in higher tier content. Like, M+ where I spend most of my time at but Raiding is nice too.

I tell you another thing. I just love this coming from a Raid Leader perspective. I have 40 raiders, 9 are all stars. Just what I want is 31 raiders lacking 10% throughput in content where we already struggle now because of throughput.

This is exactly what I wanted added into WoW. :roll_eyes:


Buying a car is just like buying bread at the supermarket if you think about it.

You have to go to a place to buy it. Practically the same really.


Hey, you just described the only way I can make my Arcane Mage playable!