What is Azeroth at War?
Azeroth at War is a project I am working on that is a community for organizing World PVP and Epic BGs, and even a lil bit of RP!
This is meant to be a love letter for the PVP aspect of WoW, and for those who want WAR and LOK’TAR OGAR!
The discord server for it is being worked on, so be patient but feel free to ask questions!
What events will we expect?
World PVP events that will be mainly be kill the VIP games or fighting for control of World PVP areas!
As for Epic BGs, AV will have some rules to make it a bit more like OG. We will also do Wintergrasp and Ashran, maybe IoC if anyone wants to do that! (Of course, with some rules to make it a bit more fair and nice)
As for RP, both sides will have some opportunities to RP before battle, and then begin battling with the BOYS (or girls)
If you dont want to RP, that’s ok! Feel free to join up in order to do some Epic BGs and World PVP!
Whats in it for me?
Well you will be able to engage in Epic BGs and not wait long que times IF the community is successful! If not, well, I tried.
Aside from that, dont expect much other then some honor and some fun, I mean, video games are meant to have fun.
Other notes
Now, you can doubt this post saying it wont succeed, and thats ok! Only time can tell if it can be successful. I will post the DC server when its done, and for something to ease paitence, the community in WoW will be posted on community finder and the DC server will also be posted there!
It will take some time as I have a life as well, so be paitent, and hopefully, you will get to see epic battles!
Blood and Thunder, bruddas, for Azeroth will be engulfed in war very soon…