I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

Approved. Ship it.

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Also, I think the reason we dont have any new BGs is because Blizz thinks the PVP player base loves Arena more than BGs. So Blizz focusses more on Arena content instead of BGs. Just a theory but I think its plausible.

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The Arena players are certainly the loudest >_>

Still salty about all the potential arena maps we were supposed to get but didn’t.

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I did brainstorm some other BGs btw
Gnomes V Goblins: Both sides need to get resources to make vehicles to destroy the enemy factory

Supply Assault: One side attacks, the other defends. The Defenders need to let 3 of their ships escape with the supplies that the attackers must take. If all ships make it out, the defenders win. If the supply wagons are destroyed before making it on time, attackers win.

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yes yes good

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If I could add the BGs, I would.
But I think we would also need to wait for the Alliance-Horde truce to end so we have a better lore explanation for it
(Even though in explore northrend skirmishes in Wintergrasp)
For now you will have to get the homies for Epic bgs…
Azeroth at War: A community in progress! (SHAMELESS SELF-PROMO)

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Nah this never really works, the same people who do BG’s will keep doing BG’s, some of us want overworld PVP events, actual events, not some “Grand Hunt in Warmode with 10% more bonuses”.

We had some in the past like the flag capture events in BC and the old Wintergrasp PVP zone in Wrath.

They need to do something that will entice people to join warmode, zone events is a start, but balancing is a bigger issue. You being solo on like a mage vs a group of rogues and hunters, you don’t stand a chance, fix that and we are game.

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They could have created a Peace mode on PvP servers that penalized people not flagged for PvP. This way, if you really wanted to play with your friends on a PvP server, you still could, but with a minor inconvenience.

But I think a general reality is that people just aren’t so interested in world pvp anymore. Which is a little too bad, because flight in general, and now Dynamic Flight makes invading almost any city (Exodar and Silvermoon excepted) a lot easier. Especially if you can coordinate things.

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I agree, so my lil discount honor system could work there. However introducing some new BGs I think would also get the BG boys some new content to enjoy as well. (If the BGs are good, at least)
And balancing is a issue, yes. Warlocks trying to fight a demon hunter solo is like an ant trying to fight god.
You CAN have balancing, new PVP content, etc. But Blizz focusses more on PVE and only arenas I think. So Arena takes priority than all other PVP content. Only speculation on my part.

And as for balancing, im pretty people start full on wars on the forums over it, so its kinda wacky that Blizz has not actually tried to fulley balanced it when 90% of the playerbase goes “Yo Demon Hunters annoying af”. But as I said I think its due to PVE taking priority over PVP. WoW is more PVE, its just fact.

Considering scaling is a thing, players might be more open to PvP if everyone in Warmode scaled to the same level and gear level/damage power so it was a completely even playing area, where the only test was skill.


LOL as if ANY game could get this right when classes in all games are so broken they have fixes nearly 2 times a month to try to “balance” classes " Oh, lets see we will buff this class nerf this one buff these three and nerf these FOUR" “PERFECT” next “Balance Patch - OH well lets reverse all that and put it back that way it was”

nah, the justification for Silvershard mines is that a goblin sold the mine deed to both factions and now they’re fighting over it.

This becomes even more nebulous with crossfaction matches in Blitz and Rated and Mercenary Mode.

But then some of the objectives are literally “grab a flag at their base and take it to yours”… i never applied hard logic with BGs, they’re just set objectives against other players, as long as they’re fun I could care less.

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and yet Blitz and PVP gear in other instances of PVP boosting your ilvl has been rather well recieved

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Explains why they have to try to “balance” classes so much :roll_eyes: Nerf Buff Nerf Buff Repeat.

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A Warlock trying to fight a Demon Hunter is like Nanobes trying to fight god in a 1v1. Call me a sucky player but god dayum you get yo butt smacked

:stuck_out_tongue: seems like a Demon Hunter would just have so much fun toying with a Warlock.

I hate you!

Because classes being unbalanced in PVP is not fun? Then again you are playing a Demon Hunter so no surprise its going over your head.

Oh? going over my head because use a DH for the forums? I actually play ALL classes, But hey you’re just a level 15, you don’t get much a say of ANYTHING in the game, by your logic.

Your rebuttal that you play all classes kinda falls flat when you assume this posting alt is my only character.