Everyone had a chance of surviving when everyone was fresh in BfA and had ground mounts only. That was the fun part of war mode
Infact BfA launch and war mode was peak leveling cause no one was doing the warfront quests yet. So you had alliance strictly leveling in kul tiras and horde in zul’dazar
If you had happen to find said people in war mode it was fair equal game
Agreed. Allows me to be on Daggerspine where other players I know are who like to stay in pvp mode, while I dont like having my questing time wasted by bored children. lol.
Warmode was one of the best things they did with this game…that and opening it up so we can level in any old expansion instead of running the gaunlet for 120 levels.
Definitely great for the people who prefer it, but also no reason not to give the ones who don’t a place to have the experience they preferred for years.
I still wait and hope for pvp servers, warmode only seems to work because so many pvpers have given up.
Imagine how mad so many pve players would be if they forced you to only do npc dungeons, sure there will be a handful of happy players who will go on and on about how toxic pve was and all the gatekeeping but that’s not what happens the majority of the time.
Thats what warmode feels like a cheap and shallow attempt to fix the problem, and because the same loud minority claims it works but no one likes it, and drown out actual pvp players.
What is permissible now becomes the answer to other problems.
If a single PVP server was brought in, I would want the option to never be flagged if I was invited to a group on that server, out in the open world. As long as I can opt out of any kind of world pvp, I will be happy.
I hope your main is a rogue like the toon you’re posting on because that’s a rogue statement if I’ve ever seen one.
Malicia. She’s in the Gladiator’s Refuge and hands out instanced PvP quests, but when a supply drop is dropping in the zone you’re in she’ll announce it. She also announces opposing faction assassins or whatever they are.