I still think war mode was a mistake. I think PvP servers and PvE servers are better

Nah war mode is one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. And tbh, there’s really no reason why multiple servers should exist anymore. With the exception of maybe one for RP specifically, and the other with everyone else.


I know many people who would disagree. War mode has ruined world pvp

And nobody is talking about killing low levels. Why is that always the excuse? I wouldn’t even care if the pvp flag was not eligible until level 70. Doesn’t bother be at all

And why should RP and PvE players get the servers they want, but not PvP players?


That’s what they all say. That’s what they have always said about PvP servers, even when they were a thing. And yet those who cared enough to post those threads on the forums were always badly geared with no honor or PvP achieves.

Now you are acting like this is a brand new game with no servers at all, where everything would have to be created new.

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Maybe Blizzard can disincentivize people to be in Warmode that are only there for PVE questing bonuses when there are no opposing faction players, or a sliding scale where the more the population is imbalanced, the less of a bonus the “dominant” faction receives.

That could have a number of people turn off Warmode if they’re not getting any bonuses for being there.

Conversely, if your faction is overwhelmed, the bonus could be increased.

Maybe people have other ideas how to incentivize / disincentivize players to help push for an even balance, but this is just one idea.

Easily solved by having a single server that is PvP.


How will limiting PvP servers to n=1 make that server balanced?

Hint: In a two-faction PvP game, imbalance is inevitable. One the server becomes imbalanced, it will never recover.

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It is a mistake, and it was just an excuse for Blizzard to no longer intervene in issues on PvE or PvP servers. People grief all the time outside of warmode and now blizz can peacefully ignore it.

Also I thought they took away embedded gifs from people that don’t meet TL3, would be great if it applied to that headache inducing gif above.

Pretty sure you get arrested for that and have to pay a fine.


I don’t personally considering ripping something out instead of fixing it to be the solution.

I think Blizzard can do a much better job of addressing the faction imbalance. Like giving the weaker faction a 30% damage increase buff against the other faction as long their dominating the faction. And have it sort of dynamically change damage numbers around depending on the team balance or etc here.

Or Something like SoD too.

Or me personally, just make it free for all, where whatever guild you join in, will be your faction pretty much. (With of coarse, maxing at 100 players for fair balancing)


I think warmode just proves people didn’t really like PVP servers to begin with and most people played there because they already had large established bases with which to recruit, and were likely to have more sweats. Given that warmode is usually barren outside of a few circumstances.


Thats just the queue time to get to play again. Like the 30+ min dps queue for SS.

Because then the worst it gets is the overall faction imbalance. The biggest problem was that Alliance all rolled on one server while Horde rolled on another. Of course you cannot achieve exactly 50/50 (I don’t need your “hint”, but thanks for the condescension I have become used to from anti-PvPers) but the overall faction imbalance won’t be 90/10 like it became on certain servers.

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Emerald Dream wasn’t. It was pretty balanced on both sides and more like 40/60.

It was a great server until they killed it :cry:

Edit: Matter of fact if one side got to big guilds were known to switch sides FYI.


Warmode killed world role play PVP servers like Emerald Dream.

Now we are stuck with heavy sharding which makes the other players in the background like NPCs that phase in and out and you have no connection to them because they are not from your server.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


War Mode is a less of a problem compared to sharding and CRZ in general. It’s just awful.

PvP outside of Arenas definitely needs to be addressed by the devs at some point, it’s still a part of the game like it or not, but before that its existence needs to be acknowledged by them first.


Warmode without sharding, then?
PvP servers would be ded because wow hasn’t enough players anymore. With warmode and crossrealm you can at least mix the remaining together.

Oh, you do.
I have several kos that I meet regularly. And they hate me.

Right…warmode just makes it more obvious but the CRZ and sharding started before warmode was introduced and it made world PVP servers worse off.

BlizZard undermines the integrity of PVP servers by doing two things:

  1. Allowing faction transfers when a PVP server is imbalanced between Horde vs Alliance ratios.

  2. CRZ/Sharding.

As a result of BlizZard damaging PVP server stability their big brain solution to the problem THEY CREATED was to introduced warmode servers.

Execpt warmode servers made the problem worse.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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A true PvP server would need to be stripped of all PvE content, more or less.
Sure, have open world content.
That would drive the PvP interactions.
But raids, and dungeons would have to be removed or else it’s just going to end up like it did before.

A PvP server would need to be all about PvP and nothing else.

We’ve already had the PvP+PvE type and it didn’t work out.
Doing the exact same thing over again will give us exactly what we had already.

Why? I’m playing SoD right now and do mostly PvE content but open world pvp and organized pvp is working just fine

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