I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

A PvP server in retail without this crazy sharding problem would be great for players who want to enjoy a more real world pvp game. Large scale battles and city raids are almost none existent in war mode, like they used to be on PvP servers.

If I die or kill someone in war mode, ill probably never see them again. And war mode creates almost worse imbalance of horde vs alliance at times.


Hard to beat those 90/10 servers that most pvp servers became.


To be fair, there’s not really a good way to balance 100 vs 1000. I mean you could have one server of 100v100 and then 9 servers of people who aren’t pvping… or you could have 10 servers of 10v100, it doesn’t seem great either way.

Though it seems reasonable that it would be frustrating to try and get back at someone and you can’t because they are in a different shard.

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This has happened to me too many times.

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I think a bigger problem is also that its not used for PVP, its used to get a leveling boost and then is never used again after that imo. But the Sharding is also BS


There are classic pvp servers that are balanced


Real world pvp is free in the real world. WMs biggest issue is players flagging themselves neutral by running to a sanctuary after initiating combat just outside of the sanctuary, and hoping for a lucky queue to pop to retreat.

Not so much in Wrath it looks like. And didnt happen when pvp servers were “retail”.

If anything, Classic is an anomaly that I wouldnt expect to be repeated.


I know SoD servers are almost 50/50

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Yeah, SoD is forced to stay like that. Blizz used a forced balancing thing to ensure it stayed even.


Spoken like someone who has never fought tooth and nail over a prize box from a dommy dragon mommy.


I miss PvP servers, Blizz really should have just given players a transfer off to pve servers instead of ruining an entire type of server.


I am a Orc player so I love ORC dommy mommies buddy… Your blocked!!!

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Punching down on the handful of people playing the wrong faction was about as ruined as could be.


I agree. I feel like I’m forced to play on a PvE server with a little “occasional” watered down, sharded to no end, world pvp that doesn’t feel the same. Why could blizzard just keep 1 pvp server for those who chose willingly to stay on it?


Rude, I’m all for orc dommy mommies airdropping prize boxes for us to fight over too.

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Nevermind your unblocked you know the true ways of a Orc player, now 1v1 me in Outland, MY DOMAIN!!!


I played Alliance on Barthilas mate, I’d still rather have that experience than what we have now.

Zug zug!


Sharding is a problem out of warmode, too. And it would also likely be a problem if they were to create a personal PvP server for you and your handful of friends who are hoping to get dished up gankable lowbies.