I still don't have BFA flying

This is a double sided statement the OP is making because on one hand, it is hard for new or returning players to catch up, and that deters fresh blood from entering the mix.

On the other hand, it is the end of an expansion in an MMORPG. Trying to shotgun 2 years worth of content without feeling overwhelmed is going to do that to you.

Me? I think a lot of people would be pissed off by flight being locked off during leveling, especially after having ground out pathfinder on the promise of flying for all the alts. But I also don’t think that matters a lot to Blizzard so long as the metrics look good. Metrics don’t measure fun.

Same here.

I despise naz. I have tried to make it work but we just don’t get along.

Take a stealthy type in…nope. Feral druid kills too slow here imo. tried camo talent for a hunter…still no joy. Lets go do something like fold clothes from washing while the CD burns off. I know I will need to go stealth and pop feign death. Lets have them both up.

Even splurged on the mount equipment to really reduce dismounts. Nope, didn’t have me like this better.

Its not so much the work…its the reward of the work. the mobs being harder I’d be fine with. The pay is crap. twice the work of a base BFA and the same pay? I don’t think so. twice the work, pay me twice the reward my thinking here.

Just have to ride this out till 9.0. then BFA can be a bad dream I can forget. Never, ever, eva have to go back here. which is sad…I spend lots of time in other older expacs for mogs. even WoD…and I can’t event fly there either.

Yeah; no time at all as in a month

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I dont have any of the pathfinder unlocks. It sucks sometimes.

Personally, I’m pulled in by the lore, the world I’m familiar with, and characters I grow to miss after some time away from them.

The daunting checklist of chores never even comes up on my radar. In fact, I kind of try to avoid thinking about it when I come back. There’s just so much guff I have to do before I can get back to where I was.

At the moment, I’ve been leveling previously-neglected Allied Race alts.

Only thing I liked about Naz was pvp but it got ruined with flying.

why…does this always get brought up?
“If the person wanted to fight, they wouldn’t fly away, no matter how badly they were losing. If you have issues with people flying away, maybe it’s because you’re ganking them unprepared.”

Get a human. Get contract and use your mission tables. It super sucks, and I won’t pretend it doesn’t. But my advice is take the easiest path to the top. Then do things that you enjoy.

Having said that, my biggest problem with PF is that the bar isn’t lowered over time - for exactly this reason.


Pathfinder is actually MORE alt-friendly. You get it once on your main on a single faction and don’t have to pony up ever again no matter how many alts you play.

Unsubbing repeatedly definitely hurt you since you missed the anniversary event where everyone was racking up rep like the dickens, but even without that it will take you a month tops. And that’s with no contracts, emissaries, Sign of the Emissary or mission table. Not to mention the reps you grind will get you naturally close to unlocking the BFA Allied Races too.

I mean, I do it for achievements and cosmetics and stuff. I’ve been doing emissaries for gold. I don’t like being required to do it to progress in the story though.


I am in the same boat as OP and this was encouraging. Thank you for your post! :slightly_smiling_face:

pretty much the same, I am an altaholic I have tons of rep across many toons but that will never amount to PF. I have abandoned BFA and went back to classic, If i am punished in retail for my play style and have to walk anyways I would rather play the game that was fun and not some half baked garbage that the JV programmers came up with. ION wanted to punish the players and has maintained the negative approach to any mention of flight.
PF is even more so punishing to players returning to game after a brief rest, the catch-up is daunting and the zones un-tuned for the lesser number of players on the ground. While having 200 Naga piled up on the road made sense when the entire player base was traveling that road now only 1% have to fight thru the scrum.

ION’s negative approach to flight has turned more people away from this game than any other factor.

TLDR: If ION and his crew still want to punish players over Flight then play Classic, its at very least more fun than BFA and friendly to those on foot.

Because they have a choice either to have war mode on or off. Everyone does it and plus this is Nazjatar where anyone was ganking all the time.

I dont have WoD flying. Or Legion. Or BFA. Rep SUCKS now. All a time gated mess. Id rather keep dropping my sub between major patches.

No I mean 5 days /played so a total of 120 hours. Sounds like a lot but you also have to take 12-14 hours for leveling thorugh legion, another 3-4 hours or more for doing DH class hall and mount and take a few hours for just simple things that had nothing to do with pathfinding.

I’m not saying it’s super easy, but 5 days /played is nothing for a LOT if not most people who play this game.

Oh I wasn’t trying to be contrary. I was just thinking someone knew a faster way than me and I was hoping to learn. :smiley:

Not 100% true. Blizzard removing the Warmode Enlisted bonus (15-30% additional rep/exp gains) from the game would show nobody except for the true pvpers would actually wear War Mode. If you want to blame flying for PvP death, blame Blizzard for a lack of options for real pvp. Ganking is not pvp, so don’t even try to justify it with “everyone does it since Vanilla.”

I came back to wow after a long hiatus during korraks revenge. I leveled all my characters through this and did not step foot into the new zones so when I finally got max level I literally had no rep and I wasn’t even aware of what PF was at the time. I still don’t have pathfinder and honestly I will get it eventually but I’m not going to grind really hard to do it. I will say this if I wasn’t able to already fly in uldum or the vale I probably would have pushed myself to do it by now.

Im confused, is this an anti path thread or a lack of time management/commitment (personal issue) thread.

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