I sided with Sylvanas out of spite

Jaina isnt a villain




Villain Jaina would have been an interesting story arc, watching as she fell down the same hate pit that her dad chose. Seems to me they were thinking of taking her that way at the start of Legion when she fled the scene in an Angry-At-The-Horde tiff.

I guess Ian and the rest of the devs chickened out somewhere along the road and thought Tyrande would be the better choice for “Angry Alliance Leader”.

Except for all the times she’s portrayed as such to the Horde player. :^)


But she isnt, the fact that jaina is attacking the horde is suppose to make you think what caused such a horde loving person to hate you, your suppose to reflect and come back to the side of good.

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…And Sylvanas happens to be portrayed as a villain to both Alliance and Horde players


Not a villain to me :slight_smile:


You’re special.


how much death and destruction jaina caused? hmm Probably killing some belfs in dalaran. and… eh… killing rasthaboi? so much death.

sylvanas probably killed more horde than her.
That is kinda sad to be honest.

Characters who are presented as villains to just one side don’t always get defeated.

Characters who are presented as villains to both sides do. And they either die or get eternally imprisoned.

ETA: If this doesn’t happen to Sylvanas, it will be a first.


Not really, no. She’s only portrayed as a villain to the Alliance and the traitors (which are mechanically flagged as Alliance during the civil war scenario.)


Hmm, interesting point. But I’m still not quite convinced because the loyalist side was an afterthought–she was going to be a villain to everyone because they assumed everyone in the Horde would be with Saurfang. So I’m honestly not sure what that means for the future.

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The horde is nothing.

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What’s that have to do with anything? You’re still loyal to Sylvanas after she leaves.

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not loyal anymore next xpac

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You’ve got Shadowlands? Impressive. How is it?


Nah I just listened to what Ion said at blizzcon, where they said the loyalist story is over and they arent continuing it

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So we take Blizzard’s word as gospel now?

Let’s look at their track record of Blizzcon interviews stating things that ended up not being total lies.

Oh wait, there’s nothing here.


So you think they are gonna get off there lazy asses and do more content for the loyalist side even tho you saw how lackluster it was, and they say I am more hopeful of blizzard.

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Differences in dialogue and quest text is all that’s really needed considering we’re just with the Horde out of necessity if we’re a loyalist.

All they need to do is wait until they reveal Sylvanas did nothing wrong and BOOM, Sylvanas comes back to lead the Forsaken and the loyalist parties on.

Have Tyrande and Genn get so frothing at the mouth at this that they attack the Horde, like the cutscene in 8.3 implies.

BOOM Another stupid faction war expansion.