I sided with Sylvanas out of spite

For all intents and purposes, he is god, or a deity level character within the setting. Same as the arbiter and some of the titans.


This should be a bannable offense.


So man trying to beat god, is a trope, and like I said, why wouldnt sylvanas be so full of herself to think she could.

You called my attention to a bad, bad thing.

I had to look at that alot in an attempt to make sense of it. Still looks like a bitter lady dog in heat, though I lent it more credence.

Did your master roll you across the “w” key with a rolled up newspaper?


Among others Samariyu asks why you aren’t in the Discord yet.

To be frank, I use Discord when Pugs or other Raid groups demand it. Other than that - not so much. I am not well versed in such things. I can be altogether disagreeable, and I do not think a Discord is my scene. I use Discord On Demand not as a fun thing.

But I like that the group it is there. Maybe I will check it out.


I mean, I basically start fights every time I pop into the channel.


Hard disagree. Death of Superman is iconic, and so is “I don’t feel so good, Tony.”

(The bit where Wonder Woman murders the Shazam kids in Flashpoint is also fun but less relevant)

Death is a valid tool and the death of an icon can be an immortal moment. Blizzard doesn’t accomplish this, but so what? Do we want cowardly writing that treads water forever while the “icons” rust?

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Varian though. Memeable at the very least.

“For the Alliance…AAAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!!!11111”


Arthas and varian where great, hella even garrosh “YOU LEFT ME TO PICK UP YOUR PIECES.”


Buy a ticket to see Cats.


I kinda disagree. Nobody outside of dedicated fans remembers how Superman died (any of the times they did it). It’s just remembered as a thing DC did, that of course didn’t stick.

And that’s Marvel, not DC. Plus, it also didn’t stick.

And that’s on top of the fact that Arlifrex’s original question was about killing off villains, not heroes.

So overall, I don’t find the comic book examples to be a convincing argument in favor of killing all of WoW’s villains.

I not only remembered how Superman died, but also the team of B-List Justice Leaguers that got smacked around prior to his death, and the foreshadowing about the return of an iconic Justice Leaguer that happened during that event.

As a dedicated fan, I can confirm, the events leading up to Superman’s death didn’t even make it into the animated movie about Superman’s death.

You’re going to sit here and tell me that the over a dozen villains in the G.R.R. Martin pitched Salvation Run series didn’t rock your world?


Villians that dont die are super boring, just look at the emperor in RoS Literally the most lame thing they ever done, that goes for heroes too, just like having villians lose all the time, or heroes that win all the time, having some soft safe game/story where nothing happens is lame


Okay, but you’re a self-confessed dedicated fan.

They didn’t rock my world.

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What, fans remember? Why should blizzard care about non fans, one of the reasons movies and shows are so bad now adays is companies trying to appeal the masses, leading to watered down and bland stories, like the new star wars.

I haven’t made a definitive case, for sure. Do I really need to, though? There are so many examples of great deaths in all kinds of media. If someone believes WoW is special, that we should never kill big WoW characters, I feel like the burden of proof is on them.

Vozul tried to make this claim by drawing a comparison with comics. My response is that Vozul’s premises are false – comic book characters die all the time, often in a way that has an impact.

To invoke Granny, this seems like a bold claim, depending on how you define “dedicated fans.”

If what you’re really saying is that people who aren’t into comics don’t know comics lore, then…weird yardstick?

If you’re saying people who read comics regularly don’t remember major deaths in their comics, then I just disagree.

I don’t see why that matters? Does anything about Vozul’s argument somehow not apply to Marvel?

How about Thanos or Ego, then?


Warcraft is also a universe wherein most of the villains do get defeated, in one way or another, after causing a bunch of destruction… I’m not sure why Sylvanas of all characters should now be spared.


Thrall will regain his shaman powers and use them to kill Sylvanas, a contrast to how he lost them when he killed Garrosh.

Calling it now.


Dunno, Jaina seems fine.