I personally haven’t seen those complaints on my server.
It’s very early but I’m predicting now Classic is gonna knock Retail to the basement so hard the level squish isn’t going to matter anyways because noone’s going to be playing that game until they fix it to make it more like Classic and presumably BC when they release that
I don’t like the premise of a level squish. I think they could expend the effort to make the leveling process better and less disjointed in a lasting way, because getting to 120 is really not an overly long or difficult process, it just looks that way, and there’s really no cohesion in what you’re doing while you level up.
They made it better by making the world scale, so you can finish whatever zone you’re into before moving on, but there’s more they could do.
Well, it makes a lot of sense considering that everything already scales. When I’m hitting a mob the same amount of times at level 110 as I am at 120, leveling is absolutely pointless. It’s honestly a waste of time. You level to get stronger. You don’t level to have everything grow with you.
I feel the exact same way as the OP.
I’d be fine if they didn’t expand levels again, and offered some sort of alternative advancement system, but cutting off levels, just to re-earn them is a bad idea.
It sounds like you missed the point of the stat squish. They did it to alleviate processing time because of the sheer size of the numbers the system was trying to crunch. While it feels good to do a couple million points of damage, it’s not easy for a 15 year old engine to do every time several hundred thousand or a couple million players engage something. The same goes for player level, removing even a single place value can be helpful on the system at large. It has nothing to do with progression.
I say who gives a flying frick what you think
And people would complain about the time sink required for each level. I guess each new expansion would be 4 or 5 new levels, one level per zone.
Yeah, we don’t need a level “squish” what we need is leveling removed entirely.
Levels are superfluous at this point
They don’t do mean anything anymore other than to be another layer of time gating now that progression comes from ilvl and farming the next AP/Azerite/Essence system they have planned next.
What hard work have you recently put in towards leveling a character the last few expansions?
Fixed that for you.
While I am not opposed to the concept of the squish, I do not trust Blizz to have the foresight or understanding of the player base to make it work. There are still scaling issues unresolved from a year and half ago Not to mention the stuck in combat bug from … oh the last 10+ years.
I suspect they would take the bandaid approach and make things worse then promise to fix it in an upcoming patch which will bring another bandaid and so on.
Bring in the level squish. 120 levels to get to relevant content? Take us back to 50 and the cap for next expansion is 60. You can have it take as long as it does for classic leveling without making it cumbersome and inconvenient. Leveling isn’t suppose to feel like a chore.
Problem is they do not care or listen, they do what they want to do.
If all they do is squish, you’d spend the same amount of /played time between gaining new skills.
There’s nothing about the level squish that would suggest a change in mob difficulty. People for the squish are putting too many hopes and dreams into it when Blizz is going to treat it like another band-aid fix the same way they do with stat squishes and item level squishes.
Leveling will feel more like a chore when it takes twice as long to get to the next level.
I don’t see any other way to solve the “go 20 levels with no new abilities” problem besides a level squish. Unless you want every spell to have 4+ ranks.
How about you stop acting like you are not just a classic loving troll, trying to get the slow behind pacing from classic put back into retail.
IF that happens, there will be no one left playing retail, along with no one in classic after 3 month.
Then what? No WoW?
Just stop.
Just No!
I mean really, just NO!