Look at it this way, it isn’t going to solve anything, and all the hard work I put into earning every level, I do not want that to be squished and taken away.
They no longer listen to us. This falls un deaf ears. I wished they would undo all the level squishing. There are so many people in Classic who are complaining that they cant take out mobs that are 20 levels above them and they are complaining about how long it takes them to level.
This game is so far polar opposite of Classic that it is a major shock to many of them who are there for their very first time. Already have people on those forums complaining and people in game saying the game is dying.
I got no problems with a level squish, it doesn’t really cheapen the experience I got levelling this guy or any of my others. Mostly it just means that if and when I choose to level more toons it won’t take me 6 months to catch up to the others
You know a level squish isn’t going to speed up leveling. Its just going to take longer to gain levels. If anything it will make it feel slower.
I think its a bad idea but as someone else stated they don’t listen to their players. It will be another crap storm on the forums and they will lose subs over it in the long run. They have made it clear they want to make a game for themselves and not for the players.
I think the item level squish was enough for the foreseeable future.
It doesn’t take six months now. If it takes you six months to catch up, then you’re doing something wrong.
Semper Fi!
I say yes.
130 levels whitout gaining new skills or abilities for over 30 ilvls is a terrible, terrible pacing.
As long as it is a better experience than killing thousands of enemies with a breath i am in.
And you think a level squish is going to solve that?
I’ll put it this way, what if on top of a level squish, Blizzard also pruned more to add more a new artifact system next expansion?
It will be the same experience to now. As I said, a level sqush is going to solve nothing.
The level squish was supposed to be a part of a system, not the only thing. If they just smash everything down into 60 levels then no it isn’t helping anything, but if there’s a streamlining of content that goes along with it then I’m for it. The item level squish accomplished nothing, by the end of bfa we’re going to be in the 500’s range all over again if not higher.
Lack of new skills/abilities is an issue with class design not levels. Looking at how well sarcasm the previous squishes were I can’t see a level squish going well. Gearing now from 1 to 109 is a joke. You can easily find an item that is 100 ilvls upgrade and end up having less stats on it.
If we had the old talent system back they could have it paced out better with that alone. Every 2 to 4 levels get a point and you now have something to look forward to. If we hadn’t lost so many abilities with each class revamp they would have abilities to pace leveling out with.
Yes, it will.
What is left to prune? lmao.
The issue is the pacing, its terrible and right now ganining levels means almost nothing in retail.
Hopefully they also make mobs not movable target dummies they are now, that would be a bonus.
Nah, pacing would still be better because gaining levels would feel better.
And what if it takes the same amount of time to get from 1 to the new level cap after the squish as it does now from level 1 to 120?
It is pretty obviously the only thing Blizzard does care about is increasing /played time.
Class design is tied with the levels, you can’t accomodate and balance over 60 skills on classes thats why the revamps.
Now better space them in a more organized and meaningful way than completely arbitary “wait 40 levels to gain a passive bonus”
Old talent system would be also good but how would that works? gain 130 talent spoints? get 0.05% crit each point of the first tier? lawl. If you want it back and want it working it must be squished.
Class Design and Levels are 2 different things. You do know that, right?
They do not design our classes based on how many levels we gain.
It would make gaining the level means something other than literally nothing.
If you truly believe in this statement you really shouldn’t play the game which just want to fool you.
Classic consumes much more time than anything in retail yet people likes it.
I don’t think the game could handle it, meaning the players.
We are all too jaded, escaping to some 15 year old thing that is basically MUCH worse than the current game.
Imagine the reaction, with Classic (or even other games) existing, to a level squish in retail. I can see the post topics now:
- The Proverbial Camel Back Breaking Straw!
Lets design a class that gain all skills and abilities at level 1 then.
All MMOs design classes around their levels to determine the pace and learning curve of the class.
Quit the passive-agressive stance btw, its cringeworthy and you are not enlighted.
You want gaining levels to mean something?
Remove Level Scaling, make quest gear feel rewarding, like it used to be, give heirlooms the power as it did when it felt equal to a blue piece of gear, add some extra objectives with a nice reward, remove the store level boost, etc.
The same thing can be done without a level squish.
The level squish should be by expansion just like professions. That way everybody is happy. Go to Vanilla Content and you are level 1, if you pull a level 60 mob in a vanilla area and you are level 1 guess what you die. Every expansion should have a 1 to 60 leveling system. Making old content relevant again. classes that didn’t exists will have to opportunity to also go back and earn new levels. Make lore master a feat of strength. For those of us that have been around since vanilla will auto max level to that expansion based on play time during that expansion.
Pointless because heirlooms/titanforges exists and they scale with you
lol do 10 quests in elwyn then you are forced to move out if you want to progress the character isn’t a good questing system.
Would be cool if they removed the store.
They never lost power, they scale.
Its also funny that you want heirloom to be overpowered while at the same time asking quest gear to feel rewarding. One can’t happen with the other.
It won’t change the pacing.
I am not gonna pretend that 130 levels with 30 skills to accomodate on them is a good thing.