I still say no to a level squish in 9.0

The gaps in abilities while leveling is a side effect of ability pruning.

It was repeatedly pointed out to Blizzard with each round of ability pruning that it would make leveling very, very boring.

They didn’t care.


Sometimes I ask myself why I am still faithful to this product thinking something good will come out of it with this crew. Most of my friends left to ESO and FFXIV mostly while few headed towards GW2. I wonder if they can draw us back, but I get the feeling they just need to start a brand new WoW system. I know horde and alliance going to be on the same side and partying with one another next expansion. That’s one good thing and less queue times.

Someone please come grab their boot.

I’ve said it a million times already.

Everything a squish would supposedly ‘solve’ could be actually addressed without a squish. A squish would simply hide the problems.

There is zero reason to care about ANYTHING in the game before 110 right now. Zero. None. No professions, no class progression quests, no skills to build, absolutely nothing. That is a core problem with the game.

Talent trees are shallow and often have talents that are unacceptably dead picks for the whole damn expac.

Abilities are overpruned and spaced out, a squish does nothing here, as the same amount of time would be spent between levels.


It’s always fun watching Blizz do a few hotfixes for talents at the start of the expansion and then leave them alone for the next year or so. As if nothing else can be done until they blenderize the whole system with the next expansion.

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‘Ok it took us six months, but we finally nerfed blizzard’s slow duration’

…can you buff mi-



Man, I wish I could like your post more than once. Because your point is straight forward.

On the topic though about Gw2, I do like there Mastery System and there level scaling system too, and think this is a concept that Blizzard can do.

Ok, doesn’t have to be Mastery System, but maybe like a new artifact system, which you get at level 1, and work towards and leveling as well as your class. And make it so the Artifact system can be working towards maybe professions, or maybe empowering some small things in the class, or anything really that is already in game. But at the same time, not push it so we’re grinding so bad for it, and also make it account wide. And make it so you can earn it at every zone in game, even old and outdated content. Because then it will make even the old content relevant.

And as for the zone scaling, instead of the mobs scaling up to your level, you scale down to the zone level, for example, Ghostlands, originally a level 10-20 zone, if you were level 120, and you went to Ghostlands, you’ll scale down to level 20, but at the same time, still feel powerful to the zone. Because then with that version of level scaling, you still have a sense of Character Progression. But just don’t implement it to Raids and Dungeons.

Honestly, I think Gw2 has a lot of good concepts that can also work in WoW, but made it completely different so it isn’t something that is just copied from another game.

On a topic also, thing they need to do is give Mastery at low levels. Because there is some classes and specs that highly rely on Mastery and yet, they don’t get it until level 78?

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If they save it for the next Expansion that’ll be fine.

I wouldn’t wouldn’t mind them “retiring” 90% of out pets and mounts. It’ll be like starting fresh!

Yea… I just want WoW 2.

This is kind of what the motivation the game could use and compete to actually be called modern WoW. Blizzard feels like Sega right now like they have the potential, but always end up doing an 180 and follows that negative path. Overall good suggestion which I hope they read.

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So instead we can have 60 levels without gaining new skills or abilities for the last 10-15 levels? Is that really going to fix things for you?

Or they can do as some have suggested, and spread out abilities over the whole 60 levels, meaning you get your full toolkit later in the leveling process.

And that’s assuming they don’t break everything with the squish.

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I remember how broken leveling was after the ilvl squish at the start of the expansion. Things took so long to kill, and was extremely boring to level as it took so long to kill stuff. WoD is still fairly overtuned since 7.3.5 and they still haven’t done anything to fix that, so them fixing anything is very high chance that it will not be fixed.


And you think that not squishing levels is going to prevent them from pruning us and giving us another artifact?

They haven’t squished levels yet, however we’ve still been being force fed this terrible system for two expansions now.

Not saying it’s really right or wrong either way, but that is terrible logic to use to drive your argument, squishing levels and terrible AP grinds are not one and the same.

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Dude, pruning could be done without a level squish as well. I was using it as an example though to the person who I originally replied to, who seems to think that classes are designed based on how many levels we have to gain.

level squish just makes sense

do you know how ugly and unapproachable the game is to someone who knows nothing about it?

“yeah so when you buy wow just go get level 185”

bigger numbers are always just less approachable and at this point we desperately need more players


A level squish makes sense to what?

You obviously know nothing about the game yourself with that statement.

Ion said they’re thinking of having every level giving something.

i dont even have to look to know you’re a random casual with no notable achievements in the last 2 decades but ill let it slide

WoW from the perspective of a potential player has not only a ton of ugly stigmas tied to it
but it also has an immense aura of ‘this games been out for 20 years and getting into it now would be rough’

which obviously isnt true and the game has NEVER been easier than it is now
but seeing ‘level cap 185’ is absolutely an intimidating and unnecessarily bloated number

signed someone significantly more invested and better than you at the game

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Woah, calling someone a casual while posting on a toon from WoW Classic. Is this the new Male Human Paladin mode?
And also, what does achievements have to prove?

You do know because of all the squishes and pruning, mind you, a lot of changes to the core game itself has made it far more quicker to level from level 1 to cap.

And you think that is bad? The thing is, it isn’t the numbers of levels that is causing the issue with the game.

“Hello, I decided to post on a level 10 Classic toon and claim to be better than someone at the game!”

Nice trolling!

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you’re very small minded and your comprehension is limited

argue to me the reason you think something like 185 is significant to anyone for any reason?

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And what are you exactly trying to prove?

And you haven’t answered my question.

See, you can’t even think of a logical reason to why a level squish is needed, or let alone, would make sense.