I take it all back from May 28th

Ah so it’s Wallurian. Now I understand everything.

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I think people need to dial it back. Never heard of Wallurian till now, and I don’t know what in the good name of Mr. McDuck he said, or how he screwed up, but I will give him this at least.

Assuming this entire thread isn’t a massive PR attempt (which only he can answer by looking at the guy in the mirror) at least he had the class to come here and say straight up that he was wrong. That at least sets him apart from 90% of the forums, and if his words are contrite then I think he deserves a second chance.

Lets be honest. He could of done something worse like doubling down on his statements, running to social media to engage in slanderous speech, or trying to engage in “justified invasions of personal privacy” like one Trogg on our server has.

I have no idea what you did, and never saw anything. But then again I’m usually busy as heck IRL so there’s that. That being said, if you feel you did something wrong and it resulted in X or Y, learn from it.

IMHO, you can and will change people’s hearts and minds; and thus make amends by showing that your a better person now. If you thought I came here to cast a stone, you would be mistaken. Learn, live, and love WoW again. All the best to you in your future endeavors mate.

Let the thread die with that, it serves no good purpose IMHO, besides becoming a place for people to engage in circle-jerking. Sounds like there’s been plenty of drama already, and one thing WRA does not need is more.


Yea its True. I used to be called Wallurian. But Its just I didn’t like name. Not only that but I also regret having causing issues and drama on to folks on the Forums.

Right, I’m going to give you my advice for what I think will be best for you. And that is to quit using the forums as it’s clearly not healthy for you if it stresses you that much. Maybe even take a break from the game to gather yourself.
I’ve read a lot of your threads and I gotta say that the alliance you and many helf fans idolize is pretty much dead. It’s not been here since warcraft 3 at the latest. And you will only bring yourself more pain if you refuse the changes that’s happened to it during wow.


Well if I search that name all I see is 100 sneakily titled “I want high elf because I take this game way too seriously” threads.

Seems like you are back off to a great start towards another forum vacations.

Hi friend, it sounds like you really regret some of your past actions but when you keep making these threads it sort of cheapens their sincerity, ya know?

Some other people that I’ve met who apologize a lot for how they’ve acted are recently sober. If you’re going through something like that then I wish you the best of luck! I also think that real people will be able to help you a lot more than us randos on the internet.

I hope that doesn’t sound rude and I’m sure not trying to accuse you of anything! In any event I hope everything works out for you.


I forgive you. Don’t know what for, but I forgive you.

So just so everyone is on the same page here… your plan once the hoopla died down was to come back on the forums and reveal that you were the poo-stained miscreant that caused all that drama?

Wouldn’t it have just been better to NOT reveal who you ‘were’ and simply move on and start over fresh? This has got to be one of the most desperate attempts at attention I’ve ever seen in the forums. Seriously.

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I was gaining attention on all fronts. I made this because it was ether haunting me and it was something I regretted completely. I just want to explain enough of the terrible things I had done this year as well as the past and move on right then and there.

I’m not really desperate. Right now I’m at a emotions of guilt, forgiveness, and moving on in Life.

Half of me wonders if this is why all the High Elf threads get locked now.

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Another semi-weekly thread from apologetic Bryan. Keep that spam coming.

Imagine wanting gratification from those high elf zealots…