You certainly herped my derp here. I have no idea what you just said.
And what is wrong with heirlooms?
Things are only going to TF if at level caps of the last 3 expansions (100, 110 and 120)
Then unequip Heirlooms. You know they are optional to collect and equip.
They have always scaled, and they have lost power, because before patch 7.3.5, they used to be equal to a Blue Piece of gear. Now, they’re about as equivalant to a green piece.
A level squish won’t change the pacing either.
It’s funny how you claim heirlooms to be OP. Before the first stat squish in WoD, heirlooms was a perfect equivilant to having a blue piece of gear. And having a blue piece of gear was better than any green you were going to see.
And yes, I also made the option also for questing gear, because there is some who chose to not have heirlooms equip. Having options there is also good, yes?
No to level squish. Squishing was a bad idea, that never should have happened.
It’s a strange idea, level squishing Retail WoW will make Classic WoW more competitive. Classic WoW is a deadend, once you make too many changes it will no longer be Classic WoW and branch off into, probably a different flavor of WoW.
Level squishing will just reveal how poorly thought out it is.
I support a squish. An everything squish. Squish levels, professions, etc.
IMO, WoW needs a reset. Not our gear, our story–but so much no longer feels right.
I’m really enjoying the classic pacing/style (again) though–maybe I’m talking to the wrong community with this mentality. :X
They make the gearing pointless and therefore the rewards useless.
Nop, quest rewards at westfall already titanforge.
Its optional to use your gear whille in BfA.
Its optional to use your gear in a BG.
Its optional to raid naz at 320 ilvl>
Neither are optimal, and in all of them you just gimpy yourself on purpose.
Heirlooms shouldn’t even give XP bonus and if anything they should be obtainable via questing to make the quests interesting.
Which means they can’t lose power.
I know how they used to be, it doesn’t change my sentence.
The green gear doesn’t scale.
It does.
More rewards per level bracket is better pacing.
They are extremely op compared to any quest rewards because they won’t scale, it isn’t really debatable, you can rationalize all you want though.
In the end, they arr better than any quest gear and you are still contradicting yourself.
Gimping yourself isn’t an option. It is just a wrong choice, or stupid.
You can auto attack everything while leveling and in 10 m+ too. Having options is great eh.
Jesus… lol.
WHat are you smoking man.
Having a chance to upgrade to a blue or purple piece of gear =/= Titanforging
Stats increases, ilvl increases and it comes out saying “warforged” or “titanforged”
Not that it matters, heirloom makes them useless.
Looking at other MMO’s they seem to manage to keep leveling at a proper pace. Everquest for example has been around alot longer than wow and next expansion they are raising level cap to 130 and every level you get something new. That doesn’t even include the AA alternate advancement points they continue to add as well.
At the start of cata the talent system was good to 85. I never said we needed a new point every single level I said every 2 to 4 levels. Between that and new abilities in between leveling would be paced just fine.
I really feel like wow needs some sort of alternate ability point system at this point. They sorta did it with the artifact power but I mean a system they don’t rent to us. Something that each expansion would allow players to build upon. That would give players something else to look forward to as well.
There are just so many things they could do that would add meaningful content to the game instead of just being lazy and squishing the levels together.
Prove it says WF/TF?
meanwhile, the forum is flooded with posts saying people WANT to do menial tasks which do nothing other than increase played time.
go figure.
There are more people on faerlina queue than playing everquest, which is a dead franchise, why take ideas from bad games? take the ones from good ones and improve them.
So whats the point of it? You still will have and underwhelming reward for each talent point, just make it a good reward, just squish it.
where are all these level squish posts coming from? has there been some sort of announcement or info leak that i’ve missed or something?
Short while ago actually, Blizzard did a survey announcing to random people in the survey that they were going to do a level squish next expansion.
they did a survey announcing they were going to, or a survey to ask people how they felt about a potential level squish?
Nope, announced.
Original Thread where linked is from
EDIT: There was also talks about a potential level squish in one of the Q&A videos as well.
that’s so obviously fake it hurts. i’m not saying there won’t be a level squish, but blizzard doesn’t just put that popup there to ask you if you know something they haven’t announced yet.
i can say with near certainty there won’t be a level squish during BFA. i can also say with near certainty that eventually there will be one, if not the 9.0 expansion then definitely for 10.0 or 11.0. there are arguments for and against doing one, but the likelihood of them pulling the trigger on it will increase with every expansion until eventually they just have to.
I still say yes.
That isn’t how it works.
Leveling and progression as a whole are being looked over and reworked.
It isn’t just a level squish.
As it stands; leveling is bloated, lacks meaningful progression, and the path it is on is unsustainable. Can’t keep adding levels with every expansion.
Your work is still recognized - it not taking away achievements.
They are working to make leveling a fulfilling experience
To Re-iterate: They are not just cutting down the number - they are reworking how progression works in the game
that will fall on deaf ears no matter how well you word it or phrase it or explain it. a large chunk of the players will see it as taking away something they’ve earned, and not for the shifting of numbers that it is.
for myself i think a squish to level 60 for BFA ending is appropriate. every expansion they’ve tried to adjust it so that it takes the same average time to go from character creation to the level cap, whether that level cap was 70, 80, 85, etc. but the power creep was getting out of hand because the difference between the power of a level 70 over a level 60 was as great as a level 60 over a level 1. they tried to not make the creep so extreme with cataclysm, but that really didn’t work. people screamed about only getting “5” levels in that expansion, if you remember.
it doesn’t matter though, a level squish will happen eventually, and there’ll be much screaming about it because most people will only see that they had a big number, and it got taken away and replaced with a smaller one.