I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

I don’t think Blizz will go back and change servers to PVP as long as they have warmode. I don’t personally see an issue with PvP servers though since I’ve been following all these threads and interacting with some of you who do want it.

If they continued doing things like they did with the war campaigns in BfA we might see more players in war mode. But they don’t.

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There were PVP realms. They apparently weren’t sustainable. Making a new thread every week with the same people demanding them doesn’t change that.

Seems like that’d just have to not be possible anyway. Doesn’t make any sense why it would.

Having WM realms available for the people who refused to roll on PvE servers addresses pretty much all of the problems involved. Heavy handed blizz didn’t have to remove the PvP servers in the first place, they could have just spun up/converted WM ones.

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BlizZard fixed a problem that didn’t need fixing honestly. They made it worse.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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At this point, might as well give them their one PvP server and then proceed to ignore it.


Most of the time, it was max level people ganking low levels who didn’t have a decent chance in defending themselves. It was rare to see 2 people at exactly the same level fight each other in the open world.


I do miss being a unique realm as RP-PvP on Emerald Dream. Even if I am not a PvPer really myself, it was fun and interesting to have that option chosen for me, as I chose a PvP realm. I couldn’t just opt out if I didn’t feel like being part of PvP, no, it was part of the entire experience of being on such a realm. War Mode is one of those things that sounded great on paper but once it was implemented, things shifted/changed, and not for the better. I’m sure even non-pvpers who played on PvP realms (the people war mode was theoretically implemented for), can agree to that.


Most retail players are max level, and even if not, you can level an alt in 5 days with finder and not even leave a capital city. I doubt ganking is a major problem. And also, not everyone does it.


This has to be one of the worse arguments I’ve seen on the forums. And what source do you have to actually back this one up?

If it takes you 5 days to level from 1 to cap, then you are seriously doing something majorly wrong.

I never said ganking is a problem, all I said, I’ve seen more people chose to gank people at a lower level than fighting someone at own levels.

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What exactly are you saying here? I’m saying it’s easy to get to max level. Are you agreeing with me?

Do you actually believe most players are not max level?

Do you remember before they broke the census addon? That always showed not only most active characters were at max level, the VAST majority of them were. (Outside of the first couple weeks of an expansion, of course)

War mode freed a lot of ppl from pvp servers. The only solution before that was pay to transfer off or abandon your characters. All war mode did was show us how many ppl were tired of getting ganked.

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To be fair, War Mode is basically the only reason world PvP even survived. PvP servers were fled form left and right, and much of the people who tended to prefer them didn’t actually want good PvP, but to grief others. Especially those who couldn’t fight back.

The legion era PvP scaling actually made world PvP far FAR more impactful and interesting, and much of the active PvP community loved it…and the larger population hated it, so War Mode was the compromise.

In the spirit of being fair, the dedicated PvP community also loved templating on the whole, and that was hated by the larger population.

It turns out, most of the people who want the old days back don’t actually want good PvP, and that basically makes such servers close to DoA

Especially when racial imbalance is still present


we still have balance issues in classic but is kinda stable in one server in wrath. war mode was the only way open world pvp could survive here

It should be 100v100 and 0v900, then increase the war mode bonus to 45% and have it apply to everything, not just gold.

Yeah, it did. At least some were. Really, they should’ve been forcibly balanced.

It’s supposed to be the case that the less dominant faction gets way more of a bonus. I don’t know if that’s still the case, though. I think Blizzard now uses shards to keep the faction population balanced.

But war mode doesn’t need any help disincentivizing playing on it. Every world event outside of Iskaara (for obvious reasons) is way more popular with war mode off than on, and much of the time there’s at least a tenuous truce between horde and alliance when it comes to things like the superbloom. That said, you’re probably not getting achievements or top-end rewards with war mode on in those events because there just aren’t as many people around.

Yeah, can’t swap to your main if your alt is getting ganked because you’re just going to end up in a different shard anyway.

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Anyone who wants to play on a PvP server only wants to do it to gank lowbies.

I’m sick of this “argument”


If we get a pvp server back, I think it’s fine if most people just stay on the normal servers. Hopefully people who want to participate in world pvp are the ones who join. That’s the idea. Even if it’s a smaller server


I mean, do you have any official sources to say otherwise? Even back of the days with RealmPop, it wasn’t accurate to confirm the numbers on whether most were max level. The only way this can be confirmed is if Blizzard says so, and this would highly be unlikely as Blizzard even stopped revealing subscription numbers.

Be sick of it all you want, doesn’t make it any less true. It is happening now in Classic, it happened in the past in retail.

Congratulations, you have the option to participate in World PVP, it is called Warmode.


If I were Blizz and were to bring back pure PVP servers for retail I’d make it so once you make a Horde or Alliance toon you can never swap factions.

EDIT: And I’d remove all racials so there’s no advantage ever.