I showed friends incursions last night

the dev team spent their time putting incursions into the game instead of content people like. as a result we have an average raid and virtually nothing good this phase. pvp balance still crap. no good pvp content. no one except you likes incursions. there are 12 devs. if they are spending their time making sht incursions, they arent spending it making other content. its that simple. the incursion model is where sod goes to die. p3 has been a case study in that.


I said I do incursions how they are intended and still do not find them fun after you said people would find incursions fun if they did them as intended. Your response was to go on a tirade calling me an entitled baby.



becuase you are. If you dont like incursions so much, you wouldnt do them and just accepted the next best item that isnt locked behind the rep. But instead you’d rather cry on forums and tell blizzard to change it so that you can get your bis item. Its textbook entitlement. Work for what you want even if you dont like it…

Yeah, recently quit SOD after playing WoW since 04 and tbh I feel other games are just way way better now. Getting into some of the other RPGs and world builders really shows how terrible SOD and WoW Classic overall has become

My guild also lost about 20 players since P1 and now pugs 5-6 for ST each week


That is what I’m doing. Still somehow an entitled baby by your definition.

This guy had it right about you.

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All dramatics aside, OP.

You could’ve just had them do one quest for the Feralis incursions after collecting the daily from the quest giver to get 1k rep. Do it for 3 days and you’ll get your “important” rune.

Things that didn’t happen for 500 please Alex.

Its really ok that you dont believe me. There’s less people now and less by the day. We’re going to go play some BG3


The correct way to play incursions is to play them in a party. You have to find a group, organize together, share quests, and do content as a party in a living world. This fits the spirit of Classic.

The correct way to play LFD and LFR is to hit the booze hard, turn off your brain, mute chat, and zug as a solo player in an instanced siloed piece of content. This is against the spirit of Classic.

Christ almighty, shilling for LFR while hating on Incursions, you are truly the deplorable.

I told OP the same thing but he keep ignoring us lol, getting to friendly is actually a joke so I doubt OP’s credibility for complaining about it. Seems like the actual issue is that exp is too good but hides it behind another “issue”.

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Incursions are nothing like anything in classic, tbc, or even wotlk. Goes against everything vanilla is. Runes and better balance were supposed to flesh out classes and bring better dynamic play.

No kill, addon forced, route mapped running to speed turn in quests with faction based tag kills or aoe quest completion updates on escorts is absolute garbage.

So people can rightfully be upset. The world is dead as the devs destroyed any lvling, community building, or immersive play.


The games all yours brothers and sisters. Drain every last shred of soul and suck the last ounce of marrow from the bones. This is not WoW anymore.

I’ll troll the forums for awhile yet because its my entertainment while working.


On the bright side, the feralas sprite dragons drop small flame sacs, which are both still necessary for cooking and are worth 2g each on my server.

they’ve been doing this successfully for 20 years so clearly user experience doesn’t matter or else we wouldn’t play the game, right?

(saying that we are the problem, and mod writers…bless their hearts)

I feel that op incursions also make me not want to play the game anymore.

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Imagine zerging content becoming to normalized that what makes an mmo an mmo is no longer appealing. People have no chill and no longer enjoy the community aspect of the game. Other players are just needed tools for you selfish progression. There is 0 fun in playing an mmo now. Everyone is main character syndrome and discord heros telling the coolest stories possible. Dead are the days of people just chilling and enjoying a game. It doesnt matter what the devs do. They could release perfection and you lot would still complain.

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Actually nice to be able to make some money while you’re leveling if you want to just grind it out.

I’m not going to lie, I was a bit stunned with the game design when I started doing Incursions. I never found them fun and I was instantly turned off by the entire concept.

I’ve been in good groups and mowed through these. The fact that these are just repeatable quests really makes me scratch my head. Clearly the devs aren’t trying to protect the original game design.

I did a few pvp incursion ganking groups and that is way way way more fun than mindlessly running around doing this repeatable nonsense.

I’m sorry, but the people finding these fun, are you really thinking about these in your spare time? Like you’re ready to get off work and go jump into some super fun Incursion runs?


Yeah people say it never happened to them so it doesn’t happen but I know an entire collective people in my guild who str8 up do not login anymore because the reality of incursions is if you aren’t doing them, you are behind. People saying otherwise are ignorant.


Honestly the silithus rep grind quest system was more fun than incursion loops. Nothing beat 3am grinding with friends for rockfury bracers