That’s your opinion. I have had positive conversations with others here.
What a great friendly contribution to the forums!
You replied to me here, lol :
You like to insult and bait people all the time, you just get ticked off when it gets thrown back at you and/or when someone disagrees with you about a video game lmao.
Do you deny not going into countless threads and just going “no Horde pride” in response to anything I say? Do you want me to dig up the countless posts? If not, I can wait until you can delete them.
Every thread I make–without fail–you and Trivel are there, referencing a completely unrelated point I made before. It’s actually creepy.
I don’t need to insult you, dear Spud. You insult yourself.
Yeah, I do deny it. Make sure you know the meaning of countless though, because honestly I only remember responding to you a few times myself. Maybe Frank has more, but whatever. I mean no ill will towards you, it’s all jokes to me.
I remember when you personally insulted a Goblin Shaman poster, too. It was pretty uncalled for:
I don’t disdain any ones actual existence for disagreeing with me over a video game, nor do I personally hate them.
It means I like to yell Lok’tar Ogar and For the Horde while playing for the red team, yes. Honestly, what else should it mean in a video game? What are you expecting it to mean?
Horde pride for me died when the Horde is no longer led by an emo Elf that wants to kill every living thing. Jaina and Anduin are the real poo poo and pee pee bad guys but Blizzard will never admit it and continues shoving them in our faces because of Alliance loving writers like Christie Golden. Horde pride died for me when they villain batted the Horde but I hate characters like Baine because they want peace and for the war to end and that’s not cool. That’s like Alliance stuff or something.
Sylvanas was right. The Horde is nothing. I guess I’ll just go make a Vulpera.
Not really sure why I came back, but I quit wow for like 9 months because of this stupid story. Why can’t they make the Alliance have traitors trying to overthrow their leader instead of forcing it on the Horde AGAIN. I didn’t like it the first time with being forced to backstab Garrosh, and now we had to do it again instead of uniting against the Alliance.
Read the comments on the shadowlands cinematic bori no need to lie
Sylvanas should have died in bfa
I am tired of Sylvanas
Bolvar should have won
The story would be better if bolvar smashed her head
I hope this is the last xpac with Sylvanas
It looks like they’re setting him up to be the head of the council and/or person who makes unilateral decisions even if the council supposedly exists, like they did with Jaina and the Council of Six in Dalaran. For example, Baine and only Baine gets to decide whether the vulpera join the Horde or not.
Jaina and the Council of Six is a great example for the response I’m about to make because she was only making ‘unilateral’ decisions for them while everyone was agreeing with her. The second the majority of the council disagreed with her, she was overridden. Baine may have unilaterally accepted the Vulpera, but if they are in the Horde it’s because the rest of the Horde agrees to let them be there.
From a story telling perspective the beauty of this arrangement is that peace loving, ‘burning my people in their sleep is a valid military tactic’ Baine can be out voted while keeping his characterization intact.
Well–we only assume the council agreed with her during the Purge because we saw no evidence to the contrary. But for the way the thing played out in the game, she might as well have been the Queen of Dalaran Whose Word Is Law. If they’re going to do that with Baine, they might as well make him freakin’ Peacechief and be done with it.
How is it wrong? I’m not on the PTR, so I’m going on what’s been reported here.
Baine says they cant help cause the horde cant take the burden, the vulpera then go and help the rest of the horde that need help then they come back to baine and go like we helped and then baine goes I was wrong you proved me that the vulpera can help the horde.
The Purge of Dalaran has become a lost issue, as of the Sunreavers turning into Sylvanas loyalists and throwing themselves at Jaina in a suicide blitz.
So yeah, at this point Blizzard has failed to establish any dissent within the Council of 6 over the Purge, they certainly won’t now.
That’s pretty much what I’d heard. I don’t see anyone other than Baine making decisions in that description?
I feel like we’re making two different points here. As far as I can tell, you’re saying it’s fine for Jaina to act like the sovereign ruler because the council is on her side, and I’m saying that Jaina acting like the sovereign ruler is a problem (IMO) even if the council is on her side.
ETA: If Blizz is going to put councils in the game, they shouldn’t function identically to monarchies, or else what’s the point?
My counterpoint is in two parts. One, her council didn’t function identical to a monarchy because she was overruled and then replaced. You can’t overrule and replace a monarch. Two, you’re expecting way too much of Blizzard to show the inner workings of a government when it’s not plot relevant. So long as the council of 6 agreed with Jaina, there was no point in wasting limited story opportunities in game showing her conferring with or answering to them, when their disagreement lead to a change in Dalaran’s leadership, then they show that discussion happening.
Now one significant difference is that Jaina was legitimately leader of the Dalaran council of 6. First among equals, but still first. for the Horde council I’m actually hoping to see the speaker for Horde leadership change based on the circumstances. By all means have Baine the diplomat welcome the Vulpera, Talanji would be a better fit from a story perspective but she’s new so Baine is fine. But when the topic is Horde interests in Lordaeron, I’d much rather see Voss, or whoever ends up on the Forsaken leader, taking the spotlight. Lor’themar or Thalyssra for Thallasian or arcane matters. And so on.