I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

Yea, WM pretty much ended any potential for world pvp.

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If thereā€™s such a market for WPvP, why you running out of victims?

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I think pvp servers is a good thing for the game too, however they also need to add the population balance technology displayed in SOD; which has been a huge success.

They tried that in BFA and it became VERY VERY Bad for oceanic players. Horde had to turn warmode off because alliance overwhelmed them and still kept the 30% increased rewards.

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Or for farming rare stuff with trial characters.

There was a thread a few days ago about someone having a meltdown over pvp happening in warmode, and admitting they only did it for the xp boost. They expected to have 0 risks and was complaining about pvp in warmode.

Other threads over the subject existed, only because those people expected the xp boost without consequences or risk in warmode as well.

PvP servers do need to return, but maybe 2 new servers as an experiment.

Even if it is true, why would anyone who doesnā€™t want to be around those people argue against them having a place to do what they want? All the folks who prefer WM so they can turn it off when theyā€™re getting camped should love the idea of the campers going away to better hunting grounds.


Instead of more servers, i think they should make some zones into war zones. The quest rewards there should not be collectable rare types and instead we should mainly get honor or pvp tokens for completing the quests there. They should also have entrances that occassionally close up for the dominant faction. There should be plently of gathering opportunities as well for easy farming.

Pvp is thriving in SoD with pvp servers.

Actually . there is a PVP arena in the Cobalt Assembly area of Azure Span , but I donā€™t remember the name of it at the moment. When you step in to it you are automatically flagged for pvp.
They need something like that with a larger scale maybe for War Within with something super desirable up for grabs.
There needs to be some way to balance trouble free questing ,with combat rewards PVE , in my opinion.

Ashran ring a bell? Pretty sure thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re describing.

No. Ashran you had to queue for even if you walked up the ramp , this you just walk straight in
I will go in the game and write the name of it down and report it here
Just to the south east of the Cobalt assembly flight master is a PVP zone called the Training Grounds. There used to be a quest ,I cant remember the name, Arcane madness or something, where you would have to kill a certain number of elementals while being flagged for pvp , for an green or blue armor item.

I have not seen it active for some time, but it is still there.

I remember the reward not being very level appropriate, but I bet if you put a Veteran or Champion item in there, chaos would ensue.

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The reward was PvP gear, the level was irrelevant.

And the quest still spawns :3

Except itā€™s not true, no matter how much you want to strawman every other player in the game to fit your reality. Iā€™m sorry you got ganked and it upset you. But itā€™s your fault for picking a PvP server (then)/turning on war mode (now).

world PvP with gear is just bad. Very few people want a fair fight, they are mostly hunting for easy kills.

When Iā€™m on 485 druidā€¦ no one even dares to look in my general direction. If I walk toward them just to pick up a flower or a node, they literally mount up.
450 lfr mage just getting xmogā€¦ suddenly the entire map is after me like I have a bounty on my head.


Yeah, funny thing. It turns out most people hate PVP when they donā€™t enjoy an unfair advantage.

My only complaints with War Mode is that itā€™s too easy to disengage from and the game makes no attempt to balance WM layers, so you still get all the worst aspects of world PVP plus the dominant team can just quit the minute the other team actually gets boots on the ground and gets organized.

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Except it is true. That is what mostly happened on PVP Servers. People would usually gank low levels, rather than fighting someone at their own level.

I used to be on Thrall. Didnā€™t come to Frostmourne until SL before quitting. And you know the irony, I do have Warmode on. Havenā€™t engaged in WPVP yet, nor have been ganked once.

Let me know when youā€™re on next, im sure we can arrange a meeting :stuck_out_tongue:

Conqueror of Azeroth, etc here.
Categorically untrue.
I have campees that I attend to regularly.

Your domain is a broken pile of rubble?

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