So turn on Warmode. Boom; you’re suddenly in a Player versus Player realm!
Most people would just transfer to a server where they had a 4 - 1 population advantage and make things worse.
War Mode is drastically superior to being locked to a single ruleset forever.
PvP servers are mostly just griefing and ganking. They’re hardly ever about real WPvP. Illidan became 99% Horde by Cata or MoP. War Mode lets them balance faction populations per shard, which makes a lot more sense for trying to balance WPvP than pretending you could ever balance individual server populations. You would never maintain proper faction balance long-term on a single server.
Even their SoD tricks would have failed eventually if they had done that on vanilla servers. People would have just quit because they couldn’t play with their friends.
All War Mode needs is to add better world PvP content to attract more people into War Mode On for actual WPvP content. In its current state there are two different PvE modes. One just trades in the ability to gank and be ganked for more XP. The only PvP events we have are those little drop things.
I used to play on a PVP server from MoP through to Legion until they removed PVP servers and never once did I ever see any large scale battles anywhere in the world.
I also used to play on a PVP server also back in Classic until I took a break around Wrath and never once did I ever see any large scale battles anywhere in the world, even when I went around purposely trying to rile up the enemy forces none of them would really ever fight back.
I spent maybe 11 years playing on a PVP server and it was dull and boring.
Anyone who wants a PVP server only wants to force others into a permanent state of PVP so they can run around in their OP class and spec at max iLVL and get free and easy kills just so they can feel strong. There is no other reason for a PVP server, it’s not balanced, it never will be, not enough are ever engaging in open world PVP.
Then you must have been hiding in stormwind the entire time
Seems like you cannot read:
you played on the dominant faction then.
Originally I played alliance back when horde where winning everything PVP wise.
you played on the dominant faction of your realm and that’s why you never saw big pvp fights.
I don’t believe that this person played through classic and didn’t see world pvp. Not buying it
When I came to the game and pvp realms were still around, I played the low faction on a very unbalanced realm.
It was much more enjoyable than the unbalanced aspects of warmode. The relationships that were fostered also much more valuable and memorable.
Nope not even, there was far more horde than alliance on my server back then. I remember doing BG’s and basically never winning, even on those 12+ hour AV matches we were always on the back foot just defending until the inevitable loss would occur.
Fact is they got rid of PVP servers for a reason, part of that reason is that not enough ever done open world PVP.
I’m at terran mill in SoD right now and world pvp is going on everywhere. Groups of them
Yeh but doesn’t SoD have specific open world PVP events taking place?
Yeah BFA had pvp stuff, because of PVP world quests, the Slayer achievement, and for Alliance Against all Odds with Heroic Raid Gear (which actually killed world PVP when that came about). Before that it was common for one side to take up residence in the Tortallan city and outlast a siege from the other, had multiple Slayer achieves formed.
Going forward if thye ant world PVP they have it in the form of Malicia, we don’t need the faction war again, just have her fund events and WQs and people will do them.
Which is the main thing, not lack of dedicated servers, lack of content. People do the Malicia drop boxes and WQs in DF.
I miss this side of the game, an actual reason to go into PVP mode and not just “Here is 10%”, because 10% of nothing is still nothing.
PVP CONTENT Blizz, we need CONTENT. Not Servers.
Hopefully they’re talking about PVP getting much love from Blizzcon will ring true.
They could do it like, they introduce some new BGs and you can get a new PVP currency and a monthly vendor for PVP will give you good gear for that currency.
You can earn the currency from
- Killing players
- Winning BGs
- Doing objectives in BGs
It also introduces a PVP faction that you can grind rep for a monthly mount. Every month rep resets
Sounds like some wacky crap ik but im just brainstormin. Also ik the currency sounds like Honor but ITS NOT I SWEAR-
I unironically love and support this
For new BGs there could be like, your on a massive island and its like AV, right? But you cant zerg the enemy due to the defenses and players can put NPCs on offense or defense. And theres factions in the BG that you can do quests to get them to fight on your side (resets every new BG) And they will supply you with artillery strikes, NPC attackers, and siege weapons. And there’s also like, a massive deactivated Fel Reaver that’s the set piece of the map. And your team with enough effort can re-activate it on your side, turning it into a raid boss
I think the BG could be called “Reavers Fall”