I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

Sure. See you in Org.

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The thing with war mode is that everyone turned it off because it isnā€™t fun.

In SoD, classic, etc pvp server players seem to scoff at pve server players but then people never want to group up and engage in world pvp because it is a waste of time and theyā€™re too busy.

So it seems to me like most people donā€™t actually enjoy world pvp but it is some weird point of pride for them.

Iā€™ve done a fair amount of world pvp for the wpvp items and the title. But since getting the title I stopped doing it. Honestly I think they just some more rewards for it. Getting honorable kills could fill the vault by giving significant amounts of honor. Give a weekly quest to give a chunk of conquest.

They were nonexistent on PvP servers before they shut them downā€¦

The vast majority of PvP servers were a 90/10 split. Of one faction over the other.

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Hereā€™s the other thing about pvp always servers (like they used to be)ā€¦

Eventually, everyone gets bored in the game. It was something fun to doā€¦to pass the time. Fishing was a challenge and could turn into an hours-long PVP war. You donā€™t have this anymore.

I used to be a horde rogue on Kelā€™Thuzad (like 90-some percent alliance) and it was the time of my life. He was my ā€œbackup dudeā€ - when the patch got boring, or other guildies took a break - iā€™d farm up a pvp set, and just go travel the world. It gave me purpose - something to do. I have no idea why they changed how that all worksā€¦especially when those people on PVP realms - chose to be on PVP realms for a reason.

One could say ā€œoh well just enable warmodeā€ - I mean I do, but itā€™s not the same. Everyone is then expecting itā€¦or you just run across premades ready for it. Itā€™s just not the same.

I see the the worst geared players running around in warmode , if it was a pvp server those guys would be crying in like 30 mins

Not true, Iā€™m at terran mill in SoD and there are larger scale pvp battles happening almost daily

Before they broke the API, those numbers were accurate because they did a /who for every level range in every zone. You literally got a snapshot of every character logged in to your realm at the time. These were uploaded to the site so you could compare realms and learn a lot of things, like what classes and races were most played, how many players at each level, etc. It always showed not only were most players max level, the vast VAST majority were at max level.

Youā€™re saying the minority faction will not stop playing on that server if it turns out the majority is oversubscribed right from day 1? Classic servers were imbalanced before it even started due to early reservations. The retail player population is not balanced. You have no reason to believe that the population on the PvP server will start out at best reflecting that current imbalance. And it will only get worse.

ā€œPVP is more fun when the other person doesnt realize they are PVPing. And they die instantlyā€


I think WoW should delete all PvP parts of the game and not waste time on it. Just like Overwatch needs to delete all PvE parts of itā€™s game and stop wasting time on it.

I donā€™t know man, I played on Grobb for a long time and it never once felt unbalanced. Itā€™s just not the nightmare people like to make it out to be. Again, having only one server will greatly alleviate the problem, because unlike Classic both factions will have to roll on the same server.

Start with 1 server and see how it goes, and blizz shouldnā€™t overreact as they do and if it gets full make like 5 more. Thats dumb make a second server.

I also personally think they should also make you roll a new toon on pvp server .


ā€¦Wait what

This is entirely subjective. Most players think their PvP server feels ā€œbalancedā€ when balance favors their side. Even 65% their side feels right. (I do recall seeing data on this in the past.) Greater than that they start to notice the imbalance.

Now if you had been tracking that balance, I could accept your feelings as relevant. But unfortunately, when there was a 65% representation of your faction on your server, the faction imbalance was already unrecoverable.

Thatā€™s hilarious. The PvP server would be ā€œfullā€ of level 1ā€™s.

I have. I play Horde, the under represented faction, the balance was never ā€œon my sideā€. How under represented though?

Its 51.4% Alliance and 48.6% Horde.


Good enough for me! The sky is not, and never was, falling.

Its been something Iā€™ve been thinking about for a bit. letting people bring over all the maxed geared toons they have would in my opinion (and mind you im a casual pvp guy) would immediately tip the scales one way or another.

while everyone leveling through bfa (or whatever) then DF would give everyone that taste of what it would be like and if they would really enjoy it.

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Letā€™s delete the stuff you enjoy doing too. Sound about right?

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Believe it or not, some of us actually enjoy playing on the underdog faction.


Tracking is not a single point of data. Look at the other servers, too, track them across the years. Most Classic servers started off imbalanced and went downhill from there. Most are strictly one faction now. If the faction balance at the start was the same as that in retail, that server will already be dying the day it opens.

If a higher percentage of Horde players roll on your server than the current retail balance, your server will just die sooner.

The only way balance could be controlled would be faction-based login queues. What are the chances Blizzard will do that? Zero.

This will never recover the balance of a server that most minority faction players consider unplayable.

Well, first. I dont want to be forced to make a toon on any server.

Next, I am not sure I see the benefit in a system that would tip scales like that. I am not sure making PVPs quasi beta servers and character copy is the right route. It wouldnt be a real server at that point. Youā€™d have to remove black market, remove wow tokens, etc. It would be a hassle.