I Solemnly Swear to Always Call Out Rustfeather and the Arachnoid Harvester in General - Mechagon and to Slow My DPS To Allow Others Time to Arrive

Can’t you just make one appear whenever you want?

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UR also BM hunter?


I have several characters parked in mechagon for an efficient farming rotation. Mostly have its respawn time pinpointed, and i burn the damn bird as soon as it spawns with all my cooldowns… Even tho i already got the mount and the plans on every toon.

You’re a good boy Rorrand!

Gives good boy Rorrand a treat


I’ve seen it around Dazar’alor quite a bit, but the thing about cool rare mounts is that you see them more often than their drop rate simply because you have people trying to show them off.

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I hit it once. Thatis enough for me.

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Serenity now! Serenity now!

/moo :cow:


There was a mage calling rustfeather up every 2 minutes. He somehow made like 30 people wait there for rustfeather from 0. Got tired of his sh*t, went down the hill, it actually spawned, and I missed the kill.

Still have him on block though

I do the same thing. Boost that health pool a bit to let some more folks make it to him, or any other rare.

I asked someone posting in zone and he said he uses addon “rare share”. Said there is one for Mech and Naz.

I like to call out when their down to 1% area. Just watch them swoop in as it dies. Down with society and its rules!!!

We could celebrate by burning something down…wait…thats been done before. Damn it ><

Now we just need map coordinates to be built into the game.

You are a good kind soul.

The best of us. Continue doing the work of our lord and saviour N’zoth, I mean Azeroth.

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Seen some one with both Rust and Harvester mounts second week in. That guy should have brought a lotto ticket :slight_smile:

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Good boy :slightly_smiling_face:

I always call it out. Mainly because when I find it, there’s no one there to help me kill it. Once enough people come that I won’t get aggro, I just hit the mob a couple of times to get credit, then just stand there.

I have both mounts. Camped them on nine toons.
Camp Rustfeather, Harvester gets a zone wide yell easy to make it to him from Rustfeather before he dies. Was doing this even with a ground mount.
Also: Spam custom group Harvester checks while waiting can save you a lot of time.
List a group if he spawns, save others time, no need to burst.

LOL, serenity works too.

I got lucky today on my DK, got the jet pack plans so made my own and was there when Rustfeather spawned, that’s how I got the jetpack and something else.

I got 2 plans, the other was to make things orange. Idk what I’d use that for but there it is.

It was a good day in Mechagon for me.